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"Goblins are wild and chaotic creatures that live at the edges of civilization. They have a fear of silver weapons, such as those made by the Alfar."

Goblin is one of the types of enemies in Knighthood, and one of the first types the player encounters. They resemble humanoids with mottled skin and sharp, uneven teeth, often wearing outfits of scrap cloth and bone. Goblin-type enemies are most dominantly present in Astellan and Highgard with a few in Mirefen and White Peak. The Nameless Goblins in Karnheim are much stronger than their previous counterparts.


Goblin enemies have high strength and armor, as well as high-damaging Powers that cause Status Effects like Burn and Dizzy.


Most Goblin enemies are weak to Burn and Expose.


All Goblin enemies are resistant to Acid.

Goblin Enemies

Standard Monsters

Portrait Name Type Vulnerable To Resistant To Introduced
Armored Goblin Armored Goblin Lighticon.png Light Burnicon.png Burn Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan
Goblin Alchemist Goblin Alchemist Magicalicon.png Magical Burnicon.png Burn Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan
Goblin Archer Goblin Archer Rangedicon.png Ranged Burnicon.png Burn Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan
Goblin Champion Goblin Champion Heavyicon.png Heavy Burnicon.png Burn Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan
Goblin Commander Goblin Commander Lighticon.png Light Burnicon.png Burn Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan
Goblin Fleshcrusher Goblin Fleshcrusher Heavyicon.png Heavy Burnicon.png Burn Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan
Goblin Warrior Goblin Warrior Lighticon.png Light Burnicon.png Burn Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan
Grolak Deathmasher Grolak Deathmasher Heavyicon.png Heavy Burnicon.png Burn Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Trials of the Rift
Nameless Shanker Nameless Shanker Lighticon.png Light Poisonicon.png Poison Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Weakenicon.png Weaken Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim
Nameless Slicer Nameless Slicer Heavyicon.png Heavy Poisonicon.png Poison Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Weakenicon.png Weaken Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim
Nameless Spellflinger Nameless Spellflinger Magicalicon.png Magical Poisonicon.png Poison Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Weakenicon.png Weaken Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim
Zagran Spellcaster Zagran Spellcaster Magicalicon.png Magical Burnicon.png Burn Exposeicon.png Expose Acidicon.png Acid Trials of the Rift

Roaming Monsters

Portrait Name Type Vulnerable To Resistant To Location
Garagan the Nameless Garagan the Nameless Heavyicon.png Heavy Poisonicon.png Poison
Exposeicon.png Expose
Acidicon.png Acid
Weakenicon.png Weaken
Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim
Grolak Flapwing Grolak Flapwing Rangedicon.png Ranged Burnicon.png Burn
Exposeicon.png Expose
Acidicon.png Acid Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen
Grolak Screechmouth Grolak Screechmouth Magicalicon.png Magical Burnicon.png Burn
Exposeicon.png Expose
Acidicon.png Acid Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard
Grolak Stinkwell Grolak Stinkwell Magicalicon.png Magical Burnicon.png Burn
Exposeicon.png Expose
Acidicon.png Acid Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard
Red Rima Red Rima Wintertide Flag.png Support Poisonicon.png Poison
Stunicon.png Stun
Acidicon.png Acid
Freezeicon.png Freeze
Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard
and beyond
Torlok Skullface Torlok Skullface Magicalicon.png Magical Burnicon.png Burn
Exposeicon.png Expose
Acidicon.png Acid Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire
Torlok Skysplitter Torlok Skysplitter Magicalicon.png Magical Burnicon.png Burn
Exposeicon.png Expose
Acidicon.png Acid Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen
Zagran Bloodfist Torlok Skullface Magicalicon.png Magical Burnicon.png Burn
Exposeicon.png Expose
Acidicon.png Acid Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire
Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim

Cave Monsters

Portrait Name Type Vulnerable To Resistant To Location Days
Gorbash Thunderfist Gorbash Thunderfist Heavyicon.png Heavy Burnicon.png Burn
Exposeicon.png Expose
Weakenicon.png Weaken
Stunicon.png Stun
Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Wednesday, Saturday
Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Monday, Thursday

Onslaught Commanders

Portrait Name Type Vulnerable To Resistant To
Chieftain Grall Chieftain Grall Heavyicon.png Heavy Burnicon.png Burn Weakenicon.png Weaken
Chieftain Thrax Chieftain Thrax Heavyicon.png Heavy Burnicon.png Burn Weakenicon.png Weaken

Rift Bosses

Portrait Name Type Vulnerable To Resistant To
Breaker of the Rift Breaker of the Rift Heavyicon.png Heavy Poisonicon.png Poison
Freezeicon.png Freeze
Unfocusicon.png Unfocus
Burnicon.png Burn
Stunicon.png Stun
Weakenicon.png Weaken
Butcher of the Rift Butcher of the Rift Heavyicon.png Heavy Poisonicon.png Poison
Freezeicon.png Freeze
Unfocusicon.png Unfocus
Burnicon.png Burn
Stunicon.png Stun
Weakenicon.png Weaken
Gorbash Thunderfist Gorbash Thunderfist Heavyicon.png Heavy Burnicon.png Burn
Exposeicon.png Expose
Weakenicon.png Weaken
Stunicon.png Stun

Portal Enemies

Portrait Name Type Vulnerable To Resistant To Event
Frosten Alchemist Frosten Alchemist Magicalicon.png Magical Poisonicon.png Poison
Stunicon.png Stun
Acidicon.png Acid
Freezeicon.png Freeze
Wintertide Flag.png Wintertide
Frosten Warrior Frosten Warrior Lighticon.png Light Poisonicon.png Poison
Stunicon.png Stun
Acidicon.png Acid
Freezeicon.png Freeze
Wintertide Flag.png Wintertide

Guild Boss

There is no Goblin type Guild Boss.

Strong Vs Goblin


In the game, all Alfar weapons are strong against the Goblin type, gaining a 100% damage boost.

The Glacial Hammer and the Glacial Cleaver from the Wintertide Flag.png Wintertide Event are also strong against Goblin enemies.


There are currently a total of 9 Heroes who are strong against Goblins.
