Stonecrush Spider

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"You won't be able to squish this spider easily, due to it being made of living rock. Perhaps could fight at your side instead?"

The Stonecrush Spider is a Legendary Golem Minion that the player can capture and bring to the Arena League. It is a large arachnid made of stone and covered in vines and leaves.


The Stonecrush Spider can be found in random islands in the Mythic Rift. It must be captured with the Logician's Gauntlet. When captured, it starts at level 40. Capturing a duplicate will grant the player 80 Energy Flakes.


The Stonecrush Spider has moderate health and armor, and deals Magical damage. Its Power is Energy Siphon, which deals damage to the current target and Delays their powers.

Additional Data

Enemy Class: Spider

Stats by Level
Level Damage Armor Health Power
40 3,338 9,530 9,573 4,103-5,551
