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"Brave and Charismatic, Bayani was the beloved protector of his people. As well as his natural speed and agility, he was also blessed with the ability to control rocks. He used his talent to both help build his town, and to protect it from Golems."

Bayani is a Unique Hero in Knighthood. He is a Valiant Rogue who is strong vs Golem type Monsters. He is a human with long brown hair and tattoos, wearing loose orange clothing and a blue headband, and wielding two bladed gauntlets.

Bayani was added during the 2021 Troll Hunt Flag.png Troll Hunt Event.

Hero Spotlight

Introducing Bayani.jpg

Bayani was born and raised in a bustling trading town. His father was a prosperous merchant, and his mother was chief of the town guard - they'd joke about how they'd teach him "the way of trade, and the way of the blade".

At least, as a child Bayani assumed it was a joke. But as he grew, his father began taking him on trade trips, teaching him how to balance books and check stock, how to negotiate... and Bayani hated it. Although he tried to hide his boredom out of love and respect for his father, his parents quickly realised that his talents lay elsewhere. His mother began training him in the art of combat, and, at the age of sixteen, he joined the town's guard.

Any sour comments about preferential treatment were soon silenced when his comrades saw his speed and agility. His natural charisma (and early lessons from his father in negotiation) also came in useful, as he could often diffuse a tense situation with good natured banter. When words failed, however, his physical prowess allowed him to overpower and capture even the most hardened bandits.

His faith in his abilities was shaken, however, when the town suffered a devastating attack from Golems. The town guard pushed back as hard as they could, but their usual battle techniques were ineffective against the strange, implacable foes. As the town struggled to recover, more attacks came.

Bayani did something that nobody expected, and turned to books. Looking for an answer to solve their issues, he came across an ancient text that contained the secrets of geomancy. Every spare moment between attacks, Bayani studied, convinced that this was the answer.

The art of geomancy didn't come quickly to him, but his determination paid off. He began using his new found skills to help rebuild and strengthen the town and its defences and, when the next attack came, Bayani unleashed ferocious forces against the Golems. Bayani was hailed as both a great builder, and a great protector of his people.

Star Level

Common - 7 star Hero. Each star increases powers by +10%.

Final star bonus: adds a chance to inflict Freeze with Base Power.


Bayani's Base Power takes 7 turns to fully charge.

Name Description Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 45 (3 Stars) Strong vs Chance to
Base Power Six Punch Bonanza Deals damage to the current target. 167-185 Expose
Rage Power Highscream Deals damage to all enemies and dispels all buffs. 363-635


  • Bayani's design is based on Filipino style and culture.
    • "Bayani" in Filipino means "hero" or "a person of extraordinary courage and ability."
    • His tattoos are based on batok, traditional Filipino tattoos.


Hero Navigation
Ash.png Helmar.png Rosalin.png Sola.png
Aeron.png Anaara.png Balberith.png Blaine.png Cladis.png Fahari.png Gwen.png Krusa.png Neko.png Outis.png Rokara.png Serra.png Tara.png Tristan.png Titania.png Wormwood.png Zalam.png Zoe.png
Byrne.png Delphinia.png Don Diego.png Dvalin.png Grax.png Grimm.png Lars.png Nijuro.png Olaf.png Pentatonix.png Rhiannon.png Ulfred.png Ursula.png Viktor.png
Ayako.png Brutus.png Carmilla.png Eileen.png Ericson.png Garron.png Griz.png Gunn.png Herne.png Kamil.png Lanasa.png Logan.png Lukin.png Millicent.png Samael.png Vordrai.png Wei Feng.png
Alder.png Azhar.png Balendu.png Bayani.png Caliban.png Doctor Flox.png Erinn.png Geber.png Isstara.png Keera.png Lance.png MacLeod.png Mikazuki.png Petra.png Queen Krita.png Urmas.png