Troll Hunt/Past Events

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This page contains content from past Troll Hunt events.

Event 1 (2020)

Run Time: May 15 - July 13, 2020

In-Game News Teasers

News #1


Greetings, brave Knights!

The Portal Master reports that the Sacred Portal is awakening once more, opening up new lands. and new threats. Scouts report that the Mosshide Trolls, who were driven to a distant world centuries ago, have returned.

The Mosshide want to reclaim the lands they once seized and called theirs. Led by Dovregubben and Irpa, they want to take their revenge upon the descendants of the human and Derkar alliance that defeated them in the past.

All Knights must rise to the challenge to see off this threat in the upcoming Troll Hunt event! Fabulous rewards await those brave enough to heed the call."

News #2



Greetings, brave Knights!

The upcoming Troll Hunt event has many fantastic rewards for everyone who takes part - including limited edition rewards such as the Arkan Hammer, and exclusive customizations. Troll Hunt also sees the Maverick Rogue Eileen entering the fray! This event sees the introduction of the Premium Pass, which allows you to earn even more rewards, including the Legendary Derkar Warhammer!

Keep an eye on future news updates to get a glimpse of the event rewards!"

News #3


Come on, Eileen!

Many centuries ago, the humans of the Arkan Mountains and Mirefen were driven from their homes by the Mosshide Trolls. The Mosshide would devastate communities, destroying entire towns and villages and spoiling the water supply.

The humans spent years fleeing until Eileen took up her ancestor's hammer and led her people in rebellion against the Mosshide menance. Impressing the traditionally distrustful Derkar with both her passion and battle skills, she convinced them to join her battle against the trolls. Together, they forced the Mosshide through the portal.

Eileen's Rage Power, Drill Bit, damages all enemies and has a chance to inflict Expose for 3 turns. This complements her Base Power, Sledgehammer, which deals extra damage to the targeted enemy if they're currently afflicted with Expose.

Eileen's spirit is ready to the fight against the Mosshide during the Troll Hunt!"

News #4


Know your enemy

The Mosshide were a particularly fearsome tribe of Trolls, and unusually intelligent.

The muscle of their armies is provided by the Mosshide Warriors. These sword-wielding trolls can self-heal with their Trollblood ability, and can also calcify. Calcify will temporarily turn the troll into stone - although they cannot attack whilst in this form, they're virtually immune to damage from punches and most weapons!

The brains are provided by the Mosshide Foragers. These alchemists use combinations of fungi to create terrible weapons, including their Shrink ability. Shrink.. well, let's just say that any unfortunate victim ends up a little shorter than previously, and more vulnerable to damage.

Dovregubben is the King of the Mosshide. His powerful attacks are a match for any Knight, with his Squish ability doing huge damage to Knights that have been afflicted with Shrink. He also gets increasingly powerful with each hit he takes, thanks to his Grow ability.

Irpa Brunnmiggi is the Queen of the Mosshide, leading scouting parties to new territories that are ripe for domination. She has powerful self-healing and self-buffing powers that make her a formidable foe.

And then there is Dunker Mossfist. No-one knows how he grew to such an immense size. Rumor has it that he fell victim to the Forager's experiments, when they were refining the potions that would eventually grant Dovregubben his Grow ability. Dunker's Ah-CHOO! ability is powerful, inflicting Poison on any opponents, but also occasionally inflicting Expose upon himself. If you want to take him on, you'll need the help of your guild!"

News #5


The Mosshide are formidable foes, but they do have one great weakness, which can be summarized in one word: Hammers.

Eileen realized this when she took up her ancestor's Hammer - even if a Mosshide Warrior had turned itself to stone to avoid damage, Hammers would still do the trick. For this reason, Knights taking part in the Troll Hunt will have the opportunity to earn exclusive Hammers.

