Notable Characters

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Queen Krita

Queen Krita was a Queen of The Kingdom of Mirefen. She fought The Invasion of The White Peak Trolls. At some point in the past, Castle Krita fell, and powerful creatures took up residence in the castle's Dungeon.

  • Tristan was a commanding officer in her army.
  • Gwen was in her service.
  • Ulfred was her Advisor.
  • Doctor Flox was her Chief Alchemist.
  • Krusa was in her army but left it.

She was allied with Logan and the Lycans, Gunn and the Goblins, and Lanasa and the Derkar.

Prince Kristoff

Prince Kristoff was Queen Krita's son. Ulfred saved his life.

King Eskar

King Eskar fought in the Battle of Arkan. He was either the king of Easterngard or allied with them.

  • Lance was King Eskar's right-hand-man.
  • Isstara was born into his court.
  • Urmas (as well as his brothers) was one of King Eskar's men, and Lance's rival and best friend.

Baron Alric

  • Griz was the enforcer of Baron Alric.
  • His downfall was caused by a plan created by Griz and Rhiannon.


Granbash was a goblin chieftain who fought against MacLeod.


Armand was the High Priest (leader) of the Pure. He later went insane.


The Dokka

The Dokka was an ancient race of Dogmen; they both originated in and invaded Astellan and fought against Pentatonix's tribe. They defeated the Druids in Guldwood. The Dokka are not around anymore.

They were determined to prove their superiority to their beast-like ancestors. They were efficient and organized.

The Derkar

The Derkar were Dark Elves, living in the darkest, most ancient parts of the forest. The Alfar sometimes looked down on their reclusive dark elf cousins, but the Derkar had more than their fair share of master crafters, poets, and powerful mages.

The Alfar

The Alfar were an advanced elven civilization, skilled in both technology and magic. One of their most beloved and revered figures was Princess Titania, whose keen intellect was matched by her formidable magical powers. It is said that the tales of fairies originate with the winged Alfar of old. They originated in the Realm of Fire where they used the fiery forges to make their elegant weapons. They existed before Lord Karnon devastated the Realm of Fire and fought the Goblins.

The Alfar made elegant and deadly silver-blend weapons that are especially effective against Goblins. They had a special bond with their horses.

Zoe is a distant Alfar, far removed.

The Melde

The Melde or the Meldstein were proficient in forging Kaldsteel which is cold to the touch. They were fond of cobbleberries in their pies and as a dye for weapons and armor. Rumor has it that in order to handle Kaldsteel, the Melde had to wear dragon-skin gloves.

The Galdor

The Galdor were very proficient in making ornate weapons with ancient symbols that make them effective against necromancy and strong vs undead. They originated in the Realm of Fire. They spent centuries finding the symbols used on their weapons in ancient libraries across the land, the symbols likely originate from the Time of the Giants. They loved gold.

The Tukkah

The Tukkah could harness magnetic energy in their weapons. They are avid inventors and originated in White Peak.

The Giants

Blaine is one of the only known giants that still exists.

The Hellhent

The Hellhent were a race who knew many secrets and used ancient symbols on their weapons to draw out demon spirits and kill them. They originated from White Peak and were used to dealing with Demons. Their ancient symbols they use on their weapons are from the Ancient Giants.

The Goblins

Goblins are a race known for their aggressive nature and lack of smarts – which hasn’t kept them from counting some alchemists and mages among their ranks. They have frequent clashes with militia and because Goblin skin oil is toxic, they use it to their advantage by coating their weapons with it.

Goblins organize into clans, and while they live in all regions of the world, Rage Knights will only encounter them as a standard enemy in Astellan. However, Goblins can still be encountered in the Monster Cave, Onslaught Dungeon, and as Roaming Monsters throughout the other regions – just not in Conquests and Hunts.

Goblin clans use gruesome names for the ranks of their fighters, with different clans using different names, but common themes. Some of the documented ranks of the different clans are: Fleshcrusher, Toothbreaker, Skullcarver, Skullbasher, Bonecrusher, Bonebreaker, Skullface, Skysplitter, and Skullsmasher to name a few. Goblins often use spikes to denote rank, with more spikes on their armor meaning the Goblin is a higher rank.

Among the Goblin clans, the three most prominent are the Gorlak, the Torlok and the Frosten.

Notorious Goblin enemies include Gorbash Thunderfist, Chieftain Grall, and Chieftain Thrax.

Gunn and Grax are Goblin heroes.

The Saurians

Saurians are a race of reptilian humanoids, and one of the many beast races of the world. They are outlaws from an area known as the Lost Sands, and so far the only place Rage Knights will encounter them is through the Portal during the Lost Sands Event.

Some notorious Saurians are their current leader Saha, and his brother Varanus.

