Guild Wars

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Guild Wars.jpg

Guild Wars is an upcoming game mode focused around the Player's Guild controlling and defending points on a node-based map against three other Guilds and various Monster encounters.

Only Knights that were present in a Guild at the start of the Guild War are allowed to participate in that War. Any new Knights must wait until the next Guild War to participate.

  • If a player leaves a Guild during a Guild War and re-joins within the week, they may continue to participate in that Guild's War.

Each Guild War event takes place over 7 days, in the middle of existing Special Events. At the end of the event, players are awarded Laurels and Garlands based on their guild's placement and performance. These can be exchanged for rewards at the The Quartermaster's Shop and the Guild Shop.

Guild Wars were added in the 1.15.1 Update on September 28th, 2022, with the first Guild War event running from October 3rd - October 10th, 2022.


Breakdown of the Guild Wars map, courtesy of Aemylos

At the start of the Guild War, four guilds are put into four corner nodes of a single map, consisting of 81 nodes in a 9 x 9 diamond-shaped grid. There are 9 types of node:

  • Guild Base: a node that will always belong to its initially assigned Guild.
  • Crossroads: a node that offers small reward, but is invaluable for reaching other parts of the Map.
  • Gem Mine - a node that generates 1 Gem for the controlling Guild every 3 hours
  • Gold Mine: a node that generates 1,000 Gold for the controlling Guild every 6 hours
  • Lumberyard: a node that generates Lumber for the controlling Guild
  • Banner: a node that generates Glory for the controlling Guild
  • Town: a node that generates Orders for the controlling Guild
  • Vault: a node that generates Chests for the controlling Guild
  • Fortress: a Fortified node that makes its defenders hit harder
  • Tower: an un-Fortifiable node that grants a buff to members of the controlling Guild

Attacking and Conquering

Guilds conquer nodes by having a player Contend that node using an Order. The player who contends the node has 30 minutes in which they can attempt to attack the node before requiring another Order.

Unoccupied nodes are defended by Roaming and Standard Monsters, including the unique Special Event Monsters, and are battled in typical fashion.

If the node has been conquered by a Guild, that Guild may choose to have one of their Knights guard the node using an Order, adding their AI Defense Loadout and Minions as an extra battle before being able to contend the node. This battle is fought with their Minions in a style similar to Arena League, with a few changes:

  • The turn order is selected randomly
  • The attacking Knight is allowed to use Battle Boosts

Conquering a node grants 100 Glory to the player's Guild.


Players may Fortify their occupied nodes using 1 Order and 10 Lumber per fortification level (10 lumber for level 1, 20 for level 2, etc). Fortification increases the damage of the defending Knight and enemy Monsters by 25% per fortification, as well as adding a Roaming Monster based on the Fortification level. Each player may fortify a node once per node, per day.

If a player attacks a Fortified node, but does not win the battle, the Fortification of that node is reduced by 1 level.

Ranking and Rewards


At the end of a Guild War, the Guilds are ranked from 1st to 4th place based on the total Glory they have acquired. Laurels, Garlands, Guild XP, and Guild Accolades are then distributed to each member of the Guild based on their placement.

Placement Rewards per Member
Place Guild XP Accolades Laurels Garlands
1st 10 20 200 200
2nd 8 18 180 180
3rd 6 16 160 160
4th 4 15 150 150

Monster Types

The Monsters that appear in the Guild Wars nodes are based on the current Special Event. This will include the Event's special monsters, as well as two selected supporting types specifically for Guild Wars.

Monster Types per Event
Event Main Type Supporting Types
Dark Tor Flag.png Dark Tor Cult 1.png Cult Beast 1.png Beast Goblin 1.png Goblin Undead 1.png Undead
Troll Hunt Flag.png Troll Hunt Troll 1.png Troll Undead 1.png Undead Militia 1.png Militia WIP
Demongate Flag.png Demongate Demon 1.png Demon WIP
Lost Sands Flag.png Lost Sands Outlaw 1.png Outlaw Militia 1.png Militia Undead 1.png Undead WIP
Blood Moon Flag.png Blood Moon Beast 1.png Beast Outlaw 1.png Outlaw Golem 1.png Golem WIP
Abyssal Mist Flag.png Abyssal Mist Undead 1.png Undead Demon 1.png Demon Troll 1.png Troll Golem 1.png Golem
Wintertide Flag.png Wintertide Goblin 1.png Goblin Demon 1.png Demon Cult 1.png Cult Militia 1.png Militia

The Quartermaster's Lodge

The Quartermaster's Lodge is where the player may exchange Laurels and Garlands earned during Guild Wars in return for Spoils of War, as well as buy War Supplies for use in the Guild Wars.

