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"Ah! Mirefen - a land of bogs, frogs, magic, and nasty smells."
― Sir Drakeson

Mirefen is the third region unlocked in Knighthood. It is a sprawling swampland on the coast of the mainland, dotted with various shanty towns as well as the Library of Enlightenment and the Onslaught Dungeon.


Main Conquests

Name Stamina Cost Possible Enemies Rewards Remarks
Overworld Dialogue

Drakeson: Ah! Mirefen -- a land of bogs, frogs, magic, and nasty smells. An old colleague of mine, Sir Farquar lives here.
Drakeson: I believe there is an overgrown fungus causing havoc at Lif's Turn. We'll need to defeat him to get to Lakenfen.
Drakeson: Let's wade our way there and meet the charming fenfolk on the way.
Bogsmouth 11 Level 15: Root Hound x5, Root Brute x3, Root Healer x1

1,000 XP
10 Gold
1 Basic Core

Unlocks Wickfen (Town).
Unlocks The Morpharium.
Unlocks Ostanshore side conquest.

Bayview 11 Level 16: Root Hound x3, Root Brute x4, Root Healer x2

1,000 XP
60 Gold

Unlocks Wickbay (Hunt).

Hingston 12 Level 16: Root Hound x4, Root Brute x4, Root Healer x2

1,500 XP
60 Gold

Unlocks Hillfor side conquest.
Unlocks the Library of Enlightenment.

Lif's Turn 13 Omphalotus Rex

Level 17: Root Hound x2, Root Brute x3, Root Healer x1

5,000 XP
60 Gold

Unlocks Northdale side conquest.

Overworld Dialogue

Drakeson: The Fenfolk have never been friendly. But Sir Farquar kept them civil at least. What has happened here?
Drakeson: The locals I've talked to tell me he has changed his name to Tirna Fika -- "The Lord of the Wilderness" -- and was last seen in Lakenfen.
Drakeson: Once merely the stuff of fairy tales, now the swamp monsters have become real -- and dangerous. Does my old friend know what is going on? Is he causing it to happen?
Yokeham 13 Level 19: Froskur Worker x4, Froskur Brawler x1, Froskur Archer x3, Froskur Enchantress x1

2,500 XP
60 Gold

Unlocks Hudennton side conquest.

Damfton 14 Level 20: Root Hound x1, Froskur Worker x3, Froskur Brawler x2, Froskur Archer x1, Froskur Enchantress x2

2,500 XP
80 Gold

Unlocks Aldplass (Hunt).
Unlocks Wedfod (Hunt Master).

Lif's Breech 14 Level 20: Root Hound x3, Root Healer x1, Froskur Worker x2, Froskur Brawler x2, Froskur Enchantress x2

2,500 XP
80 Gold

Unlocks Wedplass side conquest.

Wizen Way 15 Level 21: Root Hound x1, Root Brute x1, Thorn of the Fenfolk x1, Defender of the Fenfolk x1, Bowman of the Fenfolk x1, Shaman of the Fenfolk x2, Druid of the Fenfolk x1

9,000 XP
80 Gold

Unlocks Lakenfen (Town).
Unlocks the Ferreden Monster Cave.

Overworld Dialogue

Sir Farquar was once one of the great Rage Knights, and a great friend. But he seems to have 'gone native' and lost his mind.
Drakeson: I've asked around, and people say he has secluded himself away in a hut near Aldbridge. We must find out what has happened to him.
Drakeson: Let's venture through the swamp and find him. The Froskur and Fenfolk will stand in our way. Make sure you can handle them.
Wealdview 15 Level 22: Root Hound x3, Root Brute x2, Thorn of the Fenfolk x2, Bowman of the Fenfolk x2, Shaman of the Fenfolk x1

4,500 XP
80 Gold

Unlocks Kurboon (Hunt).

Droogton 16 Level 23: Root Hound x2, Root Brute x1, Root Healer x1, Thorn of the Fenfolk x2, Defender of the Fenfolk x1, Shaman of the Fenfolk x1

4,500 XP
80 Gold

Unlocks Belch Pass side conquest.

Droog Pass 16 Level 24: Root Hound x2, Root Brute x1, Thorn of the Fenfolk x2, Defender of the Fenfolk x1, Druid of the Fenfolk x2

4,500 XP
80 Gold

Unlocks Bridge View side conquest.

Aldbridge Knight Trial 30 Level 25: Tirna Fika

Heroes: Vordrai, Keera

12,000 XP
10 Gems

Unlocks White Peak.