Everyone will have the opportunity to acquire the Arkan Hammer. Like Eileen's Hammer, the Arkan Hammer was a gift from the Dwarves to the humans of the Arkan Mountains. This Rare weapon has been handed down for generations, and is ideal for taking out marauding Trolls.

For those with the Premium Pass, there's also the Derkar Warhammer. Wielded by Derkar Battlemages, the Legendary Derkar Warhammer is a powerful weapon to wield against Trolls, and has the stylish design you'd expect from Dark Elves."

News #6

"'THE PORTAL OPENS - Here come the Mosshide!

Greetings, brave Knights!

The portal has opened and the Mosshide are here! Battle them for Event Points to win exclusive rewards - Limited Time rewards can only be obtained during the event!

We, at Midoki, hope that you have a great time smashing the Mosshide, and remember: if you're struggling with the Librarian's pesky riddles, ask your guild, or take a look on our social channels!"

New Side Stories

Troll Hunt's Side Stories expire at the end of the event if incomplete.

Welcome to the Troll Hunt! The Mosshide Trolls have returned! Long gone for centuries, these terrible foes are seeking revenge. You will be rewarded for defeating the Mosshide in all of their forms.
  • Unlock the Sacred Portal
  • Earn 50 event points
Opportunity Knocks With the Portal open and the Mosshide making a lot of noise, other villains and dark creatures are seeking to gain a greater foothold in our lands. Take them down!
  • Kill 10 Outlaws
  • Kill 10 Goblins
  • Kill 10 Undead
From Whom The Bell Trolls Irpa Brunmiggi is the Queen of the Mosshide, and personally leads their scouting parties. Remind her to stay on her side of the Portal. *Defeat Irpa Brunmiggi 5 times
A Troll Hunt Riddle: The Ring Get into the ring,
Above Mynor Mines,
And defeat your rivals,
At least three times.
Win 3 Arena battles
It's a Troll Revolution The Mosshide are vicious, and possess numerous abilities that make them a formidable foe. Face these creatures in battle, and emerge victorious!
  • Defeat 15 Mosshide Warriors
  • Defeat 8 Mosshide Foragers
Maintaining Control The Beasts of White Peak have become disturbed by recent events, and are causing havoc in the southern settlements. Thin their numbers to secure the area
  • Kill 15 Blight Hounds
  • Kill 5 Ice Drakes
  • Kill 1 Yeti
Hall of the Mountain King Dovregubben was the first king of the Mosshide. For centuries he has longed to return to this side of the Portal, to claim our lands as his once more Defeat Dovregubben 5 times
A Troll Hunt Riddle: a Hero of Arkan An Orphan alone,
She stole for herself to feed,
She became a Hero of Arkan,
Use her Blinding Speed.
Use Sola's Rage Power
Trolls, Trolls, Trolls! Rumor has in that the Mosshide are seeking reinforcements from their White Peak cousins. Let's make sure that doesn't happen.
  • Kill 30 White Peak Trollkin
  • Kill 20 Mosshide Warriors
  • Kill 10 Mosshide Foragers
A Troll Hunt Riddle: the Goblin Chieftain His kind made a deal,
With the demons of the deep,
Defeat the goblin chieftain,
Into the dungeon bravely leap.
Complete floor 2 of the Onslaught Dungeon
Dovregubben The Mosshide are certainly persistent - Dovregubben and Irpa are intent on expanding their kingdom. We must continue our efforts to drive them back
  • Defeat Dovregubben 5 times
  • Defeat Irpa Brunmiggi 5 times
  • Kill 30 Mosshide Trolls
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Brothers Two Brothers in their home,
Into their fires blades are fed,
Seek their help to create,
A weapon that kills Undead.
Forge an Undead Weapon
Troll with It The Mosshide are a relentless threat. We must always remain vigilant, and continue driving them back.
  • Defeat 10 Mosshide Warriors
  • Defeat 5 Mosshide Foragers
Brokkr's First Love Look at you idiots, running around after the Mosshide again. It reminds me of when I was a young Dwarf, and I crafted the first Arkan Hammer for the humans.
