Artuas Defender

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"A mighty golem that was raised millenia ago by the former defenders of Feorrland. This ancient creature no longer recognizes friend from foe, and attacks anyone it perceives to be an intruder."

Artuas Defender is one of the Roaming Monsters found throughout the lands of Knighthood. It is a Heavy Golem type monster. It is a massive, humanoid structure of red and brown floating stone, with a red triangular head with a glowing white triangle as its "eye".

Where to Find

Artuas Defender can be found in Misery's Pass, Realm of Fire. It has a chance to spawn every day at 10:00, and remains in the world for 10 hours.


Upon defeat, Artuas Defender gives 1960 XP and drops Defender's Chest, which has a chance to contain one of the following:

Side Monsters

The following Monsters appear in the rounds of a battle with Artuas Defender:
