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Knight's Gauntlet

"It is the symbol of the Order of Rage, and together we will rebuild its glory!"
― Sir Drakeson

Gauntlets allow the Knight to punch, summon Heroes and gain Rage as well as various Status Effects. The Knight's Gauntlet is unlocked first as a starter, and other Gauntlets can be unlocked by fulfilling certain goals.

List of Gauntlets

(Rage Up)
(Base Boost)
(Rage Boost)
(Punch Status)
Knightsgauntlet.png Knight's Potential
(use a Base Power)
All Weapons N/A N/A N/A N/A Stunicon.png Stun
Champgauntlet.png Champion's Fortitude
(hit by an enemy attack)
Axe Rogue Icon Sm.png Rogue Hunter Icon Sm.png Hunter Champion Protecticon.png Protect Stunicon.png Stun
Rebelgauntlet.png Rebel Growth
(gain a positive Status Effect)
Axe Mage Icon Sm.png Mage Alchemist Icon Sm.png Alchemist Rebel Protecticon.png Protect Acid} Acid
Holygauntlet.png Holy Faith
(healed by a Power)
Sword Alchemist Icon Sm.png Alchemist Warrior Icon Sm.png Warrior Holy Regenerateicon.png Regenerate Burnicon.png Burn
Chaoticgauntlet.png Chaotic Might
(use a damage-dealing Power)
Hammer Alchemist Icon Sm.png Alchemist Rogue Icon Sm.png Rogue Chaotic Regenerateicon.png Regenerate Acidicon.png Acid
Logiciansgauntlet.png Logician Wisdom
(use a power that causes a Status Effect)
Sword Hunter Icon Sm.png Hunter Mage Icon Sm.png Mage Logical Regenerateicon.png Regenerate Freezeicon.png Freeze
Darkgauntlet.png Dark Wrath
(hit by an enemy's Power)
Sword Warrior Icon Sm.png Warrior Hunter Icon Sm.png Hunter Dark Furyicon.png Fury Burnicon.png Burn
Maverickgauntlet.png Maverick Guile
(land a critical hit)
Sword Mage Icon Sm.png Mage Warrior Icon Sm.png Warrior Maverick Regenerateicon.png Regenerate Poisonicon.png Poison
Maniacalgauntlet.png Maniacal Spite
(gain a negative Status Effect)
Axe Hunter Icon Sm.png Hunter Alchemist Icon Sm.png Alchemist Maniacal Regenerateicon.png Regenerate Poisonicon.png Poison
Lawfulgauntlet.png Lawful Honor
(use any Power)
Hammer Rogue Icon Sm.png Rogue Mage Icon Sm.png Mage Lawful Regenerateicon.png Regenerate Freezeicon.png Freeze
Valiantgauntlet.png Valiant Courage
(use a Base Power)
Hammer Warrior Icon Sm.png Warrior Rogue Icon Sm.png Rogue Valiant Protecticon.png Protect Stunicon.png Stun

Unlock Requirements

The following are the requirements to obtain the individual Gauntlets:

  1. Knight's Gauntlet- First gauntlet available to the player. Unlocked upon starting the Tomb of Heroes conquest in Astellan.
  2. Champion's Gauntlet - Unlocked after completing 100 Hunts, can also be purchased for 500 Gems.
  3. Rebel Gauntlet- Unlocked after defeating 100 Cave Monsters, or can be purchased for 2500 Gems.
  4. Holy Gauntlet- Unlocked after defeating 250 Roaming Monsters, or can be purchased for 2500 Gems.
  5. Chaotic Gauntlet- Unlocked after earning 500 Arena Crests, or can be purchased for 2500 Gems.
  6. Logician's Gauntlet- Unlocked after completing 1000 floors in Onslaught Dungeon, or can be purchased for 10000 Gems.
  7. Dark Gauntlet- Unlocked after earning a total of 10000 Guild Accolades, or can be purchased for 20000 Gems.
  8. Maverick Gauntlet- Unlocked after punching 50000 times, or can be purchased for 10000 Gems.
  9. Maniacal Gauntlet- Unlocked after earning a total of 1000000 Gold, or can be purchased for 10000 Gems.
  10. Lawful Gauntlet- Unlocked after earning a total of 50000 Gems, or can be purchased for 20000 Gems.
  11. Valiant Gauntlet- Unlocked after completing 5000 Hero Favors, or can be purchased for 10000 Gems.