There are no known Saurian heroes.

Cultures and Organizations

The Sakroch

One of the oldest human cultures, the Sakroch have helped shape much of the current known world. They were a primarily sea-faring people, and settled throughout all the known regions from Astellan to the Realm of Fire when it was still Feorrland, where they told tales of the black dragon that lived there. In Highgard, there is still a stretch of land known as the Sakroch Plain.

The Sakroch that settled in White Peak told stories of winged creatures called Seraph that might have been the Alfar from neighboring Feorrland. Eventually, those Sakroch would succumb to a mysterious, icy blight and become the Skald.

The Sakroch believed in many gods, but the most central to their beliefs was the sea goddess Oshian. Priestesses of Oshian would dye their hair turquois, and shave patterns into it that looked like ocean waves. During last rites for warriors and explorers, they would paint a pattern they called Oshian's Tears onto the fallen. Many Sakroch would wear a cape of grey and white chevrons/waves that represented the sometimes gentle, and sometimes stormy, disposition of their Goddess. The Priestesses also created the Avatar of Oshian, to test their warriors and ensure only the strongest took to the seas.

For the seas were a dangerous place, full of many beasts such as the Bakuanawa and Morgawr. More than either of those, the Sakroch feared displeasing Oshian and facing the undead kraken Rahab, and even painted an image of Rahab's tentacles on their faces to ward off the beast's attack. Legend says that Oshian created Rahab by stitching together the corpses of many sea creatures, and sending it after those that displeased her. This historian thinks it's possible that mostly included followers of Aegaeon. Aegeon was a lesser Sakroch god, and desired Oshian, but she turned him away because of his unnecessary cruelty towards the lesser sea creatures - creatures she may have stitched into Rahab after Aegeon killed them, to send against his followers.

One other creature important to the Sakroch was the Grootabeast, which they had a special affinity with. In a complex ceremony, the Sakroch would draw out the spirit of the Grootabeast and link it with their weapons, imbuing them with the spirit. It's possible this was done to help deal with Dagon and other water trollkin, as Grootabast spirits will sap the lifeforce out of trolls, making the Sakroch weapons effective against trolls. The secrets of the ritual may be lost, and the Grootabeast are believed to be extinct - but thankfully, once linked, the spirit will remain in the weapon until it is destroyed, and adventuring Rage Knights can still find these weapons to this day.

Adventuring Rage Knights might also come across Sakroch armor, from the common armor worn by every-day raiding Sakroch to the more valuable armor worn by brawlers and war parties, including their elite warriors: Valtivar, Skul and Bludskul. The Bludskul armor prominently features the symbol of the Four Winds in red, and they may have been the originators of the Cape of the Four Winds. But the symbol of the Four Winds is also ancient, and the Sakroch traveled all over - it's just as possible they picked up the symbol and belief as much as originated it.

Notable Sakroch heroes are Olaf, who was the very first Sakroch alchemist, as well as Lars, and Ericson - a distant relative of Lars'. Helmar may be a Sakroch warrior, as his appearance would certainly suggest, but it is not confirmed.

Wei Feng also prominently features the symbol of the Four Winds on his clothes, further suggesting that this could have been a belief picked up by Sakroch sailors when they visited a far-off land.

The Mawgan

The Iros is the closest the Mawgans have to kings. An Ambrax was a name for a rank in their army.

The Easterngard

The legendary Easterngard were highly disciplined and kept their armour very shiny. They typically battled outlaws in the area, and were present in the Battle of Arkan.

Millicent was a member, and responsible for reshaping the alchemy division.

The Defenders of Highridge

Highridge is a town in Whitepeak. Its Defenders keep safe the bridge on the Western side of Alesund Pass, the main route of access between White Peak and the Realm of Fire, and have done so for ages. The ranks of the Defenders are named after birds of prey, from lowest to highest, as follows: Hawk, Falcon, Kite, Harrier, Eagle. They can be easily recognized by their armor, which features a striking blue mixed with white and gold. The armor of some of the ranks features the Blue Lotus of Highridge, as does their cape.

They've also defended the area against various outlaw groups, such as the Redfang.

Once, long ago, Highridge was beset by a massive army of harpies. Helmar came to their aid, killing hundreds of them, as the legend goes. They even made a unique pair of earirngs, the Highridge Hammer, in tribute to the event.

The Followers of Gren

The Followers of Gren are passionate defenders of nature, lovers of the land and believers in its resurrection and restoration. They fight to free the land of corruption and restore it to its former glory so that a woodland spirit known as the Grenman will fill it with forests. They welcome all races, and count among their ranks humans, alfar, members of the beast tribes such bearmen and lycans, and even goblins. Members always carry a leaf in their pocket to remind them of the reason they fight.