Those were the days! Blood, screaming, and hammers!
  • Level up the Arkan Hammer to level 5
  • Level up the Arkan Hammer to level 15
Troll the Bones Highgard has seen much suffering at the hands of Necros and his Undead. We need to ensure that we keep the numbers of both Undead and Trolls down.
  • Defeat 10 Trolls
  • Defeat 25 Undead
Rock and Troll The Mosshide have proven adept at controlling the Mirefen Golems. If we are to stop the conquest, we need to reduce their numbers.
  • Kill 20 Mirefen Golems
  • Kill 20 Mosshide Trolls
A Trollkin in Need The White Peak are still counting their efforts to send the Mosshide aid. Let's put a stop to that, shall we?
  • Kill 6 Trollkin Demolishers
  • Kill 12 Trollkin Conjurers
  • Kill 6 Trollkin Flintcasters
Number of the Beast With so many Knights focused on the Portal, the local beasts populating are getting out of hand. Hunt the beasts and keep the locals safe.
  • Kill 1 Boar
  • Kill 1 Brown Bear
  • Kill 3 Dark Fowl
  • Kill 5 Wolves
Mosshide Monarchs Dovregubben and Irpa continue their relentless attacks on our lands. We must show them that we will not give in!
  • Kill Dovregubben 8 times
  • Kill Irpa Brunmiggi 5 times
A Troll Hunt Riddle: the Hammer A slayer of the Highridge Harpies,
He downed twenty flasks one night,
Behold his beard! His hammer! His helm!
And use his Hammer Shock in a fight.
Use Helmar's Rage Power
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Powers Arcane Two giant horns and the face of a skull,
Clad in purple and black,
Bearing a staff and powers arcane,
This monster you must attack.
Defeat Necros the Cursed in any Monster Cave
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Moody Miserable and moody with a floppy fringe,
On brooding and sulking he likes to binge,
But with his bow and arrow he always aims true,
Use his Poison Arrows, it's what you must do.
Use Aeron's Base Power
Power of the Derkar Hmph, I'll admit that the Derkar weren't exactly unskilled when it came to making armor.
  • Level up the Derkar Boots to level 5
  • Level up the Derkar Boots to level 30
A Troll Hunt Riddle: The Wizard This Wizard looks like one of the Undead,
But you'll find he's actually an Outlaw instead,
Assisted by Golems and on the seventh floor,
Defeat him in the Ruins of Heiferlaw
Complete floor 7 of the Onslaught Dungeon
Room to Roam It's important not to let monsters roam too freely in these troubled times. Demonstrate your skill, and take down a few as a warning to others Defeat 5 Roaming Monsters
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Paw and Claw Paw and claw,
Snout and beak,
Ten of these enemies,
You must defeat
Kill 10 Beast enemies
A Troll Hunt Riddle: The Archer Clad in robes of red and white,
For Krita's army he chose to fight,
To solve his riddle, to get it right,
You must use his Arrow of Light
Use Tristan's Rage Power
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Demons Across our beloved lands,
Foul creatures freely roam,
If you see wretched Demons,
Send three straight back home
Kill 3 Demon Roaming Monsters
A Troll Hunt Riddle: White Peak Once the protectors of White Peak,
They live beyond Skardreg Pass,
Twenty of these frozen Outlaws Seek,
An their icy attacks surpass
Kill 20 White Peak Outlaws
On The Ropes Knights from across the lands have done an excellent job of repelling the Mosshide invaders. However, there's still much to be done.
  • Kill 30 Mosshide Warriors
  • Kill 20 Mosshide Foragers
  • Defeat Dovregubben 10 times
  • Defeat Irpa Brunmiggi 10 times
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Lord of White Peak A troll so vicious, but not of the Mosshide kind,
In a deep dark cave you're sure to find,
Garb of red and black, skin so white,
This mighty Troll Lord you must fight.
Defeat Kren Rockjaw
A Troll Hunt Riddle: The Chakram This vicious feline will swiftly kill,
Her cursed blades cutting deep,
Bring her into battle,
Make your enemies weep.
Equip Neko into battle

