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Capes are equip-able items that neither grant the wearer an advantage nor disadvantage over an enemy type. They are simply cosmetic.

Capes do not have a level requirement in order to equip, and can be acquired in all rarities- Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Unique. However, there is no Mythic cape yet.

Known Sources

  • Tailors offer different kinds of Customizations, refreshing weekly, and may offer upto Epic capes.
  • The Arena Merchant alternates between two types of Legendary capes, 3 of which are purchasable for 500 Arena Crests each. They make for a steady income of gold for players still levelling and upgrading their equipment and heroes, since each Legendary cape dismantles for 37,500 gold, making it possible to gain 112,500 gold through arena battles and getting 1500 Arena Crests. This gets easier the higher you are in the leagues, due to weekly arena rewards.
  • Promoting to different bracket leagues, i.e. from Bronze Leagues to Silver Leagues via Gladiator League to Pugilist League or Duelist League (through double promotion by staying in top 15 positions while in Gladiator League) OR from Silver Leagues to Golden Leagues via Warlord League to Sentinel League or Guardian League (through double promotion while staying in top 3 positions in Warlord League)
  • Customization chests, farmable through roaming monsters final objectives (attained when you complete the first 3 objectives while in battle), are also the best known sources of capes and customizations. Players use this to farm Customisations and Capes to dismantle them (customizations are dismantled automatically if you gain duplicates) and gain gold (you can gain anything from 30,000 gold average from 10 chests to 262,500 gold from a single unique cape to even 328,125 gold for a unique hairstyle you already had) to further their game progress.