Roaming Monster/Table of Roaming Monsters

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The following is a table of Roaming Monsters, alongside their location and drops.

Roaming Monster Table
Portrait Name Class Type Region Drops Summon
Acolyte of Baal Acolyte of Baal Demon 1.png Demon Support Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common-Rare Shoulders Undead 00:20, every 6 hours 30
Acolyte of Raum Acolyte of Raum Demon 1.png Demon Support Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common Shoulders Undead xx:17, xx:47 20
Agnar the Horror Agnar the Horror Undead 1.png Undead Rangedicon.png Ranged White Peak Icon Small.png White Peak Rare-Legendary Helm Outlaw 00:50, every 6 hours 105
Alpha Warg Alpha Warg Beast 1.png Beast Lighticon.png Light Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common Body Demon xx:17, xx:47 20
Ambrus the Faceless Ambrus the Faceless Outlaw 1.png Outlaw Rangedicon.png Ranged Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Rare-Legendary Shoulders Undead 08:10, every 6 hours
(excludes 02:10)
Aric von Idleson Aric von Idleson Militia 1.png Militia Lighticon.png Light Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan Common-Rare Body Goblin 00:07, every 6 hours 45
Arthur Darnell Arthur Darnell Militia 1.png Militia Lighticon.png Light Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common-Epic Body Golem 00:35, every 6 hours 66
Artuas Defender Artuas Defender Golem 1.png Golem Heavyicon.png Heavy Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Rare-Legendary Helm Outlaw 10:00 180
Belphy, Lord of War Belphy, Lord of War Demon 1.png Demon Support Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan Common Legs Outlaw xx:00, xx:30 20
Cleese van Hasse Cleese van Hasse Militia 1.png Militia Lighticon.png Light Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan Common Body Goblin xx:00, xx:30 20
Cragg Bonecrusher Cragg Bonecrusher Golem 1.png Golem Heavyicon.png Heavy Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan Common-Rare Shoulders Undead 17:00 60
Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common-Rare Shoulders Undead 12:00 60
Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common-Epic Shoulders Undead 08:00 80
White Peak Icon Small.png White Peak Rare-Legendary Shoulders Undead 20:00 140
Crimson Painweaver Crimson Painweaver Beast 1.png Beast Lighticon.png Light Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Rare-Legendary Arms Beast 08:10, every 6 hours
(excludes 02:10)
Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim Rare-Legendary Body Beast xx:11, xx:41 160
Deadeye Deadeye Undead 1.png Undead Rangedicon.png Ranged Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan Common Arms Beast xx:00, xx:30 20
Dumenu Guardian Dumenu Guardian Golem 1.png Golem Heavyicon.png Heavy Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Rare-Legendary Helm Outlaw 15:00 240
Garagan the Nameless Garagan the Nameless Goblin 1.png Goblin Heavyicon.png Heavy Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim Epic-Unique Legs Outlaw 20:00 200
Grolak Flapwing Grolak Flapwing Goblin 1.png Goblin Rangedicon.png Ranged Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common Legs Demon xx:27, xx:57 44
Grolak Screechmouth Grolak Screechmouth Goblin 1.png Goblin Magicalicon.png Magical Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common-Rare Helm Militia 00:20, every 6 hours 30
Grolak Stinkwell Grolak Stinkwell Goblin 1.png Goblin Magicalicon.png Magical Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common Helm Militia xx:17, xx:47 20
Haruspex Haruspex Cult 1.png Cult Support Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common Helm Demon xx:27, xx:57 44
Infernal Diabolist Infernal Diabolist Demon 1.png Demon Support Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Rare-Legendary Legs Militia 15:00 240
Inferno Lord Inferno Lord Demon 1.png Demon Heavyicon.png Heavy Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Rare-Legendary Helm Cult 10:00 180
Jacob Schwartz Jacob Schwartz Militia 1.png Militia Lighticon.png Light Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common Body Golem xx:27, xx:57 44
Klunk Bladehand Klunk Bladehand Troll 1.png Troll Heavyicon.png Heavy Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Rare-Epic Arms Golem 10:00 180
Krusher Macefist Krusher Macefist Troll 1.png Troll Heavyicon.png Heavy Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Rare-Legendary Arms Golem 15:00 240
Lindwyrm Lindwyrm Beast 1.png Beast Magicalicon.png Magical White Peak Icon Small.png White Peak Common Legs Troll xx:11, xx:41 70