Limited Edition Rewards

  • Customizations
    • Derkar Ear Cuff - Ears
    • Derkar Troll Hunter - Hair
    • This Means War! - Paint
    • Maw of Intimidation - Lower Face
    • Eyes of Intimidation - Eyes
    • Blades of the Derkar - Cape
  • Weapons - Strong vs Troll
    • Sturdy Arkan Hammer - Rare Hammer
    • Sturdy Derkar Hammer - Legendary Hammer
  • Armor Set - Derkar (Legendary Heavy Armor)
    • Derkar Vambraces - Arms
    • Derkar Boots - Legs
    • Derkar Pauldrons - Shoulders
    • Derkar Helm - Helmet
    • Derkar Hauberk - Body

Event 2 (2021)

New Side Stories

A Troll Hunt Riddle: Killer Queen A child on her back, she strides into the fray,
Bashing and mashing all opponents away
She riles up her troops with vicious delight
Win five victories, be the best Knight.
Defeat Irpa Brunnmiggi 5 times
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Hew and Cry For cutting down trees or cutting down foes,
This weapon is surely the best
With its edge many foes you must slay
Win battles five, this is your quest.
Win 5 battles with an Axe Weapon equipped
A Troll Hunt Riddle: The Mercenary A sellsword of tremendous skill,
Her village she couldn't save,
Trollish vengeance she then sought,
Crush her foes with a brutal wave.
Kill one enemy with Tara's Rage Power
A Troll Hunt Riddle: The Widow She lived in the swamp with her husband and boys,

Until the Demons took all she had dear.

Allow this Mage to fight at your side,

Her Hexenbolt will teach foes true fear.

Kill one enemy with Ursula's Base Power
  • Event Points x2000
  • 12 Pure Tellarium
  • Berkana x2
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Backline With hair of red and bow of bone,
From the back they will attack.
Defeat twenty of their kind,
Push these Outlaws back.
Kill 20 Outlaw Rangers
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Teamwork For defeating giant foes with all of your friends,
These blue crystals shall be your reward.
Earn two score and five of these fine gems,
And add them to your mighty horde.
Earn 45 Guild Accolades
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Sage Queen Krita's sage and mighty Mage,
His wisdom was unsurpassed.
Against Trolls he stands so strong,
His power you must cast.
Use Ulfred's Base Power
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Hated Hated and loathed by even their own kin,
With wooden staff and raggedy hair,
Their affinity with fire will save them not,
Defeat ten of them fair and square.
Kill 10 Trollkin Conjurers
Troubled Times Do you know what people in these troubled times need? Variety! Entertainment! Knights showing their prowess in the Arena!
  • Defeat a rival Knight with a Hammer
  • Defeat a rival Knight with an Axe
  • Defeat a rival Knight with a Sword
Acid Party Both the Mosshide Trolls and the Mirefen's Golems are vulnerable to Acid. Although Aeron and Wormwood are strong against different enemies, their Rage Powers can still be useful in the fight against the Mosshide.
Mother's Day Out As the Queen of the Mosshide, Irpa Brunnmiggi is one of their most powerful and vicious warriors. Defeating her is sure to demoarlize the Mosshide Forces. Defeat Irpa Brunnmiggi 5 times
Rolling Stones There are numerous powerful Golems that are native to our lands. Take them down before they fall under the Mosshide's control!
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Wondrous A coppery orange, but stronger than steel,
This material strengthens your blade.
Gather fifty of this wondrous metal,
Then better weapons can be made.
Collect 50 Volcanite Bits
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Nomads Cult and Demon, Goblin and Beast,
And more do wander the lands,
Defeat ten nomadic foes,
That's what this riddle commands.
Defeat 10 Roaming Monsters
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Obedience With fur of white and teeth so sharp,
This Canid is a formidable foe
But win three with it at your side,
Into the ring you go!
Win 3 Arena League battles with the Pale Vargr equipped
A Troll Hunt Riddle: The Hair He learned from Ulfred powers arcane,
But his style was all of his own.
With amazing hair and a blade at his side,
Win battles ten, make enemies groan.
Win ten battles with Viktor Equipped
Not Forgotten The Froskur are attempting to build a new temple to their Demon Lords. We need to remind them that, even with the Mosshide invasion, we haven't forgotten them. Kill 20 Froskur
Tools for the Job Trolls, eh? They're always causing trouble. I've heard from a good friend that the best way to deal with any problem is with a hammer! Who can argue with a hammer? NO ONE. THAT'S WHO!
  • Defeat 30 Mosshide Trolls
  • Win 15 battles with a hammer
Trollkins and Tribulations The White Peak Trollkin are looking to the Mosshideas potential allies. Show them why that would be a bad idea. Kill 50 Trollkin
Go Go Golems You must reduce the number of Golems, and find Heroes that will help you in this task. Nero the Heretic summons many Golems, but Lars and Olaf are skilled at battling them.
  • Defeat Nero the Heretic
  • Use Lars' Base Power 3 times
  • Use Olaf's Base Power 3 times

