Arena League

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Arena League Go To.png

"Fight other players in a battle to the death."

The Arena League is a PvP (player vs. player) mode where players can battle other players for opportunities to earn weekly prizes. The arena is located in Tourney Hill, Astellan.

The arena is currently not real time, but real-time fighting is planned to be implemented. The player currently faces opponents controlled by an AI much like other battles.


There are currently 17 Leagues.

At the start of each week, each player is assigned with 99 other players in a league based on their performance from the previous week. They may also start with a certain amount of rating points. Certain position cutoffs are set for x2 league up, league up and league down, that vary depending on league.

At the end of each week, players receive gems based on their league and arena crests based on their position in their league. If a player gets promoted to a league for the first time, they will receive a promotional reward.

League Table and Rewards
Tier League Name Initial Rating Outcome by Position End-of-week Rewards One-time Promotion Reward
x2 Up Up Remain Down Arena Crests Gems
Lowest Rookie.png


0 1 - 30 31 - 80 81 - 100 n/a 21 - 40 5 n/a
Bronze Scrapper.png


10 1 - 30 31 - 70 71 - 100 n/a 31 - 50 10 Barrowmere Tunic


20 1 - 25 26 - 70 71 - 100 n/a 41 - 60 15 Crested (Paint Customization)


40 1 - 25 26 - 60 61 - 100 n/a 51 - 70 20 Highridge Hawk's Boots


60 1 - 20 21 - 60 61 - 80 81 - 100 61 - 80 25 Pugilist Earguards (Ears Customization)


90 1 - 15 16 - 50 51 - 80 81 - 100 71 - 90 30 Highridge Hawk's Wrap
Silver Pugilist.png


120 1 - 10 11 - 40 41 - 70 71 - 100 81 - 100 35 Shield of the Bronze Fist (Cape Customization)


150 1 - 10 11 - 30 31 - 70 71 - 100 91 - 110 40 Highridge Hawk's Cervelliere


200 1 - 5 6 - 30 31 - 70 71 - 100 101 - 130 45 Pugilist Headband


250 1 - 5 6 - 30 31 - 70 71 - 100 111 - 150 50 Toothbreaker Vambraces


300 1 - 3 4 - 30 31 - 70 71 - 100 151 - 200 55 Regal Plaits (m) or Eagle Mouthguard (f) Customization
Gold Sentinel.png


350 1 - 3 4 - 25 26 - 65 66 - 100 201 - 250 60 Shield of the Silver Eagle (Cape Customization)


400 1 2 - 20 21 - 60 61 - 100 251 - 300 65 Toothbreaker Greaves


450 1 2 - 15 16 - 55 56 - 100 301 - 350 70 50 shards of Wei Feng


500 n/a 1 - 10 11 - 50 51 - 100 351 - 400 75 Arena King! (m) or Arena Queen! (f) (Hair Customization)


550 n/a 1 - 5 6 - 40 41 - 100 401 - 500 80 Scorched Spaulders
Highest Paragon.png


600 n/a n/a 1 - 30 70 - 100 501 - 1000 85 Shield of the Golden Griffons (Cape Customization)

Opponent Selection

Upon entering the arena, the player will have three randomly selected Knights to battle. Each choice will have the opponent's avatar, league emblem, in-game name, displayed arena rating, Knight level and expected rating change.

Opponent rerolls allow the player to re-roll a different set of opponents. The player may manually re-roll for free if a 2 hour cooldown has passed, the player either wins against all three opponents in their roll, loses or draws against one opponent. Otherwise, re-rolls cost 5 Gems.


Each arena battle costs 1 Arena Ticket. The player's Knight meets their chosen opponent's Knight, then the player starts.

The player has only 2 actions on their first turn, then their minions attack. The opponent fights with 4 actions, and their minions attack if they have not yet died. Knights and their minions alternate turns until one wins.

If the battle exceeds 8 turns, damage will be boosted to both Knights until either Knight dies.

If one Knight kills their opponent on their last action and gets killed after, this will result in a draw. This is due to the starting knight having a handicap of 2 extra actions.

Arena Rating

Arena rating determines the player's ranking in the weekly leaderboard and the expected changes in said rating when battling opponents of various rating points. Opponents' ratings displayed on the selection screen are cached, so they may appear to be less than the actual live rating.

It is based on a 24 point scale.

  • If an opponent's arena rating is greater than the player's, the win/lose ratio will be greater (more points for winning).
  • If the opponent's rating is less than the player's, the win/lose ratio will be less (greater decrease when losing than the increase when winning).
  • If the player and opponent's rating are on par or have a small difference, the win/lose ratio will be equal.

Having a draw will not affect arena rating. Conceding the match, false losses triggered after connection instability (fight interrupted screen or 'you lose' screen with the knight lowered to his knees) or force closing the app during battle will count as a loss.

Matches that occur with the player as an opponent (that is, being fought against by other players in the arena) will also not affect the player's arena rating.

Arena Crests

Main article: Arena Crests

Arena crests are earned after each arena battle played and after the end of the week (Monday midnight UTC). They may be spent on legendary capes, forging ores, charms, equipment and/or chests at the Champion's Reward merchant.

  • Defeat all 3: When the player defeats all three opponents shown on their screen at a time, an extra 5 crests will be awarded upon the last win.
  • Post-battle: A win will grant 10 crests, while a loss or draw will only earn you 3 crests.
  • End of week: When a player receives their arena rewards, they will get crests based on their current league and their position.

Arena Shop

At Tourney Hill, there is a Merchant called Champion's Reward that exchanges various goods for Arena Crests. The Arena Shop's stock resets every Monday at midnight UTC.

Item Note Price Stock
Malachite Rare Upgrade Material 6 32
Cobalt Epic Upgrade Material 12 16
Manganese Legendary Upgrade Material 24 8
Orpiment Unique Upgrade Material 48 4
Rare Weapon 45 4
Rare Armor 18 4
Rare Weapon Charm 40 2
Rare Armor Charm 18 2
Epic Weapon Charm 200 1
Epic Armor Charm 100 1
Legendary Weapon Charm 1000 1
Legendary Armor Charm 500 1
Gem Chest Rare-Legendary

Heroes, Armor, and Weapons

100 1
Equipment Chest Rare-Unique

Armor and Weapons

80 1
Hero Chest Rare-Unique Heroes 150 1
Spearman's Shield


Bladesman's Backpack

Legendary Cape Customization 500 3


  • The Arena was released on March 5, 2019 under the name Versus Arena. Players did not get to choose between 3 opponents; instead they were automatically assigned with an opponent per battle. Each win granted 6 arena crests, whereas each loss granted 2 crests. There were no daily Arena win rewards.
  • On August 6, 2019, these changes were made to the Versus Arena:
    • A weekly leaderboard was added. Players were awarded gems and crests based on their arena rating at the end of each week. They also received position rewards, which granted players chests if they finished within top 30%, 10%, 3%, or 1st place. Guilds are awarded contribution points based on their total guild rating.
    • Players are able to choose between 3 opponents to fight, and may reroll their set if they wish.
    • Daily crest rewards for 2, 5 and 9 wins may be claimed.
    • Each win grants 10 crests and each loss grants 3.
  • On July 24, 2020, the Versus Arena was renamed to Arena Leagues, and the league system was introduced. Players now receive weekly rewards based on their league and performance within their groups. The position reward and the 2-5-9 daily crest reward systems were removed.
