Infernal Longhorn

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"It is said these wild demons can be tamed by a strong soul."

The Infernal Longhorn is an Epic Demon Minion that the player can capture and bring to the Arena League. It is the minion counterpart of the Inferno Hound.


The Infernal Longhorn can be found in the Scathtraith Shore, Charnel View, and Comoi Tower hunts in the Realm of Fire. It must be captured with the Dark Gauntlet. When captured, it starts at level ?. Capturing a duplicate will grant the player 10 Deviled Eggs.


The Infernal Longhorn has high health and does Heavy damage. Its power is Flame Charge, which deals high damage and Dispels all positive Status Effects on the target.

Additional Data

Enemy Class: Boar

Stats by Level
Level Damage Armor Health Power
40 2361 - 15,364 WIP