War Supplies
Item Note Price (Gems) Stock
Orders x1 Used to perform actions in Guild Wars 200 4
Lumber x50 Used to fortify controlled locations in Guild Wars 250 -
Spoils of War
Item Note Price (Garlands) Stock
Rat Burger x10 Goblin Minion Food 200 8
Chicken Pie x10 Militia Minion Food 200 8
Stone Soup x10 Troll Minion Food 200 8
Lesser Scroll of Heroism x10 Common Scroll 30 3
Improved Scroll of Heroism x5 Rare Scroll 200 3
Greater Scroll of Heroism x3 Epic Scroll 1,125 3
Superior Scroll of Heroism x2 Legendary Scroll 2,500 1
Exalted Scroll of Heroism x1 Unique Scroll 7,500 1
Equipment Chest x1 Chest Containing Equipment 240 3
Gem Chest x1 Chest Containing Hero Shards and Equipment 500 3
Hero Chest x1 Chest Containing Hero Shards 450 3
Impossible Bottle Table Ornament 8,000 1
Obligator's Gauntlet Gauntlet Skin 3,000 1
Obligator's Helmet Helmet Skin 2,400 1
Obligator's Chains Shoulders Skin 1,200 1
Obligator's Boots Legs Skin 600 1
Obligator's Vambraces Arms Skin 450 1
Obligator's Hammer Hammer Skin 1,500 1
Barkeep Unique Cape 12,000 1

War Track

To see previous Limited Edition rewards, see /Past Rewards

During every Guild War, Glory earned by any member of the player's Guild will contribute to that player's individual War Track. Like the Event Track in Special Events, this contains rewards at different point values for both a Standard and Premium track. The premium track can be unlocked for $3.99 USD.

The War track refreshes every time a new War begins, with rewards marked as Limited Edition being exclusive to each event.

Blood Moon 2022 War Track

War Track

Order x1 500 Order x1
Customization Chest x1 2500 Customization Chest x1
Gems x10 3,750 Snikt! - Gauntlet Skin
Limited Edition
Gem Chest x1 5,000 Lumber x50
Gold x1000 6,250 Gold x5000
Epic Shard Dust x100 7,500 Legendary Shard Dust x100
Customization Chest x1 8,750 Order x1
Gold x1000 10,000 Gold x5000
Gem Chest x1 11,250 Lumber x50
Equipment Chest x1 12,500 Deluxe Equipment Chest x1
Arena Crest x50 13,750 Guild Accolade x10
Customization Chest x1 15,000 Order x1
Gold x1000 16,250 Gold x5000
Gem Chest x1 17,500 Order x1
Hero Chest x1 18,750 Redux Hero Chest x1
Epic Shard Dust x100 20,000 Legendary Shard Dust x100
Customization Chest x1 21,250 Order x1
Gold x1500 22,500 Gold x7500
Gem Chest x1 23,750 Lumber x50
Gems x15 25,000 Redux Style Chest x1
Crimson Souls x50 26,250 Guild Accolade x15
Customization Chest x1 27,500 Order x1
Gold x1500 28,750 Gold x5000
Gem Chest x1 30,000 Order x1
Equipment Chest x1 31,250 Deluxe Equipment Chest x1
Legendary Shard Dust x100 32,500 Unique Shard Dust x100
Customization Chest x1 33,750 Order x1
Gold x2000 35,000 Gold x10000
Gem Chest x1 36,250 Lumber x50
Hero Chest x1 37,500 Redux Hero Chest x1
Arena Crest x75 38,750 Guild Accolade x20
Customization Chest x1 40,000 Order x1
Gold x2500 41,250 Gold x12500
Gem Chest x1 42,500 Lumber x50
Gems x20 43,750 Redux Style Chest x1
Legendary Shard Dust x100 45,000 Unique Shard Dust x100
Customization Chest x1 46,250 Order x1
Gold x3000 47,500 Gold x15000
Gem Chest x1 48,750 Lumber x50
Equipment Chest x1 50,000 Deluxe Equipment Chest x1
Crimson Souls x75 51,250 Guild Accolade x25
Customization Chest x1 52,500 Order x1
Gold x3500 53,750 Gold x17500
Gem Chest x1 55,000 Order x1
Hero Chest x1 56,250 Redux Hero Chest x1
Legendary Shard Dust x100 57,500 Unique Shard Dust x100
Customization Chest x1 60,000 Order x1
Gold x4000 60,000 Gold x20000
Gem Chest x1 61,250 Lumber x50
Gems x25 62,500 Redux Style Chest x1