Pre-Battle Dialogue

Tirna Fika: The Horror .. The Horror!
Tirna Fika: The Darkness: It flows through my veins, invades my soul.
Tirna Fika: Why did you come here? Are you an assassin?
Round 1 Dialogue

Tirna Fika: You will not win. Your strength is just an accident arising from the weakness of others.
Tirna Fika: I am the land ... We are the land, and we have been tainted.
Tirna Fika: Darkness invades us. Darkness grows. It cannot be stopped!
Round 2 Dialogue

Tirna Fika: Wait, you wield a gauntlet? Who are you?
Tirna Fika: No matter. This place is cursed, you have no reason to be here.
Tirna Fika: Leave this place before it's too late.
Post-Battle Dialogue

Tirna Fika: Is that you, Drakeson? I remember now ... A long time ago, we were heroes then, weren't we?
Tirna Fika: And this, a new Rage Knight?
Tirna Fika: Maybe you can redeem the Knighthood and bring me peace.
Overworld Dialogue

Drakeson: I hope Sir Farquar finds the redemption he seeks. As for us... Onward to White Peak!

Side Conquests

Name Stamina Cost Enemies Rewards Remarks
Ostanshore 17 Level 15: Skeleton Swordsman x2, Skeleton Guardian x2, Root Hound x3, Root Brute x2, Root Healer x1

1,000 XP
60 Gold

Unlocks Sellery Nook (Hunt).
Unlocks Laden Pass side conquest.

Laden Pass 17 Level 16: Undead Boar x1, Skeleton Swordsman x1, Skeleton Guardian x1, Skeleton Archer x2, Root Hound x2, Root Brute x2, Root Healer x1

1,000 XP
60 Gold

Unlocks Gem mine.

Hillfor 12 Level 17: Cultist Acolyte x3, Burning Wickerman x2, Shadow Harpy x1, Root Hound x3, Root Brute x2

1,500 XP
60 Gold

Unlocks Seer's Swale (Hunt).
Unlocks Fulhope Step.

Northdale 13 Level 18: Root Hound x1, Froskur Worker x3, Froskur Brawler x1, Froskur Archer x2, Froskur Enchantress x2

2,500 XP
60 Gold

Unlocks the Onslaught Dungeon.

Hudennton 13 Level 19: Goblin Warrior x3, Armored Goblin x2, Goblin Alchemist x1, Froskur Worker x1, Froskur Brawler x1, Froskur Archer x2, Froskur Enchantress x1

2,500 XP
60 Gold

Unlocks Ostwash (Hunt).

Wedplass 14 Level 21: Wolf x2, Spider x1, Brown Bear x1, Froskur Worker x3, Froskur Archer x1, Froskur Enchantress x1

2,500 XP
80 Gold

Unlocks Soddenfod side conquest.
Unlocks Cayton (Hunt).

Soddenfod 15 Level 21: Wolf x1, Shadow Spider x3, Froskur Worker x1, Froskur Brawler x1, Froskur Archer x5

2,500 XP
80 Gold

Unlocks Tellurian Ingot mine.

Belch Pass 16 Level 23: Froskur Brawler x1, Froskur Archer x2, Froskur Enchantress x1, Thorn of the Fenfolk x3, Defender of the Fenfolk x1, Bowman of the Fenfolk x1

4,500 XP
80 Gold

Unlocks Belchway side conquest.

Belchway 16 Level 24: Root Hound x1, Froskur Worker x3, Froskur Brawler x1, Froskur Enchantress x1, Thorn of the Fenfolk x1, Bowman of the Fenfolk x1, Shaman of the Fenfolk x2

4,500 XP
80 Gold

Unlocks Volcanite Ingot mine.

Bridge View 17 Level 24: Root Healer x1, Froskur Brawler x3, Thorn of the Fenfolk x2, Shaman of the Fenfolk x1, Druid of the Fenfolk x3

4,500 XP
80 Gold

Unlocks Froskur Fen (Hunt).

