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Guild Island
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White Peak
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Realm of Fire
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"These were happy, prosperous farms. Good people lived here..."
― Sir Drakeson

For the Rage Knight, see Lord Highgard.

Highgard is the second region unlocked in Knighthood. It is a peninsula off the coast of the mainland, populated with various fields and farms as well as a massive walled city that gives the region its namesake. It is also home to the Sacred Portal.


Main Conquests

Name Stamina Cost Enemies Rewards Remarks
Overworld Dialogue

Drakeson: ... No ... I don't believe it. This is Highgard, or what's left of it. These were happy, prosperous farm. Good people lived here...
Drakeson: Only Necros the Cursed would ravage the land in this way. His undead blight must be stopped. Only a Rage Knight can do this.
Drakeson: It seems the walls of Gardsheim still hold. Go there and gather supplies. You must be ready. Necros uses dark magics, and undead hordes will protect him.
Peaceful Meadows 5 Level 6: Skeleton Swordsman x6, Skeleton Guardian x3, Skeleton Archer x2

300 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Gardsheim (Town).
Unlocks Oakwood (Hunt).

Dreskal Fields 5 Level 6: Undead Fowl x1, Undead Boar x4, Skeleton Swordsman x1, Skeleton Guardian x1, Skeleton Archer x3

300 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Guthan's Shrine.

Deer's Plain 6 Level 7: Undead Fowl x1, Undead Boar x1, Skeleton Swordsman x3, Skeleton Guardian x3, Wickerman x1, Burning Wickerman x1

300 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Bramble Wood side conquest.

Lonely Dell 6 Level 7: Undead Fowl x1, Skeleton Swordsman x5, Skeleton Guardian x2, Wickerman x2, Burning Wickerman x1

300 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks The Portal.

Dark Coast 6 Necros the Cursed

Level 8: Skeleton Swordsman x4, Skeleton Guardian x2, Skeleton Archer x2

600 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Oshian's Fingers side conquest.

Overworld Dialogue

Drakeson: This land is ruled by Lord Highgard. He was once a Rage Knight like me, and a wise and strong leader, but he has not been seen for years.
Drakeson: Highgard's Crown is his capital, and it was once a vibrant city. However, the city was closed off to all comers shortly after he disappeared.
Drakeson: Since then, the North has become a harsh place. Cruel and vicious militia brutalize the locals, demanding outrageous taxes. We must go to the city to investigate.
Westernvale 7 Level 8: Skeleton Swordsman x4, Skeleton Guardian x1, Skeleton Archer x2, Cultist Acolyte x3, Cultist Thug x1, Wickerman x1

300 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Hoard Pass side conquest.
Unlocks Gold mine.

Merewood 8 Level 9: Skeleton Swordsman x2, Skeleton Guardian x2, Cultist Acolyte x4, Cultist Thug x1, Wickerman x1, Burning Wickerman x1

300 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Barrowport (Hunt).

Highferry 8 Level 10: Skeleton Swordsman x5, Skeleton Guardian x1, Cultist Acolyte x1, Cultist Thug x2, Wickerman x1, Burning Wickerman x1, Shadow Harpy x1

600 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Middwood (Hunt Master).
Unlocks Beltway View side conquest.

Crown's Crossing 9 Level 11: Skeleton Swordsman x1, Skeleton Guardian1, Skeleton Archer x2, Cultist Acolyte x2, Cultist Thug x3, Burning Wickerman x1

600 XP
40 Gold
1 Basic Core

Pre-Battle Dialogue

Lord Highgard: Hmph, you're punier than I had imagined.
Lord Highgard: My scouts ran to me like scared mice, wailing about a new Rage Knight.
Lord Highgard: I had them executed for cowardice, and now that I see you, I wish I could execute them twice!
Lord Highgard: My land is teeming with highly trained and rather dangerous militia.
Lord Highgard: If they don't stop you, I'll be waiting for you at the Endless Bridge...
Lord Highgard: And if you think that butchering a few beasts means you're ready to take me on, you're mistaken.
Lord Highgard: Guards! Do your jobs.
East Wall 9 Level 11: Militia Swordsman x5, Militia Archer x2, Militia Alchemist x2

1,500 XP
40 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Highgard's Crown (Town).
Unlocks Highport (Hunt).
Unlocks Crown's Ridge side conquest.

