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This page lists any work-in-progress pages that need significant data. Specific pages can also be found by searching for the keyword "WIP." If you can provide this info, feel free to edit it yourself or send it in a message Zigmatism here or on Discord. If you complete a list item, you may remove it from this page.


  • Add dialogue to Storyline conquest tables for Realm of Fire (see Karnheim#Storyline for an example)
  • Add enemy numbers and stamina costs/rounds for Realm of Fire
  • Stamina cost and Rounds for every conquest and Tower floor in Karnheim




  • Astellan
    • Tailor: Cost of every cosmetic item
  • Highgard
    • Tailor: Cost of every cosmetic item
  • Mirefen
    • Gem mine: max, full time, time to fill 1 gem
    • Tailor: Cost of every cosmetic item
  • White Peak
    • Tailor: Cost of every cosmetic item
  • Realm of Fire
    • Tailor: Cost of every cosmetic item
    • Bazaar: Available/cycling items and cost

Game Modes

Conquest Towers: Stamina cost and rounds for each floor