Queen Krita

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"Centuries ago, Queen Krita was the monarch of vast lands, with her castle being based in what is now northern Mirefen. She was also a skilled warrior, and would never ask her troops to take risks that she wouldn't take herself. She is most famed for repelling the White Peak Troll Invasion."

Queen Krita is a Unique Hero in Knighthood. She is a Valiant Warrior who is strong vs Troll Monsters. She is a human warrior in purple and gold plate armor, wielding a massive broadsword and possessing a large, mechanical, prosthetic right arm.

Where to Find

Shards of Queen Krita can be found by opening Gold Chests, Hero Chests, Valiant Chests, and Unique Heroic Chests, as well as a rare drop from Timelost of the Rift.

Hero Spotlight

Introducing Queen Krita.jpg

When Krita was born, her future was already laid out before her. Born as the eldest daughter to Queen Kaira, she was destined to inherit the throne, and to rule Myrefenn and its adjacent territories.

As a princess, Krita was a wild and rebellious child. However - after many a stern lecture from both her parents and Master Ulfred - she grew to learn the importance of her future role. She studied hard, learning both the arts of diplomacy... and war. After her mother's untimely death, Krita was crowned queen, and swore to rule justly, and to protect her people and their lands. Now a mother herself, she hoped to set as good an example of leadership to her child as Queen Kaira did.

Queen Krita ruled over a peaceful and prosperous nation... until, some ten years after her coronation, reports came in of settlements on the northern borders being destroyed by Trolls. As the number of reports increased, it became clear that this was no minor incursion - Krita's people were suffering a full scale Troll invasion! As refugees from the north sought shelter in the capital, Krita and her advisors formulated a plan to push back against the White Peak Trolls, and their leader, Kerg Stoneheart.

The war was a long and vicious one, with many casualties - including Krita's arm. Ultimately, though, her forces would prevail - her formidable battle prowess, her devotion to her people and her diplomatic skills not only rallied her own people, but also encouraged unexpected alliances. When Logan and his Lycan pack, Gunn and her Goblin clan, and Lanasa and the Derkar stood at her side, Krita knew that victory was assured. The White Peak Trolls retreated, never to recover their former power... and Kerg Stoneheart went missing.

Many centuries later, Myrefenn's royal line failed, and Castle Krita fell into ruin- and is now home to the Onslaught Dungeon. But the people of what is now Mirefen still talk of the legendary Queen Krita, the greatest of their monarchs.

Krita's spirit is now ready to join the fray once more!

Star Level

Unique - 7 star hero. Each star increases powers by +10%.

Final star bonus: Chance to Fury with Base Power.


Name Description Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 45 Strong vs Chance to
Base Power Call to Arms Deals damage to the front row and fills the Rage meter 80-89 584-645 1751-1935 Expose
Rage Power Queen's Command Distributes damage to all enemies 454-794 3300-5772 9900-17316



  • The engraving on Queen Krita's sword reads "ᚢᚿᛐᛁᚠᛆᛐᛁᛐ", which according to the developers translates to "Undefeated"
    • The in-lore explanation for this phrase not matching the Runic used through the rest of the game is that language and spelling changes over time, much like how Old English evolved over time into modern spelling.
  • Queen Krita is the first Hero to be introduced using the Hero's Challenge, on January 25, 2023
Hero Navigation
Ash.png Helmar.png Rosalin.png Sola.png
Aeron.png Anaara.png Balberith.png Blaine.png Cladis.png Fahari.png Gwen.png Krusa.png Neko.png Outis.png Rokara.png Serra.png Tara.png Tristan.png Titania.png Wormwood.png Zalam.png Zoe.png
Byrne.png Delphinia.png Don Diego.png Dvalin.png Grax.png Grimm.png Lars.png Nijuro.png Olaf.png Pentatonix.png Rhiannon.png Ulfred.png Ursula.png Viktor.png
Ayako.png Brutus.png Carmilla.png Eileen.png Ericson.png Garron.png Griz.png Gunn.png Herne.png Kamil.png Lanasa.png Logan.png Lukin.png Millicent.png Samael.png Vordrai.png Wei Feng.png
Alder.png Azhar.png Balendu.png Bayani.png Caliban.png Doctor Flox.png Erinn.png Geber.png Isstara.png Keera.png Lance.png MacLeod.png Mikazuki.png Petra.png Queen Krita.png Urmas.png