Hero's Challenge/Queen Krita

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The Queen Krita Hero's Challenge ran from January 25th to February 1st, 2023. The player faced off against White Peak Trollkin and faced their leader Kerg Stoneheart, as well as Goblin enemies. Players could receive Warrior Hero Charms in the Reward Track.


Resuming Dialogue

One of the following dialogue lines will play when loading into the first battle of the map after the opening dialogue:

Queen Krita: Come, there are Trolls in sore need of education!
Queen Krita: Once more into glorious memory!
Queen Krita: Let us venture forth once more. Battle awaits!

Day 1
Battle Dialogue

Queen Krita: Where... where am I? This place seems familiar somehow, but...
Queen Krita: Incredible! I heard tales of the spirits of mighty Heroes of long past returning to battle evil-doers, but I never imagined I might one day count myself amongst them!
Queen Krita: I am Krita, Queen of the Riverlands, protector of... you know, I really hate giving all my titles. It feels a bit pompous, even for a monarch!
Queen Krita: Hmm, I'm guessing that the battles before us are a test - and a memory. A chance to relive one of my finest hours, so to speak.
Queen Krita: It seems I have been called forth to assist The Order of Rage, but that first we must both prove our worth. Excellent! Shall we?

Queen Krita: I still remember when the word came to use that the White Peak Trolls were invading our lands. It was sudden, and unexpected.
Queen Krita: We evacuated as many villages as we could, but we lost many good people and settlements. My forces had to gather quickly.
Queen Krita: Together with my trusted advisors, Master Ulfred and Doctor Flox, we soon had a plan.

Queen Krita:Ulfred and Flox had wildly different approaches to the Trollkin, but they worked well together.
Queen Krita: Our counter-offensive was highly effective... until the Trollkin leader, Kerg Stoneheart, entered the fray.
Queen Krita: His presence on the battlefield reinvigorated his forces, and ur attempts to push them back faltered.

Queen Krita: With the Trollkin advance, I wonderedif we would have to abandon out lands, for the safety of our people.
Queen Krita: Fortunately, we were to make the most unexpected allies...

Queen Krita: I couldn't believe it when Gunn approached me in our camp. She had managed to sneak past every single one of my guards.
Queen Krita: As she stalked towards me, I prepared for battle. But she merely laughed, and instead proposed an alliance against the Trollkin.
Queen Krita: Most goblin clans hold no love for humans, but I think Gunn knew that if my kingdom fell, her clan would be next.

Queen Krita: It was surprising how well my armies and Gunn's forces worked together. She ran a tight ship.
Queen Krita: Together, we stopped the Trollkin from advancing further - but their position was still strong, and word came of further reinforcements from the mountain.
Queen Krita: But we also received reinforcements when we made other unexpected alliances.

Queen Krita: Perhaps encouraged by the success of our alliance with Gunn's goblins, Logan approached us. His pack had long been fighting the Trollkin, but he knew that it would be more effective if we fought together.
Queen Krita: He was followed almost immediately by Lanasa, one of the Derkar. Like the lycans, she and her people had long been waging war against the trolls.

Queen Krita: So it was that I led my forces in a final battle against Kerg Stoneheart, alongside Gunn with her goblins, Logan with his lycans, and Lanasa and the dark elves.

Queen Krita: Kerg Stoneheart had been the most dangerous Trollkin leader we'd known - more intelligent than most of his kin, and skilled in magic.

Queen Krita: Can it be that my test is to face Stoneheart again? I'd relish the challenge!
10 Pre-Battle:

Queen Krita: Ugh, this was bad enough the first time around...
Queen Krita: Your forces are formidable, Stoneheart, but these are not your lands. Go back to your mountains, or suffer the consequences!
Stoneheart: You don't know the steps I've taken to ensure my immortality, Krita.
Queen Krita: I also don't care.


Stoneheart: I will return, Krita! I will be victorious!
Queen Krita: I doubt it.
Day 2
Battle Dialogue

Queen Krita: Krusa! I've heard about you - my commanders said that your skills were excellent, but that you were terrible at following rules.
Krusa: Your commanders talk too much, your majesty.
Queen Krita: Ha! I'll pin a medal on you yet.

Queen Krita: Ulfred! I should have known that you would become a mighty Hero. Still rescuing young idiots from themselves?
Ulfred: It is, as ever, a calling, your majesty. There's so many of them, you see...

Floxie! I heard that my castle now lies in ruins. Not a result of one of your experiments, I hope?
Flox: I shan't dignify that with an answer, your majesty.

Queen Krita: Oh, you've met Gunn! She came to our aid during the White Peak Troll's invasion. Excellent fighter! And also, an excellent dancer!

Queen Krita: Ah, Logan. A fine warrior, and a fine leader. It was always a shame that we couldn't make peace with more of the lycan tribes.
Logan: A sentiment I wish more of your kind shared, your majesty. And more of my own, in truth.

Queen Krita: You know of Viktor! He was a shameless flirt with all and sundry, but a powerful mage. I just wish he'd listened to Monster Ulfred more...

Queen Krita: Gwen, my child! Or should I say 'General'? You look exactly like you did they day I awarded you with the Noble Heart.
Gwen: It was one of the happiest days of my life, your majesty.

Tristan: Your majesty! It is good to see you again, after all these centuries!
Queen Krita: By the heavens, Tristan! Of all the forms of eternal garb you could have chosen, you picked THAT helmet?
Tristan: It was always my favorite!
10 Pre-Battle:

Stoneheart: All will know the power of the Trollkin! We are indomitable, indestructible-
Queen Krita: Insufferable?


Queen Krita: Just as satisfying as the first time I defeated him!