Dead Parrot

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"It's not dead, it's pining for the fjords. Beautiful plumage though."

The Dead Parrot is a Common Undead Minion that the player can capture and bring to the Arena League. It has no regular counterpart.


The Dead Parrot can be found in the Bramble View hunt in Highgard. It must be captured with the Knight's Gauntlet. When captured, it starts at level 5. Capturing a duplicate will grant the player 10 Un-bread.


The Dead Parrot has low health and armor and does Light damage. Its Power is Long Squawk, which restores health or armor to allies and has a chance to give Regenerate.

Additional Data

Enemy Class: Bird

Stats by Level
Level Damage Armor Health Power
35 1569 3360 1120 WIP
40 2130 4560 1520 3443-4658


  • The Dead Parrot's description is an homage to the Monty Python's Flying Circus "Dead Parrot" sketch, in which a pet shop customer tries to return a dead parrot to the shop.
