Hero's Challenge/Wei Feng

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The Wei Feng Hero's Challenge ran from April 23rd to April 27th, 2023. The player faced off against Golem, Goblin, and Demon enemies, as well as a final battle against Kummakivi Rex. Players could receive Golem Hero Charms in the Reward Track, plus the "The Invincible!" Hero Skin for Wei Feng.


The dialogue for Wei Feng's Hero's Challenge follows Wei Feng describing his origins, from a haughty fighter for glory to a trained defender of the people. Along the way, he has dialogue with other Heroes.

Resuming Dialogue

One of the following dialogue lines will play when loading into the first battle of the map after the opening dialogue, as well as the prologue after Day 2:

Wei Feng: I was fortunate to live to an old age, and see my children and grandchildren grow strong.
Wei Feng: Then why do I look like this? This form reminds me of the rurning point, when I started to be more than a smug braggart.
Wei Feng: Also, I was never in better shape! Ha!

Wei Feng: Golems are fascinating creatures. They are infused with magic to take on the form of living beings.
Wei Feng: Some are crafted from inanimate objects, others are more organic in nature.
Wei Feng: Their behavior depends entirely on the nature of the sorcerer who created them - some are protectors, others are used for more nefarious purposes.

Daily Dialogue

Day 1
Battle Dialogue

Wei Feng: Hmmm, You and I have journeyed to many places, but this place is steeped in magic and memories.
Wei Feng: I can feel the energy in the very air! It looks like you and I are destined for another adventure.
Wei Feng: Together, perhaps we can hone our strength to even greater heights, and grow stronger on our journey.
Wei Feng: Let us go forward, and see what battle brings!

Wei Feng: As a young man, I was an incredible fighter. I had a great deal of confidence in my skills.
Wei Feng: I traveled the lands and defeated all those who would challenge me.
Wei Feng: I became utterly convinced of my invincibility... and was sure to let everyone know it.

Wei Feng: I admit... when I look back at myself during my youth, I am filled with deep shame.
Wei Feng: I craved adulation - I demanded it! I fought only to demonstrate my own brilliance.
Wei Feng: But there was no-one who could defeat me, no blade sharp enough to deflate my ego.

Wei Feng: One moonlit evening, I was in a village tavern, where I was bragging to an adoring audience.
Wei Feng: I boasted of my latest victories, and mocked my defeated rivals.
Wei Feng: I proclaimed that I was 'Wei Feng the Invincible' and that no one and nothing could defeat me.

Wei Feng: That fateful evening would prove to be my greatest humiliation - and ultimately, my salvation.
Wei Feng: An old man tapped me on the shoulder. I assumed he wanted to congratulate and flatter me.
Wei Feng: Instead, he challenged me to a battle!

Wei Feng: When the old man challenged me, I laughed at him. I thought it was hilarious.
Wei Feng: Here was this tiny, frail old man, challenging me, Wei Feng the Invincible!
Wei Feng: I turned away, laughing. Surely he was jesting? Even in my arrogance, I had no desire to humiliate an elder.

Wei Feng: When I rejected the old man's challenge, he nodded.
Wei Feng: Then he looked straight into my eyes, and chuckled. I thought that confirmed he was joking.
Wei Feng: Instead, he said, "Perhaps you are not as skilled as you think you are, if you are scared of an old man".

Wei Feng: When the old man accused me of being afraid, of lacking skill... I was outraged.
Wei Feng: Who was he to judge me! I was Wei Feng! I should have realized from the look in his eyes that I was in trouble.
Wei Feng: I ungraciously accepted this challenge. He said that I could buy him a meal if I lost.

Wei Feng: As our fight began, I resolved to go easy on the old man. He had no such reservations.
Wei Feng: I fought brilliantly, but I was no match for him. His speech, his technique - flawless.
Wei Feng: As I lay exhausted in the dust, the old man helped me up and patted me on the shoulder, as if I was a child.
Wei Feng: I bowed deeply, and apologized for my earlier disrespect. I begged him to take me as a student.
Wei Feng: He once again chuckled, and said, "Of course. But first... dinner!"

Wei Feng: I trained for many years with the old man. He remade me, and named me 'Wei Feng the Improved'.
Wei Feng: We traveled far and wide, and I learned about many peoples and their ways.
Wei Feng: Instead of using my skills purely to boost my reputation, I began to protect those who needed it.
Wei Feng: Including against this creature here. It was wandering around Mirefen when I defeated it, long before your time.
Wei Feng: Beware its Blinding Light! It can inflict numerous terrible effects on its victims.
Wei Feng: Certain potions, or an ally who can dispel, may be of assistance.

Wei Feng: And as in my life, Kummakivi Rex is defeated!
Day 2
Battle Dialogue

'Bayani: Wei Feng! My friend! Is this one of your 'glorious victories'?
Wei Feng: Ah, Bayani! Bayani here met me when I was-
Bayani:-an idiot?
Wei Feng: I can't argue with that, heh.
Bayani: Excellent fighter, though. I challenged him when he came to my village.
Bayani: He flattened me! In my defense, I was only twelve years old.
Wei Feng: In my defense, he was really annoying!

Wei Feng: Bayani and I would meet again, many years later-
Bayani: -after he'd been beaten up by an old man-
Wei Feng: -after I had been show the error of my ways by my master!
Bayani: His master was sooo old. Like, ancient-
Wei Feng: Ahem! I barely recognized Bayani. He was no longer a scrawny child. He challenged me again!
Wei Feng: Our battle was interrupted by a Golem native to Bayani's homeland-
Bayani: -I was winning though-
Wei Feng: No, you weren't.
ANYWAY, we joined forces to take the Golem down, and were friends from that point.

