Dark Tor/Past Events

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Event 1 (2020)

Run Time: March 13, 2020 - April 27, 2020

This event only featured Garron.

Portal Battle Mode

Event Point boosts for Portal levels 35 and 45 were different.

Event Points Earned Per Monster
ENEMY BASE POINTS +20% +50% +70% +100% (double)
Inquisitor Vitiosus 120 144 180 204 240
Inquisition Enforcer 60 72 90 102 120
Inquisition Archer 30 36 45 51 60
Militia Alchemist 15 18 23 26 30
Militia Archer 10 12 15 17 20
Militia Swordsman 20 24 30 34 40

Side Stories

Nobody Expects The Inquisition The portal has opened once again, and the Inquisition is ready to make its move. Thin their numbers, hold them back, and I will see to it that you are rewarded
  • Unlock portal
  • Earn 10 Event Points
  • 2000 gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 3 Improved Scrolls of Heroism
Beware Dark Tor Beyond the Portal, at the Dark Tor itself, Inquisitor Vitiosus readies his forces to march against us all. Defeat him to delay his plans
  • Defeat 10 Inquisitor Enforcers
  • Defeat 5 Inquisition Archers
  • Defeat Inquisitor Vitiosus
  • 1000 event points
  • 1 Mannaz
  • 5 Garron Shards
Maintaining Control The Inquisition will seek to gain ground, but it's important to ensure other enemies remain under control, too
  • Defeat 20 Undead enemies
  • Defeat 10 Beast Enemies
  • Defeat 10 Goblin Enemies
  • 1000 event points
  • 1 Thurisaz
  • 3 Improved Scrolls of Heroism
Cult Allies Ah, my favourite Arena champion! Not only is the Arena a great place to hone your skills, but you can also enrage the Inquisition by battling alongside Cult Minions!
  • Win 3 Arena battles with a Cult Minion
  • 1000 event points
  • 2 Mannaz
  • 2 Thurisaz
Dark Tor Riddle, Part I An alchemist brave like no other,

A vicious Goblin killed his mother,

A man of ice, a man no sage,

Show the world his mighty Rage

  • Use Grimm's Rage Power once
  • 2000 event points
  • 5 drops of Humility
  • 40 Malachite
Dark Tor Riddle, Part II Flying flags of blue and red,

Marks a place knights boldly tread,

Upon the hill by Atrelar Strait,

You must win battles eight.

  • Win 8 battles in the Versus Arena
  • 2000 event points
  • 40 Cobalt
  • Hero Chest
Dark Tor Riddle, Part III By Heiferlaw Ruins lies terrors deep,

Where vicious foes never sleep,

Defeating Outlaw, Goblin, Cult and more,

Kill the demon of the upper floor.

  • Defeat floor 5 of the Onslaught Dungeon
  • 2000 event points
  • 100 Legendary Hero Dust
  • 32 Manganese
Dark Tor Riddle, Part IV Roaming across the land you'll find,

Monsters and foes of every kind,

To solve this riddle you must kill,

One of each that fits the bill.

  • Kill a Roaming monster of each type
  • 2000 event points
  • 100 Unique hero dust
  • 20 Orpiment
Conquering Caligo Inquisitor Caligo has managed to get through the portal, and is terrorizing our lands with his troops. Remind him that we will not capitulate so easily.
  • Defeat Inquisitor Caligo
  • Defeat 20 Inquisition Enforcers
  • Defeat 10 Inquisitor Archers
  • 5000 gold
  • 1000 event points
  • 4 Uruz
Thin the Herd The Inquisition is always looking for new converts to grow its numbers. Why don't we reduce the number of potential recruits?
  • Defeat 30 Militia
  • 1000 event points
  • 3 Greater Scrolls of Heroism
  • 5 Garron shards
Armored Saint Oh look, a bunch of Knights causing trouble. The Order of the Pure, the Order of Rage, the Inquisition - you're all a pain in the backside! Still, there's some good armor up for grabs...
  • Raise the Purist Page's Cuffs to level 5
  • Raise the Purist Page's Cuffs to level 21
  • 1000 event points
  • 10 tellurian bars
  • 10 volcanite bars
Inquisitors' Ire The more defeats we inflict on the Inquisition's leaders, the harder they'll find it to gain a foothold in our lands.
  • Defeat Inquisitor Caligo 5 times
  • Defeat Inquisitor Vitiosus 5 times
  • 25000 gold
  • 1000 event points
  • 15 Garron shards
Shouldering the Burden Still smashing up those Inquisition losers? Good work, I guess. Anyway, show me the armor!
  • Raise the Purist Page's Spaulders to level 5
  • Raise the Purist Page's Spaulders to level 31
  • 1000 event points
  • 10 Fine Tellurian
  • 10 Fine Volcanite
Stand Your Ground The Inquisition is nothing if not persistent. Stand firm and continue to fight back, on both sides of the portal!
  • Defeat Inquisitor Caligo 5 times
  • Defeat Inquisitor Vitiosus 5 times
  • Defeat 30 Inquisition Enforcers
  • Defeat 20 Inquisition Archers
  • 35000 gold
  • 1000 event points
  • 5 Drops of Generosity
These Boots Are Made for Walking You know what you need? You need boots! Boots for your stupid giant meat feet! Why not get some more of that Purist armor?
  • Raise the Purist Page's boots to level 5
  • Raise the Purist Page's boots to level 35
  • 1000 event points
  • 10 Fine Volcanite
  • 5 Pure Volcanite