Side Stories

Assemble the Team
  • Recruit Zoe to your team
  • Recruit Tristan to your team
  • Get Tristan to level 17
  • Get Zoe to level 17
  • 12 Malachite
  • 8 Improved Scroll of Heroism
  • 8 Valiant Tomes
Complete Bogsmouth conquest
You're hunting Omphalotus eh? You'll need the right Heroes then. My studies indicate that it will poison you with its noxious fumes - Tristan can help you with that. It's also guarded by Golems ... Ah. Zoe's Freeze is just what you need.
Expert Hunter
  • Gain at least 1 star in an Expert Hunt in Astellan
  • Gain 3 stars in Expert Hunts in Astellan
  • Claim an Expert Hunt Reward from the Huntmaster in Astellan
  • 2,500 Gold
  • 16 Tellurian Bars
  • 16 Volcanite Bars
Complete Bayview conquest, 3 Star all Astellan Regular Hunts
I'm impressed. Congratulations! I think you're ready for the next challenge! Expert Hunts have greater rewards... but deadlier enemies.
Into the Arena
  • Fight an Arena battle
  • Collect 10 Arena Crests
  • 8 Holy Tomes
  • 8 Lawful Tomes
  • Equipment Chest
Complete "Expert Hunter" side story
Hello there! You look suitably formidable and up for a fight! Come and battle in the Arena against rival Knights, and I'll give you Crests to spend in my store.
  • Obtain a Strong vs Demon Weapon[1]
  • Raise a Strong vs Demon Weapon to Level 18
  • Raise a piece of Shoulder Armor to Level 18
  • Raise a Helmet to Level 18
  • 5 Improved Scroll of Heroism
  • 8 Chaotic Tomes
  • 12 Cobalt
Complete Lif's Turn conquest
Oh great, another idiot Knight. You do know that this swamp is infested with Froskur? Not ready yet? Well, get a move on...
Down in the Dungeon
  • Clear the first floor of the Onslaught Dungeon
  • Clear floor 3 of the Onslaught Dungeon
  • Clear floor 5 of the Onslaught Dungeon
  • 6 Drops of Humility
  • 16 Knight Cores
  • 16 Dark Tomes
Complete "Froskurbane" side story
We hear terrible, terrible screams from the Onslaught Dungeon. But at least we have an Onslaught Dungeon! Highgard doesn't have a Dungeon. You should check it out.
Right Tool For The Job
  • Get a Strong vs Cult Hero to Level 21
  • Get a Strong vs Cult Weapon to Level 22
  • Wing 5 battles with a Strong vs Cult Hero
  • 6 Drops of Humility
  • 8 Champion Tomes
  • 8 Rebel Tomes
Complete Damfton conquest
Greetings, noble Knight! I'm a great believer in having the right tools for the job. So make sure you have the right equipment when heading into battle.
Rank Up!
  • Get a Strong vs Beast Hero to Level 21
  • Get a Strong vs Outlaw Hero to Level 21
  • Get a Strong vs Troll Hero to Level 21
  • 8 Drops of Humility
  • 8 Maverick Tomes
  • 8 Maniacal Tomes
Complete "Right Tool For The Job" side story
Ah, my young Knight friend. It's important to ensure that your Heroes are as strong and vital as your good self. It's up to you to make sure they continue to grow even stronger!
Seeing Stars
  • Get a Strong vs Beast Hero to Star Level 2
  • Get a Strong vs Outlaw Hero to Star Level 2
  • Get a Strong vs Troll Hero to Star Level 2
  • 8000 Gold
  • 5 Improved Scroll of Heroism
  • 8 Status Core
Complete "Rank Up!" side story
Ah, young Knight! Your thirst for knowledge is most admirable. Did you know that Hero Shards are always useful? If you've discovered a Hero of Old, you can still use their Shards to make them even more powerful!
Mirefen's Mines
  • Discover Mirefen's Gem Mine
  • Discover Mirefen's Tellurian Mine
  • Discover Mirefen's Volcanite Mine
  • 100 Gems
  • 12 Tellurian Ingots
  • 12 Volcanite Ingots
Complete Lif's Breech conquest
Brave Knight! We may not have a fancy city like Highgard's Crown, but Mirefen has superior mines! Does Highgard have a gem mine? No, no it doesn't.
Brokkr's New Challenge
  • Create 1 Epic weapon using Transmutation
  • Create 1 piece of Epic armor using Transmutation
  • Create 3 pieces of Epic armor using Transmutation
  • 4 Uruz
  • 10 Fehu
  • 4 Cobalt
Complete Droogton conquest
Oh look, it's you again. How about making sure you're ready for the challenges ahead by forging some Epic gear, hmm? Think your massive human meat hands can handle that?
Ferreden Cave
  • Discover Mirefen's Monster Cave
  • Collect 500 Crimson Orbs
  • Purchase an item from Hawking's Monster Shop
  • 8000 Gold
  • Critical Strike Charm III
  • Freeze Resist Charm III
Complete "Down in the Dungeon" side story
Hello again! If you're after more fun-filled things to do in our lovely region, Mirefen has its very own Monster Cave! With tougher monster's than Highgard's. So there!
  1. Even if you already have a Strong vs. Demon weapon, you still need to obtain another one or rank an existing one up to fulfill the side story requirements.


Main article: Hunts#Mirefen

Mirefen has a total of eight (8) Hunts.