Wei Feng: We never did finish our battle, did we?
Bayani: The one I was winning?
Wei Feng: You wish, young one! Anyway, you throw rocks at people...
Bayani: And? IT's called geomancy! It's a powerful fighting technique!
Wei Feng: It's cheating!
Bayani: HA HA HA HA! Just because you can't do it, doesn't make it cheating.
Wei Feng: I don't need to. I have all the power I need in my fists and feet!

Doctor Flox: Ah, a fellow connoisseur of Golem battles! I am Doctor Flox.
Doctor Flox: I have many questions about your experiences versus out inanimate friends!
Doctor Flox: Tell me, is it true you just punch them?
Wei Feng: Sometimes I kick them as well.
Doctor Flox: Incredible! Let me take notes. Ad... you enjoyed this?
Wei Feng: I still feel the thrill of a battle well fought, but my main reward is seeing innocents protected.
Doctor Flox: Even with no explosions? Not even a slight... boom? No inferno of bright flames?
Wei Feng: Look at the time! We need to go into battle. With no explosions. Or flames. Goodbye, Doctor!

Zoe: Wei Feng! Still journeying, I see!
Wei Feng: Zoe! I didn't expect to see you here!
Zoe: Why not? I'm a Hero! Did you doubt my-
Wei Feng: No! No, not at all! I just meant - you're an Alfar, I thought your kind were...
Zoe: Ah, immortal? I was only ever part Alfar. I got the wings and an extended lifespan, but ultimately, time was an enemy I couldn't defeat.
Wei Feng: I'm sorry to hear it.
Zoe: Aren't we all?

Wei Feng: Greetings, Olaf! Savior of the Sakroch, and destroyer of the Ravenscar Golem!
Olaf: The Ravenscar... the Ravenscar Golem? Was that - *hic*
Olaf: OOOH, that Ravenscar Golem. Big fella. Made of rock. Yeah, I exploded it. Great afterparty!
Wei Feng: Olaf was always an inspiration - he was the only known Hero to have permanently destroyed a Greater Golem.
Olaf: Yer too kind! And never say 'permanent' where a Golem is concerned! *hic*
Wei Feng: A wise sentiment!

Wei Feng: Alder! My friend! You have grown!
Alder: Or you have shrunk. Do humans shrink? You definitely look smaller...
Wei Feng: I once attempted to destroy Alder, thinking he was a mindless Golem bent on destruction.
Wei Feng: He managed to make me see the error of my ways. We never stop learning...
Alder: I hugged him until he calmed down.
Wei Feng: By 'calmed down' he means 'passed out'!

Wei Feng: Balendu! I have heard the tales of your power! Your ability to both create and destroy Golems is the stuff of legend!
Balendu: Hello, human child.
Wei Feng: My master once spoke of you as being one of the great elemental beings.
Balendu: That is very kind.
Wei Feng: ...
Wei Feng: I'll... just... go and fight over here.

Lars: What are you up to?
Wei Feng: Greetings, Lars! We're walking down memory lane, destroying Golems.
Lars: God. Lars hate Golems! SMASH!

Wei Feng: Kummakivi Rex was a horrifying creature. By the time I got to it, it had destroyed numerous villages.
Wei Feng: I often wonder how many I could have saved if I'd taken a different route, and got there faster.
Wei Feng: Sadly, as a Greater Golem, it usually reconstitutes eventually.
Wei Feng: Fortunately, there will always be good people to take it down!

Wei Feng: This foul Golem is defeated once more.
Day 3
Battle Dialogue

Wei Feng: The Golems we're seeing here are from Mirefen.
Wei Feng: They are formed from the roots and trees of the land itself.
Wei Feng: Who raised them? I don't know, but they seem to be more numerous now than they were back in my day...

Wei Feng: The Mirefen Golems are particularly vulnerable to Acid and Freeze.
Wei Feng: Freezing will temporarily prevent them from causing harm.
Wei Feng: So yes, maybe magic sometimes has its place...

Wei Feng: Poison has little effect on the Mirefen Golems, and they're also hard to Stun.
Wei Feng: So choose your allies - and Charms - wisely!
Wei Feng: Punching them though? That always works! Ha!

Tristan: Greetings, Wei Feng. I have heard much about you.
Wei Feng: And I, you, Tristan of Myrefenn. Your strength against Golems, and skills in healing are renowned.
Wei Feng: As is your helm!
Tristan: It was always my favorite!

Wei Feng: Tell me, what drives you to battle?
Wei Feng: Is it the thrill of victory? Demonstrating your strength over your rivals?
Wei Feng: Or were you also convinced to travel the world and protect the innocent by an old man? Ha!

Pentatonix: Ha! Wei Feng! It is always a pleasure to meet a fellow rogue!
Wei Feng: Ah, yes, greetings. So you're a... rogue?
Wei Feng: What is your weapon of choice? The swift blade, or the closed fist-
Pentatonix: Sonic warfare! I've got my trusty carnyx. Hit the right notes on this, and the enemies go running!
Wei Feng: That's... nice.

Wei Feng: Ah, greetings, feral one. How's the hammer?
Eileen: Large. Heavy. Good for smashing heads.
Wei Feng: *sigh*

Wei Feng: Ah, more animated horrors.
Wei Feng: Come, friend, and let's show them the error of their ways!

Wei Feng: Kummakivi Rex was a horrifying creature. By the time I got to it, it had destroyed numerous villages.
Wei Feng: I often wonder how many I could have saved if I'd taken a different route, and got there faster.
Wei Feng: Sadly, as a Greater Golem, it usually reconstitutes eventually.
Wei Feng: Fortunately, there will always be good people to take it down!

Wei Feng: This foul Golem is defeated once more.