Status Effect

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A Status Effect in Knighthood is a temporary modification that impacts a Knight or Monster's performance in battle. These can be applied from a Hero or Monster Power, a Gauntlet ability, a Charm effect, or via a unique Monster ability such as being attacked with a weapon or punch attack.

These effects are indicated by an icon underneath the affected combatant's armor and health bars, alongside a number indicating how many turns the effect applies.

  • Status Effects that deal damage do so at the end of the combatant's turn. For example, once the Knight has used all 4 of their moves, or after a Monster has attacked or used a Power.
  • Status Effects don't take effect or count down if all Monsters in a Round are defeated on the Knight's turn (except during Guild Boss Battles, or if the 4th action was a Hero Power). Instead, they carry over to the next Round, unless the battle is over.

Damage Values


The three damage-dealing Status Effects (Acid, Burn, Poison) have fixed values based on Rarity and Level when applied by Heroes. The three have the same base damage values.

  • These damage values are only affected by monster weaknesses/resistances, the Enlighten Library's Damage Boost, and the Max Star effect of a few Heroes. Status damage is unaffected by Hero star level and damage-modifying stasuses, i.e. Protect or Expose.
  • The same damage-dealing Status Effect can be applied several times, resetting the counter and adding together damage from past inflictions.
    • This added damage only applies for as long as the past inflictions still last; for example, if an enemy had 1 turn of Burn left, then Burn was reapplied for 3 more turns, the next turn would add the two Burn effects together, then the remaining 2 burn turns would have standard damage.

The following table shows damage values for statuses applied by Heroes of various levels and rarities, as displayed on their in-game description page. (The number displayed in-game is not modified by the Enlighten Library's Damage Boost.) The damage increase caused by a Hero gaining a level doubles every 10 levels across all rarities, up until level 40 where it instead doubles every 5 levels, a system similar to other level-scaling values in Knighthood.

The damage ratio of Common:Rare:Epic:Legendary:Unique is approximately 4:5:6:7:8.

Hero Status Effect Damage per Round
Level Common Rare Epic Legendary Unique
1 16 23 34 53 88
10 52 68 88 116 168
20 132 168 208 256 320
30 292 368 448 536 640
40 612 768 928 1,096 1,280
50 1,572 1,968 2,368 2,776 4,076
60 5,412 6,768 8,128 9,496 14,144

Additional Notes

  • Most effects have a duration of 3 turns. No effects last more than 3 turns.
  • Hero and Monster powers labeled as "Strong Vs (status)" do 50% more damage to enemies affected with the listed Status Effect(s).
    • All versions of Karnage do +100% damage against the listed Status Effects.
  • Some Guild Bosses, Rift Bosses and Event Bosses will begin each Round with a positive Status Effect applied.
  • Regenerate's healing per turn uses the same numbers as Acid, Burn, and Poison.

Standard Status Effects

These Status Effects can be inflicted by the Knight, Heroes, or Monsters.



Burn deals damage at the end of the target's turn.

Heroes who inflict Burn:

Heroes whose powers are Strong Vs Burn:



Acid deals damage at the end of the target's turn. If the target has Armor, Acid deals 50% more damage.

  • If an enemy's Armor is completely depleted by an Acid effect, any remaining damage to health will be reduced by 50%.

Heroes who inflict Acid:

Heroes whose powers are Strong Vs Acid:



Poison deals damage directly to health at the end of the target's turn.

Heroes who inflict Poison:

Heroes whose powers are Strong Vs Poison:



Regenerate restores health at the end of the target's turn.

  • If target's Health is full - the rest of Regen points will restores the target's Armor.

Heroes who cause Regenerate:



Fury boosts the damage output of all attacks by 35%.

  • If this effect is applied after Weaken, it will negate that effect.
  • Fury does not affect Hero Powers.

Heroes who Cause Fury:



Protect causes the target to take 35% less damage from all attacks.

  • If this effect is applied after Expose, it will negate that effect.
  • Effects, such as Burn, Acid, Poison or Regenerate, is not affected by this status.
  • If a Power is Strong Vs any Status Effect, the bonus damage dealt is not reduced; however, the base damage is still reduced.
    • Example: An attack that does 1000 damage and is Strong Vs Burn hits a target with Protect and Burn. The damage dealt will be the bonus damage (50% of 1000 = 500) plus 65% of the base damage (650), which totals 1050.