Overworld Dialogue

Drakeson: Well, Lord Highgard still lives. But I no longer recognize him -- a darkness has risen in him. He now presides over a reign of cruelty. He must be stopped.
Drakeson: He waits for you at Endless Bridge. Why does he wish to stop you from crossing it? He has no reason to prevent you from reaching the swamps of Mirefen.
Drakeson: Whatever his reasons, you must fight your way through his militia to get there. Be careful. They are strong and disciplined.
Thieves Wood 10 Level 12: Wolf x2, Militia Swordsman x2, Militia Officer x1, Militia Alchemist x1, Militia Archer x3

1,000 XP
40 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks West Wall side conquest.

Mounts Romp 11 Level 13: Dark Fowl x1, Armored Bear x1, Militia Swordsman x3, Militia Archer x1, Militia Alchemist x1

1,000 XP
40 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Cobbleberry Woods (Hunt).
Unlocks the Dwarven Foundry.

Crossings View 11 Level 14: Wolf x1, Dark Fowl x1, Armored Bear x1, Militia Swordsman x2, Militia Officer x1

1,000 XP
40 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Riversmeet Nook side conquest.

Crown's Way Knight Trial 6 Level 15: Lord Highgard

Heroes: Gunn, Balendu

2,000 XP
2 Basic Cores

Unlocks Mirefen.

Pre-Battle Dialogue

Lord Highgard: Welcome to my castle.
Lord Highgard: You've done well to make it this far, but your journey ends here!
Round 1 Dialogue

Lord Highgard: Ha! You think you are someone because you've killed a few goblins and beasts?
Lord Highgard: You are nothing!
Lord Highgard: Let me show you what true power is!
Round 2 Dialogue

Lord Highgard: You have more spirit than I thought.
Lord Highgard: It would be a shame to waste such skill. Perhaps we can come to some kind of arrangement... No? Disappointing.
Lord Highgard: Then prepare to feel my wrath!
Post-Battle Dialogue

Lord Highgard: You have defeated me, puny one. I yield.
Lord Highgard: You fight like a true Rage Knight.
Lord Highgard: Heh, I was once like you, but now...
Lord Highgard: I guess all power comes at a cost.
Lord Highgard: A cost all those who stray from the path into the darkness will pay eventually.
Lord Highgard: All I wished was to be strong - to better protect my people.
Lord Highgard: My path is unchangeable now. I cannot save myself or my men.
Lord Highgard: But for you, this is just the beginning...
Lord Highgard: Go now and bring freedom back to this land!
Overworld Dialogue

Drakeson: Well done! The way to Mirefen is now clear. Let's go.

Side Conquests

Name Stamina Cost Enemies Rewards Remarks
Bramble Wood 6 Level 7: Undead Boar x1, Skeleton Swordsman x1, Skeleton Guardian x4, Skeleton Archer x5

300 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Bramble View (Hunt).

Oshian's Fingers 7 Level 8: Skeleton Swordsman x1, Skeleton Guardian x1, Cultist Acolyte x3, Cultist Thug x2, Wickerman x2, Burning Wickerman x1

300 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Brelmere Isle (Hunt).

Hoard Pass 8 Level 9: Spider 1, Shadow Spider x2, Skeleton Swordsman x1, Cultist Acolyte x2, Cultist Thug x1, Wickerman x1, Shadow Harpy x1, Derwen Harpy x1

300 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks the Hoard's Hole Monster Cave.

Beltway View 8 Level 11: Cultist Acolyte x3, Cultist Thug x3, Wickerman x1, Burning Wickerman x2, Derwen Harpy x1

600 XP
20 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Sakroch (Hunt).

Crown's Ridge 10 Level 12: Wolf x2, Cultist Acolyte x2, Militia Swordsman x3, Militia Archer x1, Militia Alchemist x2

900 XP
40 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Miner's Walk side conquest.

Miner's Walk 10 Level 13: Skeleton Swordsman x1, Cultist Acolyte x2, Cultist Thug x1, Burning Wickerman x1, Militia Swordsman x2, Militia Officer x1

900 XP
40 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Tellurian Bar mine.

West Wall 10 Level 13: Cultist Acolyte x1, Cultist Thug x2, Militia Swordsman x1, Militia Officer x1, Militia Archer x2, Militia Alchemist x1

900 XP
40 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Imperial Coast (Hunt).

Riversmeet Nook 11 Level 14: Dark Fowl x2, Armored Bear x1, Cultist Acolyte x1, Burning Wickerman x1, Militia Swordsman x3

1,000 XP
40 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Volcanite Bar mine.