Malphy, Prince of Destruction Malphy, Prince of Destruction Demon 1.png Demon Support Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan Common-Rare Legs Outlaw 00:07, every 6 hours 45
Marrow the Arrow Marrow the Arrow Undead 1.png Undead Rangedicon.png Ranged Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan Common Arms Beast 00:07, every 6 hours 45
Masika Masika Outlaw 1.png Outlaw Rangedicon.png Ranged Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common-Epic Shoulders Troll 00:35, every 6 hours 66
Morcant the Karnonnite Morcant the Karnonnite Cult 1.png Cult Magicalicon.png Magical Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim Rare-Legendary Shoulders Undead xx:12, every 30 minutes 160
Mournful Ashspinner Mournful Ashspinner Beast 1.png Beast Lighticon.png Light Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Common Arms Beast xx:07, xx:37 100
Olamide the Charming Olamide the Charming Outlaw 1.png Outlaw Rangedicon.png Ranged Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common-Rare Arms Cult 00:20, every 6 hours 30
Prototype Algiz-4XP Prototype Algiz-4XP Golem 1.png Golem Heavyicon.png Heavy Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim Epic-Unique Helmet Golem 20:00 200
Reina Goldhand Reina Goldhand Cult 1.png Cult Support Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Rare-Legendary Body Goblin 08:10, every 6 hours
(excludes 02:10)
Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim Rare-Legendary Arms Cult xx:11, xx:41 160
Ridgeback Aurock Ridgeback Aurock Demon 1.png Demon Heavyicon.png Heavy Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common Arms Cult xx:27, xx:57 44
White Peak Icon Small.png White Peak Common Arms Cult xx:11, xx:41 70
Robyn of Houlsyke Robyn of Houlsyke Outlaw 1.png Outlaw Rangedicon.png Ranged Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common Shoulders Troll xx:27, xx:57 44
Shadowclaw Shadowclaw Beast 1.png Beast Heavyicon.png Heavy Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common Body Troll xx:17, xx:47 20
Skull Deathcrown Skull Deathcrown Militia 1.png Militia Magicalicon.png Magical Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Rare-Legendary Body Troll 10:00 180
Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim Epic-Unique Body Goblin 20:00 200
Squasher Vilesquirm Squasher Vilesquirm Troll 1.png Troll Heavyicon.png Heavy Astellan Icon Small.png Astellan Common-Rare Helm Cult 17:00 60
Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common-Rare Helm Cult 12:00 60
Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common-Epic Helm Cult 08:00 80
The Ancient One The Ancient One Troll 1.png Troll Magicalicon.png Magical White Peak Icon Small.png White Peak Rare-Legendary Legs Golem 20:00 140
The Bowman of Fylde The Bowman of Fylde Outlaw 1.png Outlaw Rangedicon.png Ranged Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common Arms Cult xx:17, xx:47 20
Thunk Skullsmasher Thunk Skullsmasher Troll 1.png Troll Heavyicon.png Heavy Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common-Rare Body Goblin 12:00 60
Torlok Skullface Torlok Skullface Goblin 1.png Goblin Magicalicon.png Magical Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Common Legs
Militia xx:07, xx:37 100
Torlok Skysplitter Torlok Skysplitter Goblin 1.png Goblin Magicalicon.png Magical Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common-Epic Legs Demon 00:35, every 6 hours 66
Uldin the Ferocious Uldin the Ferocious Outlaw 1.png Outlaw Rangedicon.png Ranged Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Common-Epic Helmet Undead xx:07, xx:37 100
Wart Bonesplitter Wart Bonesplitter Demon 1.png Demon Heavyicon.png Heavy Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common-Epic Arms Goblin 08:00 80
White Peak Icon Small.png White Peak Rare-Epic Arms Goblin 20:00 140
Winter's Augur Winter's Augur Outlaw 1.png Outlaw Support White Peak Icon Small.png White Peak Common-Epic Body Beast xx:11, xx:41 70
Yellow Deathweaver Yellow Deathweaver Beast 1.png Beast Lighticon.png Light Highgard Icon Small.png Highgard Common-Rare Legs Golem xx:17, xx:47 20
Mirefen Icon Small.png Mirefen Common-Rare Legs Golem xx:27, xx:57 44
Zagran Bloodfist Zagran Bloodfist Goblin 1.png Goblin Magicalicon.png Magical Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Rare-Legendary Legs Militia 08:10, every 6 hours
(excludes 02:10)
Karnheim Icon Small.png Karnheim Epic-Unique Legs Militia xx:11, xx:41 160
Zelfahed the Unliving Zelfahed the Unliving Undead 1.png Undead Rangedicon.png Ranged White Peak Icon Small.png White Peak Common-Epic Helm Outlaw xx:11, xx:41 70
Zviad the Idolator Zviad the Idolator Cult 1.png Cult Support Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Realm of Fire Common-Epic Body
Goblin xx:07, xx:37 100

*Common Rarity only