The ranks of the organization's members are named after beasts, and from lowest to highest are Grenman (presumed Green Man), Grenhert (Green Hart [Deer]), Grenslang (unknown, presumed Green Snake), Grenfenik (Green Phoenix) and Grendraak (Green Dragon.)

Zalam and Herne are two of the most notable members. Elder is different type of designation, one of the highest possible, and was obtained by Herne.

They are sometimes called The Followers of the Gren.

The Cult of Gagan

The Cult of Gagan honored the Great Giant Lord Gagan. Aeron was born into the cult, but realized about the negatives when he was healed by a non-believer.

The Bear Warriors

The Bear Warriors were a group of mercenaries that roamed the land looking to make money from fighting. Their armor was, perhaps, unorthodox in that the more respected a Bear Warrior, the less armor they wore. The Great Bear warriors wore little other than a strip of fabric around their chest, and more strips hanging from their waist. They did protect their heads and feat well, however, and the skill of a warrior could be measured not only by how little armor they wore, but by how many and how large the horns were that protruded from their helmets and boots. The lesser Bear and Bear Cub warriors were not even permitted to have horns on their helmets.

The Grey

The Grey are arcane warriors who will always restore balance. They wear grey because it is neither too light or too dark, and they wear circular helms to represent the cyclical nature of how things will always return to balance. Their ranks, in order of lowest to highest, are: Mists, Shadows, Generals, Wardens, Champions. They favor light armor with plenty of pockets for small things, and spaces for daggers.

No one knows how to become a member.

The Grindavik Warriors

Legendary warriors in Astellan whose rank was based on loyalty to the regiment. New recruits were simply Grindavik Warriors, and worked their way through four tests of loyalty to gain rank. Upon completing the first test of loyalty they became Fidful Warriors, then Liege Warriors, Devota Warriors, and after completing the fourth and final test, became Hund Warriors. The lower ranking Grindavik did not wear gloves or metal armor other than their helmet. Higher ranked warriors wore gloves and metal armor, with the highest painting parts of their armor with gold to stand out more. Many warriors also wore a red cape, with three golden slashes, that featured the black Grindavik Raven.

The Barrowmere Defense Force

Little is known about the defenders of Barrowmere, other than that they were light warriors that favored cloth armor and spears. This made sense, as Barrowmere was renowned for its skilled tailors. Novice warriors were simply that, warriors, with the higher ranks being (in order): Skirmishers, Duguths, Soldiers, and finally the Chief.

The Brelmere

The Brelmere army have often seen hundreds of battles and have devoted their lives to defending the Island.

The Lions of Light

The Guild of Alchemy

Serra was a student there.

Dwonach Tower

Located in what is currently the Realm of Fire (known formerly as Feorrland) in the Forgotten Mountains of the region's Southern edge, it is a place where alchemy is taught and learned. Some sources point to an ethical stance at the Tower, but others paint a picture of dark practices that require branding and vows of loyalty in the pursuit of science.

Notable students include:

  • Geber, a unique Rebel Alchemist hero
  • Zviad the Idolator, a standard Roaming Monster in the Realm of Fire region.
  • Reina Goldhand, an elite Roaming Monster in the Realm of Fire region.
  • Carmilla, a legendary Logician Alchemist hero that appeared during the Blood Moon event

The Dwarven Clans

Each clan is governed by a King. Clans are allied with the Alfar. Dvalin was one of the greatest Kings.

The Southern Plainspeople

Anaara was the most skilled alchemist among the Southern Plainspeople.

The Pure

The Pure are a multi-race order who "keep the peace by any means necessary" and have been doing so for 20 years. They originated in Mirefen but have spread to wherever Cultists have appeared. Garron and Nijuro were members. The title of High Priest is the leader of the Pure.

The Guardians of Tal Afanbar

Formed by the hero Kamil, the Guardians are an elite combat unit that helped defend the great walled city of Tal Afanbar, in the Lost Sands when the Saurians attacked it centuries ago. Even so, the city nearly fell, but the Guardians were assisted by a powerful being from another plane of existence - the magical being Azhar - and with his help were able to hold out and force the Saurians to retreat.

The Guardians of Tal Afanbar defend the city still to this day.

Knights of the Flaming Dragon

Little is known about the Knights of the Flaming Dragon, but they can often be identified by the stylized red and white flame symbol of their order and flame designs on their gear. Their armor is highly prized for both its superior magic resistance and aesthetic appeal (it’s enchanted to actually be on fire.)

Many Knights of the Flaming Dragon wore a distinct cape, called a Hellfire Cape, and the shields of the Flaming Dragon Shield Masters still turn up from time to time on the backs of fortunate Rage Knights