Limited Edition Rewards

  • Customizations
    • Swamp Thing - Skin
    • Ancient Derkar Mouthguard - Face
    • Ancient Derkar Mask - Eyes
    • Ancient Derkar Earrings - Ears
    • Tears of the Derkar - Paint
    • Moldavite City - Dye
    • Wildling - Hair
    • Derkar Relic - Cape
  • Skin Set - Ancient Derkar
    • Ancient Bone Blade - Sword
    • Ancient Tenderizer - Hammer
    • Ancient Derkar Sandals - Legs
    • Ancient Derkar Bracers - Arms
    • Ancient Derkar War Mask - Helmet
    • Ancient Derkar Spaulders - Shoulders
    • Ancient Derkar Kilt - Body
  • Plate is Great! - Eileen Hero Skin

Event 3 (2022)

Run Time: April 1 - May 16, 2022

In-Game News Teasers


Know Your Enemy

The Mosshide were a particularly fearsome tribe of trolls, and unusually intelligent.

The muscle of their armies is provided by the Mosshide Warriors. These sword-wielding Trolls can self-heal with their Trollblood ability, and can also Calcify. Calcify temporarily turns the Troll into stone - although they cannot attack whilst in this form, they're also virtually immune to damage from punches and most weapons!

The brains are provided by the Mosshide Foragers. These Alchemists use combinations of fungi to create terrible weapons, including their Shrink ability. Shrink... well, let's just say that any unfortunate victim ends up a little shorter than previously, and more vulnerable to damage.

Dovregubben is the King of the Mosshide. His powerful attacks are a match for any Knight, with his Squish ability doing huge damage to Knights that have been afflicted with Shrink. He also gets increasingly powerful with each hit he takes, thanks to his Grow ability.

Irpa Brunnmiggi is the Queen of the Mosshide, leading scouting parties to new territories that are ripe for domination. She has powerful self-healing and self-buffing powers that make her a formidable foe.

And then there is Dunker Mossfist. No one knows how he grew to such an immense size. Rumor has it that he fell victim to the Foragers' experiments, when they were refining the potions that would eventually grant Dovregubben his Grow ability. Dunker's Ah-CHOO! ability is powerful, inflicting Poison on any opponents, but also occasionally inflicting Expose upon himself. If you want to take him on, you'll need the help of your Guild!


Hammer and Claw

Greetings, brave Knights! And now, a few words on our Troll Hunt Heroes...

