Enemy Class

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In Knighthood, Monsters are sorted into different Classes. These classes do not affect damage output or abilities, but are used for handling animations and poses. They may also affect the number of hits performed per attack.

Some enemies may use a variation of a Class model with different animations or stances, but the same base skeleton.

Note: all Class names except Assassin and Warrior are not official.

† This enemy has one or more unique animations


The Assassin Class is a smaller humanoid, wielding one weapon in each hand. They typically do 2 hits per turn, with their Power animation typically involving repeated stabs for extra damage.

List of Assassin Class Monsters


The Skirmisher Class is an average-sized humanoid typically wielding a one-handed weapon and a shield on the off-hand. They deal 1-2 hits per turn, with their Power typically involving either throwing an object or bashing their weapon and shield together to produce an effect.

List of Skirmisher Class Monsters


The Warrior Class is a bulky humanoid, wielding a large two-handed weapon. They typically deal 1-2 hits per turn, with their Power animation usually involving stabbing the ground with the sword to produce an effect.

List of Warrior Class Monsters


The Champion Class is a larger, stockier humanoid with a wide stance, wielding a weapon in one hand and a shield or other weapon in the other hand. They typically deal 1 hit per turn, with their Power usually involving sliding their weapon along the ground to attack with a shockwave.

List of Champion Class Monsters


The Archer Class is a slim-built humanoid, wielding a bow and arrow. They typically deal 1 hit per turn, with their Power animation usually involving them firing a shot to rain down arrows on the target.

List of Archer Class Monsters


The Alchemist Class is a small-sized humanoid wielding two bottles or other objects, which are then thrown at the target once or twice per turn, with their Power typically involving shaking and releasing a bottle to produce an effect.

List of Alchemist Class Monsters


The Spellcaster Class is a lanky humanoid wielding a tall staff. They typically attack once per turn by waving their staff to fire a projectile, and their Power involves hitting their staff against the ground to produce an effect.

List of Spellcaster Class Monsters


The Harpy Class is a humanoid shape floating in the air, with or without wings. They typically attack once per turn by casting a projectile from their hands, and their Power involves spinning in the air before casting various spells using their entire body.

List of Harpy Class Monsters


The Brute Class is a hulking, ape-like knuckle-walking humanoid with massive arms. They attack once or twice per turn with a spinning punch, followed by a hook with the other hand. Their Power usually involves slamming the ground with both fists to produce a shockwave attack.

List of Brute Class Monsters


The Boar Class is quadrupedal and stocky, typically attacking once per turn with a galloping tackle. Their Power usually involves pawing the ground before attacking with a charged tackle.

List of Boar Class Monsters


The Wolf Class is quadrupedal, typically attacking once per turn with a leap forward and biting motion. Their Power involves a howl to produce an effect, or launching bits of fur for damage.

List of Wolf Class Monsters


The Bear Class is large, broad, and quadripedal, typically attacking once per turn with a lunge or a swipe of the paw. Their Power usually involves rearing up before slamming down with both front paws.

List of Bear Class Monsters


The Bird Class floats in the air with wings, and usually has two back legs despite never having an animation for using them. They attack once per turn by diving down and attacking with their mouth or beak. Their Power involves screeching to either produce an effect or attack with a projectile.

List of Bird Class Monsters


The Spider Class is an arachnid-shaped enemy, attacking once per turn by scuttling forward and biting at the target. Their power involves shaking their limbs to produce an effect.

List of Spider Class Monsters


Reserved for Boss Monsters, the Giant Class is a huge, wide-set humanoid with short legs and large arms spread out in a sumo-like stance. They attack with either a one-two punch if they are in the front row, or by hurling a large boulder or firing a projectile from their arm if they are in the back row. Their Power usually involves getting on all fours and roaring to produce an effect.

List of Giant Class Monsters


A more unique Class, the Beastman Class is a humanoid shape with a hunched stance and outstretched arms, wielding no weapon, instead opeing to attack once or twice with claw slashes. Their Power involves holwing at the sky to produce an effect.

List of Beastman Class Monsters


There is currently only one Monster that uses the Cannoneer Class. The model is a humanoid standing behind a large mounted gun. It attacks once per turn by firing off the cannon, with its Power involving firing a charged blast into the sky before an attack comes down and hits the target.

List of Cannonneer Class Monsters

† This enemy has one or more unique animations