Side Stories

Guthan's Shrine
  • Complete a Green Favor at the Shrine
  • Complete 3 Green Favors at the Shrine
  • Get a Strong vs Undead Hero to Level 6
  • 1,000 Gold
  • 12 Lesser Scrolls of Heroism
  • Equipment Chest
Unlock Guthan's Shrine
A Rage Knight! Wow! I never thought I'd get to meet - oh right, the Shrine! If you go to Guthan's Shrine, your Heroes can assist us locals and become even stronger!
Scourge of the Undead
  • Complete 3 Hunts in Highgard
  • Defeat 20 Undead enemies
  • Get a Strong vs Undead Weapon to Level 8
  • 12 Lesser Scrolls of Heroism
  • Acid Chain Charm III
  • Hero Chest
Complete Lonely Dell conquest
I've not seen an Undead infestation like this since... well, let's just say it's been some time. Come, let's help rid Highgard of this menace.
Hoard's Hole
  • Find the Monster Cave
  • Play 1 battle in the Monster Cave
  • 32 Volcanite Bits
  • 30 Wormwood shards
  • 3 Improved Potion of Recovery
Complete "Scourge of the Undead" side story
Hmm, promising indeed. Head to Highgard's Monster Cave. There you can battle increasingly powerful foes, and earn Crimson Souls to spend in Amelia's Monster Shop.
Raiding Time!
  • Complete a Monster Cave boss on Normal
  • Raid the Monster Cave 3 times
  • Raid Hunts 3 times
  • 3 Thurisaz
  • Acid Blade Charm II
  • Critical Strike Charm II
Complete "Hoard's Hole" side story
Did you know that one you've mastered a Hunt or Monster Cave enemy, you can pretty much do it with your eyes closed? Well, I can anyway. Can you?
Breaking the Law
  • Unlock a Strong vs Militia Hero
  • Get a Strong vs Militia Hero to Lv 8
  • Get a Strong vs Militia weapon to Lv 11
  • Win 2 battles using a Strong vs Militia weapon
  • Regen Rush Charm II
  • Alchemist Power Charm II
  • Minion Attack Charm II
Complete Crown's Crossing conquest
Lord Highgard has always had a sizable ego, but I never thought he'd use his militia to terrorize his own people. Time to take his men down a peg or two...
Wherever I May Roam
  • Defeat 20 Militia enemies
  • Defeat 3 Roaming Monsters in Highgard
  • Get a piece of body Armor to Lv 12
  • 12 Scrolls of Lesser Heroism
  • 2 Mannaz
  • Stunning Strike Charm II
Complete "Breaking the Law" side story
You have proven to be formidable so far. But have you seen the threats that roam Highgard? Giant beasts, fierce trolls... it's our job to keep these Roaming Monsters at bay.
Mines of Highgard
  • Find Highgard's Gold Mine
  • Find Highgard's Tellurian Mine
  • Find Highgard's Volcanite Mine
  • 4 Improved Scrolls of Heroism
  • Burn Defense Charm II
  • Armor Charm III
Complete "Where I May Roam" side story
Highgard has several mines, all producing useful materials that a Knight like yourself may need. Come find us, and we'll give you a steady supply.
Brokkr's Challenge
  • Transmute a piece of armor
  • Transmute a weapon
  • Transmute a Rare charm
  • 6 Torches
  • Acid Damage Charm II
  • Equipment Chest
Complete Mounts Romp conquest
Well, what have we here? A Knight. HA! I remember the old days, I was constantly fixing up gear for your lot. Get your backside over here, and we'll get you some new stuff.
King of Monsters
  • Clear Bloodwing on Normal difficulty in the Monster Cave
  • Clear Gorbash on Normal difficulty in the Monster Cave
  • Clear Necros on Normal difficulty in the Monster Cave
  • 1 Mannaz
  • 2 Thurisaz
  • 4 Improved Scrolls of Heroism
Complete all Highgard side conquests
Greetings, valiant Knight. If you seek a new challenge, Highgard's Monster Cave is home to some of our more... difficult residents. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the rewards. You'll need to check the Cave every day to find your quarry.