Eileen the Rogue (with a giant hammer) makes a return for Troll Hunt, allowing newer players the best chance of earning her, and seasoned veterans who have gained her previously to get a few more Stars under her belt. A feral child with a deep loathing of the Mosshide, Eileen is a fantastic addition to anyone's team.

Eileen's Rage Power, Drill Bit, damages all enemies and has a chance to inflict Expose for three turns. This complements her Base Power, Sledgehammer, which deals extra damage to the targeted enemy if they're currently afflicted with Expose.

Our Unique Troll Hunt Hero is the Rogue Bayani. Fast, fierce, and with a fondness for lobbing rocks at his enemies, Bayani used his powers to protect his people from marauding Golems. During this Troll Hunt Event he'll be getting his own Hero Skin, so keep an eye out for it in the Store!

Bayani's Base Power, Six-Punch Bonanza, damages the current target and has a chance to inflict Expose. His Rage Power, Highscream, does distributed damage to all enemies, and dispels any positive buffs that they may have.

Eileen and Bayani's spirits are ready to fight against the Mosshide and their Golem allies during the Troll Hunt!

New Side Stories

Welcome to the Troll Hunt! The Mosshide Trolls have returned! After their banishment, these terrible foes are seeking revenge. You will be rewarded for defeating the Mosshide in all of their forms.
  • Unlock The Sacred Portal
  • Earn 50 Event Points
  • Gold x1000
  • Event Points x1000
  • Mannaz x1
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Slayer Five Hundred harpies he did slay.
The Hero of Highridge stands tall.
But not as tall as his friend Blaine.
Win three battles, make his foes fall.
Win 3 battles with Helmar
Mother! Irpa Brunnmiggi is a formidable warrior and a decisive leader. She's also arguably a terrible mother. Bringing her children in to battle - but I'm not a parent, so no judgement from me... Defeat Irpa 3 Times
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Eagle Crest Following a fallen Lord, with the creast of an eagle,
To their Militia they always stay true,
Their arrows carry the risk of poison,
Defeat ten is what you must do.
Defeat 10 Militia Archers
Trolling Stones The Mosshide seem to have natural affinity for Mirefen's Golems. Perhaps his is a reminder of the time they used to dominate that region? In any case, we should reduce their potential allies... Defeat 30 Mirefen Golems (Root Hound, Root Brute, Root Healer)
Troll Patrol We need to ensure that none of our local trolls decide to join forces with the Mosshide. A show of force should hold back their ambitions.
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Massive How did he get so massive?
Not even he himself knows.
With your friends take him down,
Survive his disgusting nose.
Win 1 Round against Dunker Mossfist.
Glory To The Victorious! What time is it? It's Arena Time! Go give the crowd a good show, and demonstrate the things that the Mosshide fear the most - hammerstrikes and punches!
  • Win an Arena battle with a Hammer equipped
  • Finish an Arena battle with a Punch
We've Been Expecting You It was only a matter of time before the Mosshide attempted another invasion. We must push them back!
Troll Control Oh look! It's my favourite giant idiot! Well, we've got the Mosshide monarchs on our doorstep. So it's best to make sure we've got the right tools to greet them properly. Craft a Strong vs Troll weapon in the Foundry
Rocky Mounting There are rumours that Irpa Brunnmiggi seeks to tame the Ridgeback Aurock and use it as a battlemount. We need to out a stop to her plans Defeat Ridgeback Aurock x3
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Six Eyes A gem on their head, a body of roots
They have four legs and six eyes,
Ten of these strange foes you must slay.
Ignore their odd haunting cries.
Kill 10 Root Hounds
Maintaining Control Although the Mosshide's invasion is a dire situation, we mustn't let other foes take advantage of the chaos.
  • Kill 30 Goblins
  • Kill 10 Golems
  • Kill 10 Cuiltists
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Furious Child The furious child of Damfton,
Behold her Brutal Wave,
Use it against your enemies,
Send ten to their grave.
Kill 10 enemies with Tara's Rage Power
A Troll Hunt Riddle:Rapier With a twirling moustache and rapier so sharp,
This rogue has traveled the lands,
Use this Molten Blade at least three times,
To fulfill this riddle's demands.
Use Don Diego's Rage Power 3 times
Hall of the Mountain King Dovregubben and Irpa Brunnmiggi are persistent. We must meet the threat they pose at every available opportunity, whether that's at the Portal or in our own lands. Defeat the Mosshide Monarchs (Irpa and Dovre) 3 times.
For Whom the Bell Trolls We must use every resource at our disposal to finally push back the Mosshide menace!
  • Win 20 Battles with a Strong vs Troll Weapon
  • Win 20 Battles with a Strong vs Troll Hero
  • Defeat 1 Roaming Troll