  • Wickfen
    • Weapons
    • Alchemist
  • Lakenfen
    • Armory
    • Bazaar
    • Tailor



Wick's Forge - Wickfen
Item Note Price Stock
Common Weapon Lv 11, Random Each Week 2920 1
Common Weapon Lv 11, Random Each Week 2920 1
Common Weapon Lv 11, Random Each Week 2920 1
Common Weapon Lv 16, Random Each Week 2920 1
Common Weapon Lv 16, Random Each Week 2920 1
Rare Weapon Lv 1, Random Each Week WIP 1
Epic Weapon Lv 1, Random Each Week WIP 1


Outpost Armory - Lakenfen
Item Note Price Stock
Common Body Armor Lv 21, Random Each Week 6024 1
Common Shoulder Armor Lv 21, Random Each Week 3012 1
Common Legs Armor Lv 21, Random Each Week 4016 1
Common Arms Armor Lv 21, Random Each Week 2008 1
Common Helmet Armor Lv 21, Random Each Week 5020 1
Common Body Armor Lv 21, Random Each Week 6024 1
Common Shoulder Armor Lv 21, Random Each Week 3012 1
Common Legs Armor Lv 21, Random Each Week 4016 1
Common Arms Armor Lv 21, Random Each Week 2008 1
Common Helmet Armor Lv 21, Random Each Week 5020 1
Rare Helmet Armor Lv 11, Random Each Week 5700 1
Rare Shoulder Armor Lv 11, Random Each Week 4900 1


Sweenie's Barbers - Lakenfen
Item Note Price Stock
Common Hairstyle Random each week 250 1
Common Hair Dye Random each week 150 1
Common Lower Face Random each week 200 1
Common Face Paint Random each week 125 1
Rare Eyes Random each week 4,375 1
Rare Ears Random each week 2,500 1
Rare Lower Face Random each week 5,000 1
Rare Face Paint Random each week 3,125 1
Rare Hairstyle Random each week 6,250 1
Rare Hair Dye Random each week 3,750 1
Rare Cape Random each week 5,000 1

Monster Cave Shop

Main article: Monster Cave#Mirefen


Kendal's of Wick - Wickfen
Item Note Price Stock
Improved Elixir of Strength Epic, Increases damage of Weapons and Punches by 350% for 2 actions 400 2
Improved Elixir of Rage Epic, Increases Rage by 100% 400 2
Improved Potion of Curing Epic, Dispels all negative Status Effects 400 2
Improved Potion of Protection Epic, Reduces damage taken by 75% 400 2
Lesser Scroll of Heroism Common 30 Hero XP 50 4
Improved Scroll of Heroism Rare 300 Hero XP 800 2
Greater Scroll of Heroism Epic 3000 Hero XP 7500 1


Boris's Drop Shop - Lakenfen
Item Note Price Stock
Drop of Humility Rare Drop, Used for ranks 1-2 and 2-3 5000 4
Drop of Diligence Epic Drop, Used for ranks 3-4 and 4-5 10000 4
Drop of Generosity Legendary Drop, Used for rank 5-6 20000 4
Holy Tome Epic Tome, Used to rank up Holy Heroes 2500 8
Valiant Tome Epic Tome, Used to rank up Valiant Heroes 2500 8
Champion Tome Epic Tome, Used to rank up Champion Heroes 2500 8
Logical Tome Epic Tome, Used to rank up Logical Heroes 2500 8
Rebel Tome Epic Tome, Used to rank up Rebel Heroes 2500 8
Maverick Tome Epic Tome, Used to rank up Maverick Heroes 2500 8
Dark Tome Epic Tome, Used to rank up Dark Heroes 2500 8
Chaotic Tome Epic Tome, Used to rank up Chaotic Heroes 2500 8
Lawful Tome Epic Tome, Used to rank up Lawful Heroes 2500 8
Maniacal Tome Epic Tome, Used to rank up Maniacal Heroes 2500 8


Mirefen has three mines which supply gems and ingots. The latter is used for upgrading rank 3 equipment.

Gems 2 4 hr 8 hr
Tellurian Ingots 2 8 hr 16 hr
Volcanite Ingots 2 8 hr 16 hr

Monster Cave

Mirefen's monster cave is located in Ferreden.

Shrine of Heroes

Mirefen's shrine is located in Fulhope Step.

Onslaught Dungeon

Main article: Onslaught Dungeon

Located in Demon's Descent, this daily ten-stage battle swarming with monsters gives players chances to win items to upgrade their gauntlets and heroes.

Enlighten Library

Main article: Enlighten Library

Mirefen houses the Library of Enlightenment, where players can give their Heroes extra bonuses based on the level they have reached with Heroes of different Monster strengths.


Main article: Morphing

Mirefen is home to the Morpharium, where players can morph Weapons and Armor into Skins to customize other Equipment.


  • Mirefen is the homeland of Queen Krita, and the Onslaught Dungeon is the former location of her castle
    • According to Queen Krita's Hero Spotlight, the land's name used to be spelled "Myrefenn"