Knight's Gauntlet

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The Knight's Gauntlet is the first gauntlet available to the player in Knighthood.

This gauntlet is unlocked upon starting the Tomb of Heroes conquest in Astellan.


The Knight's Gauntlet is used to capture the first four Common Minions:


  1. Potential - Fill rage by 10% when using a normal power. ◇
  2. Health Bonus - Increase your health by 10% per level. ◇◇◇
  3. Punch Boost - All punches do 10 / 25 / 40% additional damage. ◇◇◇
  4. Weapon Boost - All weapons do an additional +3% damage per level. ◇◇◇
  5. Critical Bonus - Increase critical chance by 2% per level. ◇◇◇
  6. Stun Finisher - Finishing punches have 3% chance per level to Stun. ◇◇◇


This gauntlet only relies on basic cores for upgrading. Basic cores have no other purpose. Additionally, unlike other gauntlets you get later, the possible upgrades provided by the Knight's Gauntlet have to be unlocked in order.

Knightsgauntlet.png Champgauntlet.png Rebelgauntlet.png Holygauntlet.png Chaoticgauntlet.png Logiciansgauntlet.png Darkgauntlet.png Maverickgauntlet.png Maniacalgauntlet.png Lawfulgauntlet.png Valiantgauntlet.png