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In Knighthood, the backpack stores the player's equipment. The player can use it to manage their gear.


A filled slot holds either a weapon, piece of armor or cape and will display the level, strong vs. tag and charm slots (if applicable). When a slot is tapped, the name of the item will display, as well as buttons for viewing its details, dismantling and locking/unlocking the item.

The player can sort the items by rarity, level, item type, multiples or strong vs. tags.


A Knight will start out with 40 backpack slots, but may expand 4 slots at a time for gems until reaching the maximum slot limit of 400.

Cost of Expansion
Total Slots Gem Cost
44 5
48 5
52 10
56 10
60 20
64 20
68 30
72 30
76 40
80 40
84 50
88 50
92 60
96 60
100 70
104 70
108 80
112 80
116 90
120 90
124+ 100