Limited Edition Rewards

  • Customizations
    • Tracked! - Face Paint
    • Steam Commander's Respirator - Face
    • Steam Commander's Goggles - Eyes
    • Steam Commander's Mohawk - Hair
    • Portable Power Pack - Cape
  • Skins
    • Steam Engineer's Sledgehammer - Hammer
    • Steam Engineer's Axe - Axe
    • Steam Commander's Boots - Legs
    • Steam Commander's Gauntlets - Arms
    • Steam Commander's Helm - Helmet
    • Steam Commander's Epauletters - Shoulders
    • Steam Commander's Frock Coat - Body
    • Grease Monkey - Eileen

Event 4 (2023)

Run Time: March 24-April 28, 2023

Reward Track cap changed from to 250,000 to 200,000

New Side Stories

A Troll Hunt Riddle: Fierce and Mean With sword in hand and armor bright,
In Astellan take up fight.
Against foes ten, fierce and green,
Their defeat, the valiant dream.
Defeat 10 Goblins in Astellan
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Visage A Healing Visage, this Hero's power,
To help allies in their darkest hour.
A ray of light, a heal so true,
With her at your side, win battles two.
Use Zoe's Rage Power twice
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Lurking With red skin and eyes that gleam,
These foes lurk in Mirefen's stream.
A Knight must face these demons with care,
And vanquish ten in fennish warfare.
Defeat 10 Froskur enemies
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Roguish Might With daggers in hand, this Hero stands,
Against the cultists, her strength commands,
With roguish might, win the fight,
With Blinding Speed, her powers smite.
Use Sola's Rage Power
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Tap With armor to protect from foe's sharp attack,
In the forge of the dwarves, your path leads back,
Where the two brother's hammers do tap,
Craft a piece to keep yourself intact!
Craft a piece of Armor at the Dwarven Foundry
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Hate Trolls! In battles three you must engage,
This Rebel Warrior with a sword so great,
With her might defeat the Trollish plague,
Against these foes, she'll seal their fate.
Win 3 battles with Tara equipped
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Snow A land of snow and icy peaks,
Where Beasts and Outlaws battle seek,
With fearsome Trollkin on your trail,
Win five Hunts, do not fail.
Complete or Raid 5 Hunts in White Peak
A Troll Hunt Riddle: Serene Near Mynor Mines, where Knights convene,
Near two straits, azure and serene,
To prove your might, you must engage,
In battles three that test your Rage.
Win 3 battles in the Arena League

Limited Edition Rewards

  • Customization
    • Pastel Sunrise - Hair
    • Ace's Ribons - Ears
    • Mask of the Ace - Eyes
    • Avant Bard - Eileen
    • Rochenbachen MMMMI - Cape
  • Skins
    • Ace of Spade's Flamberge - Sword
    • Ace of Spade's Axe - Axe
    • Ace of Spade's Boots - Legs
    • Ace of Spade's Sleeves - Arms
    • Ace of Spade's Helm - Helmet
    • Ace of Spade's Paouldrons - Shoulders
    • Ace of Spade's Breastplate - Body