Main article: Hunts#Highgard

Highgard has eight (8) Hunts.


  • Gardsheim
    • Weaponry
    • Alchemist
  • Highgard's Crown
    • Armory
    • Tailor
    • Bazaar



Cutting Edge Weapons - Gardsheim
Item Note Price Stock
Common Weapon Lv 6, Random each week 1000 1
Common Weapon Lv 6, Random each week 1000 1
Common Weapon Lv 6, Random each week 1000 1
Rare Weapon Lv 1, Random each week 4000 1
Rare Weapon Lv 1, Random each week 4000 1


Armor by Sten - Highgard's Crown
Item Note Price Stock
Common Helmet Armor Lv 11, Random each week 1460 1
Common Shoulder Armor Lv 11, Random each week 876 1
Common Body Armor Lv 11, Random each week 1000 1
Rare Armor Lv 1, Random each week 4000 1
Rare Armor Lv 1, Random each week 4000 1


Styles of Highgard - Highgard's Crown
Item Note Price Stock
Common Lower Face Random each week 200 1
Common Face Paint Random each week 125 1
Common Hairstyle Random each week 250 1
Common Hair Dye Random each week 150 1
Rare Eyes Random each week 4,375 1
Rare Ears Random each week 2,500 1
Rare Lower Face Random each week 5,000 1
Rare Face Paint Random each week 3,125 1
Rare Hairstyle Random each week 6,250 1
Rare Hair Dye Random each week 3,750 1
Rare Cape Random each week 5,000 1

Monster Cave Shop

Main article: Monster Cave#Highgard: Amelia's Monster Shop


Dr. Fronk's Tinctures - Gardsheim
Item Note Price Stock
Lesser Elixir of Rage Rare, Increases Rage by 50% 200 4
Lesser Potion of Recovery Rare, Restores 100 health and armor 100 4
Lesser Potion of Clarity Rare, Dispels Dizzy 100 4
Lesser Potion of Protection Rare, Reduces damage taken by 50% 200 4
Lesser Scroll of Heroism Common 30 Hero XP 50 4
Improved Scroll of Heroism Rare 300 Hero XP 800 1


Charming Lazar's - Highgard's Crown
Item Note Price Stock
Common Blade Charm Weapon Charm, Random Every Week 2000 1
Common Strike Charm Weapon Charm, Random Every Week 2000 1
Common Rush Charm Weapon Charm, Random Every Week 2000 1
Common Rush Charm Weapon Charm, Random Every Week 2000 1
Common Strike Charm Weapon Charm, Random Every Week 2000 1
Common Health Charm Armor Charm, Random Every Week 2000 1
Common Defense Charm Armor Charm, Random Every Week 2000 1
Common Defense Charm Armor Charm, Random Every Week 2000 1
Common Damage Charm Armor Charm, Random Every Week 2000 1
Common Damage Charm Armor Charm, Random Every Week 2000 1


Highgard has three mines which supply gold, tellurian bars and volcanite bars.

Gold 100 9 min 36 sec 16 hr
Tellurian Bars 10 1 hr 12 min 12 hr
Volcanite Bars 10 1 hr 12 min 12 hr

Monster Cave

Main article: Monster Cave#Highgard

Shrine of Heroes

Highgard's shrine is located in Guthan's Shrine.

Dwarven Foundry

Main article: Dwarven Foundry

The Dwarven Foundry is a transmutation site for weapons, armor and charms to be fused to higher rarity versions.

Sacred Portal

The Sacred Portal is the main hub to access the content for the various Special Events that take place throughout the year.

Knight Trial

The end of Highgard is at Crown's Way, where the Knight will face Lord Highgard.

2000 XP and the final 2 Basic Cores will be awarded upon completion, and unlock Mirefen.

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Guild Island
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White Peak
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Realm of Fire
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Atlantica Icon Small.png