Heroes who cause Protect:



Focus boosts critical chance by 25%.

  • If this effect is applied after Unfocus, it will negate that effect.
  • Focus does not affect Hero Powers.

Heroes who cause Focus:



Weaken reduces the target's damage output to all attacks by 35%.

  • If this effect is applied after Fury, it will negate that effect.
  • Weaken does not affect Hero Powers.

Heroes who inflict Weaken:

Heroes whose powers are Strong Vs Weaken:



Expose causes the target to take 35% more damage from all attacks, including Hero Powers.

Heroes who inflict Expose:

Heroes whose powers are Strong Vs Expose:



Unfocus reduces critical chance by 25%.

  • If this effect is applied after Focus, it will negate that effect.
  • Unfocus does not affect Hero Powers.

Heroes who inflict Unfocus:



Stun prevents all actions for 1 turn. This effect does not work on Guild Bosses, Onslaught Commanders, or Knights in Arena League battles.

Heroes who inflict Stun:

Heroes whose powers are Strong Vs Stun:



Freeze prevents all actions for 1 turn. This effect does not work on Guild Bosses, Onslaught Commanders, or Knights in Arena League battles.

Heroes who inflict Freeze:

Heroes whose powers are Strong Vs Freeze:

Player-Exclusive Effects

These effects can only be inflicted by Players through Battle Boosts.

Potion of Protection


Potion of Protection reduces incoming damage by 50%, 75%, or 100%.

  • This is different from Protect and is not calculated when an Enemy attack is Strong Vs. Protect.

Elixir of Strength


Elixir of Strength increases damage for Weapon swings and Gauntlet punches by 250%, 350% or 450% for the next 2 actions.

  • The number on the status indicates how many attacks will be boosted.
  • This damage does not affect Hero Powers.

Monster-Exclusive Effects

These effects can only be inflicted by Monsters (including Minions).



Haste allows an enemy to attack 4 times in one turn.

  • If an enemy instead uses a Power, Haste does not apply, but will still tick down for that turn.



Dizzy reduces an player's actions in a turn to 1.

  • Healing the Dizzy effect with a Potion or Hero Power with Cure does not restore the lost actions for that turn.



Doom deals damage equivalent to 33% of the Knight's health and armor at the end of your turn.



Calcify stuns the caster for 1 turn and makes them immune to most damage, but not to Hammer weapons, Hero powers, and Status Effects.



Grow increases the target's size every time they are hit with a Weapon or Punch, increasing their damage output by 10% for each hit.



Sacrifice greatly increases the damage of the affected monster's damage for 2 turns, but in return the affected monster will be "sacrificed," removing them from the battle without awarding Event Points.

  • This effect is exclusive to Gelkar Abyssal Mist Flag.png.
  • If the enemy is unable to use an attack before Sacrifice wears off (such as through Stun or Freeze), the effect will not apply.



Shrink reduces the Knight's size, lowering their attack power by 35% and increases the damage they take by 35%



Stealth prevents the affected enemy from being damaged by Weapon or Punch attacks. Hero Powers and previously applied damaging status effects such as Burn will still do damage.

  • This effect is exclusive to the Abyssal Mist Flag.png Abyssal Mist Enemies.
  • Attacking an enemy with Stealth will still increase Base Power charge, but will not proc any positive status effects from Charms.

Invisible Effects

Invisible Effects do not have symbols or text as they do not have a duration, but are a common part of Hero and Monster Powers and affect other Powers and Status Effects. Moreover, all of them have 100% chance to succeed, and this cannot be reduced by any means.


Cure removes all negative Status Effects from the target, the target typically being the user of the Power or the user's ally. On a Hero's or Monster's Power description, it is typically written as "removes all negative status effects".

Heroes who cause Cure:


Dispel removes all positive Status Effects from the target(s). On a Hero's or Monster's Power description, it is typically written as "removes all positive status effects".

Heroes who inflict Dispel:


Delay resets the Power charge of the target. This effect does not apply to Onslaught Commanders or Knights in Arena League battles.

Heroes who inflict Delay: