Grolak Deathmasher

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"The Deathmashers are the most elite warriors of the Grolak Goblins, and claim descent from the ancient Grolak battle matriarchs. They've also been known to pursue fame and glory outside the confines of their tribe..."

The Grolak Deathmasher is a Unique Goblin Minion that the player can capture and bring to the Arena League.


The Grolak Deathmasher can be found in random islands in the Expert Mythic Rift. It must be captured with the Chaotic Gauntlet. When captured, it starts at level 50. Capturing a duplicate will grant the player 160 Rat Burger.


The Grolak Deathmasher has high armor health, and damage. Its Power is Meat Shield, which deals high damage at the cost of the Deathmasher taking 25% of the damage dealt.

Additional Data

Enemy Class: Champion

Stats by Level
Level Damage Armor Health Power
50 10,246 29,284 29,284 WIP
60 35,373 101,000 101,454 82,174-111,176
