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The vault is a storage unit for Chests that may be claimed in Knighthood. Purchased or earned chests are sent to the vault, where they may then be opened by the player, if they wish to do so.

Opening Chests

To open a chest, tap on the desired chest and then click 'open'. There will be a cut-scene of the Knight approaching and opening the chest, but it may be skipped by tapping on the screen. Afterwards, a reward card will display the item earned. The player can either collect it (Gear and Capes, will still be sent to the Backpack), equip it right away, or dismantle it for Charms or Gold.

Open 5

Hero chests, including alignment-specific weekly chests and event chests, have an open 5 option. This opens 5 chests consecutively in one action, and offers all possible bonuses for opening in sets of 5.

If there are less than 5 chests in the vault and the player taps on 'open 5', the game will prompt the player to purchase the remaining chests needed.

Open 10

Gold, Gems, customization and equipment chests have an open 10 option. This opens 10 chests consecutively in one action, and offers all possible bonuses and rarity guarantees for opening in sets of 10

If there are less than 10 chests in the vault and the player taps on 'open 10', the game will prompt the player to purchase the remaining chests needed.

At least one epic item or better

Additionally, customization, equipment and hero chests guarantee at least 1 epic or higher rarity item if the player taps on the 'open 10' or 'open 5' option.