Outlaw Knifer

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"These swift bandits are fast and deadly, and serve no cause but their own."

The Outlaw Knifer is a Common Outlaw Minion that the player can capture and bring to the Arena League. It is the minion counterpart of the Outlaw Bandit.


The Outlaw Knifer can be found in the Guldwood hunt in Astellan. It must be captured with the Lawful Gauntlet. When captured, it starts at level 3. Capturing a duplicate will grant the player 10 Lizard-on-a-Stick.


The Outlaw Knifer has low health and armor and does Light damage. Its power is Slasharang, which deals high damage.

Additional Data

Enemy Class: Assassin

Stats by Level
Level Damage Armor Health Power
3 61 1 200 WIP
15 269 - 880 530-717