Each gauntlet has a set of perks which can be upgraded to make them more powerful.

  1. Rage fill-up - Rage is filled by x% every time a certain condition is met.
  2. Health Bonus - increases Knight's health by x%.
  3. Punch Boost - punches do x% more damage.
  4. Weapon type Boost - weapons of a certain type do x% more damage.
  5. Critical Bonus - increases critical chance by x%.
  6. Hero Class Speed - Base Powers of heroes of a certain class charge x% faster.
  7. Hero Class Base Boost - heroes of a certain class do x% more damage with Base Powers.
  8. Hero Alignment Rage Boost - heroes of a certain Alignment do x% more damage with Rage Powers.
  9. Punch Buff- all punches have a x% chance of inflict a positive status effect to the Knight.
  10. Finishing Punch Debuff - finishing (ultimate) punches have a x% chance of inflicting a negative status effect to the target enemy.

All gauntlets have the same 2nd perk (health bonus), 3rd perk (punch boost) and 5th perk (critical bonus). The following table compares the remaining perks for each Gauntlet.

Extra Rage Bug

Several gauntlets unintentionally grant extra Rage meter by using Heroes whose Class matches the Speed perk requirement and whose Power meets the Rage Up perk requirement. This boost is directly related to the Speed perk's current % Core Upgrade. For example, the Holy Gauntlet with +70% Alchemist Speed gives +70% Rage when an Alchemist Hero uses a Power that heals.

The currently affected gauntlets are:

  • Chaotic (Alchemist dealing damage)
  • Holy (Alchemist healing)
  • Logician's (Hunter inflicting a Status)
  • Valiant (Warrior using a Base Power)
  • Lawful (Rogue using any Power)


Main article: Core
Table of upgrading costs per stage

Gauntlet perks are upgraded using Cores. The Basic Core is used for the Knight's Gauntlet, while every other gauntlet uses a variety of different Core Types.

Core Types

  • Basic Cores: Upgrades the Knight's Gauntlet.
  • Knight Cores: Upgrades Main Perks and Health perks.
  • Strength Cores: Upgrades Punch Damage and Weapon Damage perks.
  • Speed Cores: Upgrades Critical Hit Rate and Class-Specific Base Power Speed perks.
  • Hero Cores: Upgrades Class-Specific Base Power Damage and hero Alignment-Specific Rage Power Damage perks.
  • Status Cores: Upgrades Status Effect Chance perks.

Upgrade Stages

This applies for non-Knight's gauntlets.

Earlier stages of a perk will require normal cores; later stages will require super and mega cores, in that order. Perks either have 6 or 10 nodes, which have different upgrade prices.

Rage fill-up, hero class speed, punch buff and finishing punch debuff perks have 6 nodes with the following costs:

15 Normal → 25 Normal → 10 Super → 20 Super →15 Mega

Health, Punch, Weapon, Critical, Class, and Alignment boost perks have 10 nodes with the following costs:

6 Normal → 9 Normal → 12 Normal → 15 Normal → 5 Super → 10 Super → 15 Super → 5 Mega → 10 Mega


The Gauntlets are weapons that can summon the spirits of the dead. The Gauntlets were gifted to the Order of Rage by the Dwarven Forgemasters Brokkr and Sindri.

The red gems embedded in the gauntlets are refined from fragments of fossilized hearts of the ancient race of Giants, which is what gives them their summoning abilities. Shards of these hearts can also be found wielded by the Onslaught Dungeon Bosses, granting them the power to summon Monsters to their side from the depths of the dungeon.
