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"Pentatonix was the most famous chieftain in ancient Astellan. When the Dokka invaded, he used his strength, cunning and unrivalled musical talents to lead his tribe to safety. Many years later, his great-great-great-granddaughter would befriend Ericson and unite the tribes of Astellan."

Pentatonix is an Epic Hero in Knighthood. He is a Lawful Rogue who is strong vs Beast 1.png Beast type Monsters. He is a shirtless human with blond braided hair and mustache, wearing blue checkered pants, a necklace of emblems, and an ornate gold horned helmet, wielding a large carved hunting horn.

Where to Find

Shards for Pentatonix can be obtained by completing Hunts in Sturmbeck, White Peak.

Hero Spotlight

Introducing Pentatonix.jpg

In his youth, Pentatonix was wild and reckless, caring more for music and mead than learning the duties that he was expected to inherit from his father. When the Dokka began their invasion, his father fell in battle.

In the midst of this tragedy, Pentatonix found himself to be the new Chieftain of his tribe. He rose to the occasion, defying the Dokka and becoming the most famous Chieftain in Astellan history.

Star Level

Epic - 5 star hero. Each star increases powers by +10%.

Final star bonus: Chance to Unfocus with Rage Power.


Name Description Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 45 - 5 stars Strong vs Chance to
Base Power Fanfare Restores health or armor. 1430 - 1581 4494 - 4968 Fury
Rage Power Grand Finale Distributes damage across all enemies. 2956 - 5171 9292 - 16252 Burn



Hero Navigation
Ash.png Helmar.png Rosalin.png Sola.png
Aeron.png Anaara.png Balberith.png Blaine.png Cladis.png Fahari.png Gwen.png Krusa.png Neko.png Outis.png Rokara.png Serra.png Tara.png Tristan.png Titania.png Wormwood.png Zalam.png Zoe.png
Byrne.png Delphinia.png Don Diego.png Dvalin.png Grax.png Grimm.png Lars.png Nijuro.png Olaf.png Pentatonix.png Rhiannon.png Ulfred.png Ursula.png Viktor.png
Ayako.png Brutus.png Carmilla.png Eileen.png Ericson.png Garron.png Griz.png Gunn.png Herne.png Kamil.png Lanasa.png Logan.png Lukin.png Millicent.png Samael.png Vordrai.png Wei Feng.png
Alder.png Azhar.png Balendu.png Bayani.png Caliban.png Doctor Flox.png Erinn.png Geber.png Isstara.png Keera.png Lance.png MacLeod.png Mikazuki.png Petra.png Queen Krita.png Urmas.png