Abyssal Mist/Past Events

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Event 1 (2023)

Run Time: October 13 - November 27, 2023

Special Edition Rewards

  • Customizations
    • Dapper Hat - Hair
    • Abyssal Explorer's Gas Mask - Lower Face
    • Abyssal Explorer's Portable Gauge - Ears
    • Abyssal Poison - Skin
    • The Device - Cape
  • Skins
    • Abyssal Explorer's Pressure Blade - Sword
    • Abyssal Explorer's Pressure Axe - Axe
    • Abyssal Explorer's Mechanized Legs - Legs
    • Abyssal Explorer's Mechanized Arms - Arms
    • Abyssal Explorer's Respirator - Helmet
    • Abyssal Explorer's Gorget - Shoulders
    • Abyssal Explorer's Pressure Plate - Body
  • Store Skins
    • Abyssal Diver's Set
    • Abyssal Explorer's Pressure Hammer - Hammer

New Side Stories

Welcome to Abyssal Mist! A terrible enemy has forced open the Sacred Portal. The Shalkex plan to reap souls in order to tempt their deity, V'eggarh, to our world.
Closing the Portal will take time. Hold them off while I work!
  • Unlock the Sacred Portal
  • Earn 50 Event Points
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Speed Strikes like a Flash,
With Blinding Speed,
She needn't dash,
Three fights succeed.
Win 3 battles with Sola equipped
Cruel Order Certain members of the Highgard Militia are taxing locals heavily, promising protection from the Shalkex. Discourage them from such ignoble actions. Defeat 2 Roaming Militia
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Self Care By spell or potion,
By gauntlet or charm,
Perform any motion,
To undo some harm
Restore health or armor
The Reapers The Shalkex come to reap souls, and the local Undead have no reason to fear them. Whether new or old, we must thin their numbers. Defeat 30 Undead enemies
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Hero Helper In Lakenfen dwells a mustached man,
Red apron stained by Drops we hope,
A fellow book collection fan,
A little gold will help him cope.
Purchase an item from Boris's Drop Shop (Mirefen Bazaar)
Mirefen Migration Hail, n-n-noble knight! This cold is bad enough, and now we have weird invaders pushing monsters from Mirefen into Vattenby. Make sure they stay p-p-put!
  • Defeat 30 Cult enemies
  • Defeat 30 Demon enemies
  • Defeat 30 Golem enemies
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Wizard His knowledge plethora,
Spells hinder and heal,
Cast two Cleansing Auras,
No ills will you feel.
Use Ulfred's Rage Power 2 Times
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Emblem Fight a Knight for a token fee,
Win or lose you're given crests.
Former ten or latter three,
Show the world who is the best.
Earn 30 Arena Crests
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Incomprehensible This titan crushes mortal minds,
It holds the Shalkex in its sway.
Alone you cannot fight the tides.
Many friends hold evil at bay.
Win one round against The Shade of V'eggarh
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Arachnid Poisonous jumpers.
With legs of eight.
This is the number,
You must negate
Defeat 8 Spiders
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Unliving With an empty hood.
And a skeletal bow.
He fights all that's good,
Make him lie in the snow.
Defeat Zelfahed the Unliving
Fundamentals We must always remember the basics of combat. Use your gauntlet to fuel your Heroes' powers, then unleash them to great effect.
  • Punch 4 times
  • Use Base Powers 4 times
  • Use Rage Powers 4 times
Double Stunts Heeey! You must be really good at fighting those weird invaders by now, right? So you can show off those techniques in the Arena, riiight?
  • Win 2 Arena Battles with an Cult Minion
  • Win 2 Arena Battles with an Undead Minion
Ritual Interrupted Gelkar's followers find a terrible surge of power before being, ahem, sent to their master. Would you please defeat someone who is in this empowered state? Don't worry. I'm almost certain they won't explode. Defeat 2 enemies afflicted with Sacrifice
Soul Survivor I heard the invaders are here for peoples s-s-souls... and some folk are offering theirs for free! You'd better knock some sense into them. Achoo!
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Origins A novice Rage Knight's ancient rite,
To don this sacred tool,
Equip your fist and go to fight,
With it fell a pair of fools.
Defeat 2 enemies with a Gauntlet Punch
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Samped Overrun with countless foes,
Fen-cursed, Froskur, living roots,
Brave their magic, swords, and bows,
Hunt them thrice, repel the brutes.
Play or Raid 3 Hunts in Mirefen
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Punisher This Alchemist abides the Law,
A yellow band adorns her eyes,
A high green collar hides her jaw,
Three fights win with her beside.
Win 3 battles with Serra equipped
An Abyssal Mist Riddle: Fired Often foes will want you fried,
Flames bring more than just a graze,
Be it foes or self-applied,
Win one fight while you're ablaze.
Become afflicted with Burn
The Art of the Craft I have a proposal if you have a load of spare armor rusting away somewhere. We gather a few suits together, we heat up the forge, and you end up with something newer and better! Create a piece of armor in the Forge
Terrors From the Deep The Portal Master's work is nearly done. But I fear threats below ground may have gathered power in our absence. Show them we are stronger than ever.
Knocking Heads You're pretty good at staying alive, for a Knight. I dunno what you do different, but if you're not giving the bad guys a proper dirt nap, what's even the point? Stun 5 enemies
Suffering From Success You did g-g-great fighting off the Mirefen monsters. Too great! I'm worried monsters from the Realm of Fire might start looking our way. That's not the kind of heat I'm looking for!