Limited Edition Rewards

  • Armor Set: Purist - Epic Magical Armor
  • Cosmetics
    • Shield of the Pure - Cape Customization
    • Purist's Bevor - Face Customization
    • Wreath of the Pure - Hair Customization

Event 2 (2021)

Run Time: February 19, 2021 - April 19, 2021

This event was the first reveal of Samael and Caliban

In-Game News Teasers

News #1

The Portal Master reports that the Sacred Portal is awakening once more, opening up new lands... and new threats. Scouts report that a long-lost faction of the Order of the Pure is starting to return - but they are now quite insane and calling themselves The Inquisition.

Now, fanatical followers of Glashtyn, the Inquisition has become precisely what their Pure ancestors fought against - a cult. Anyone who doesn't worship Glashtyn must convert or perish at their hands. And now they're on their way here. Lovely.

Nobody expected them, but now all brave Knights are called on to prepare for battle!

News #2

The Pure has had many great leaders, and one of the greatest was Garron. Orphaned at a young age, he was adopted and raised by the Pure. Despite his firm sense of justice sometimes bringing him into conflict with his more zealous brothers and sisters, he rose through the ranks due to his strength and tactical genius.

Garron gained leadership through unfortunate circumstances - after losing several parties through the portal, the Pure's leader Armand decided to pass through himself. Garron was put in charge in his absence, but the position ended up being permanent when Armand returned, incoherent and insane.

With the portal opening at Dark Tor and the return of the Inquisition, Garron's spirit is ready once again to join the fight.

News #3

We've spoken about the Inquisition in previous news updates, but what can you expect to see when the portal opens to Dark Tor?

Inquisition Enforcers make up the bulk of the Inquisition's forces. Heavily armored and wielding longswords, the Enforcers hit hard - their Retribution power can inflict the Doom status effect, which takes off a hefty chunk of a Knight's health and armor... and it can't be dispelled! Inquisition Archers shoot with deadly skills. Hiding behind their heavily armored comrades, their power can weaken even the strongest Knights.

Inquisitior Vitiosus leads the Inquisition forces gathering at Dark Tor. Legendary for his magical prowess, this cleric can also inflict Doom from the back row.

Inquisitor Caligo leads the Inquisition's scouting expeditions through the portal. Accompanied by his fellow Enforcers and Archers - and anyone else he can convert - he's leading the charge from the front, roaming our lands.

And then there is Glashtyn, the creature that turned a group of fanatical anti-cult knights into... a cult. Demanding worship, this strange being draws the life force of all those who approach it. Will your guild be brave enough to challenge this horror from the deep?

News #4

Battling Dark Tor's Inquisition will grant you many rewards. Amongst those rewards is a full armor set, traditionally won by Pure warriors.

Due to the Pure's anti-cult mission, the armor is enchanted to be Strong Vs Magical. And, due to the Pure's sense of aesthetics, it looks incredibly stylish once fully upgraded!

Will you be able to get the full set?

Limited Edition Rewards

  • Weapons (Strong vs Cult)
    • Inquisitor's Hammer - Epic Hammer
    • Darkblade - Unique Sword
  • Armor set: Inquisition - Legendary Heavy
  • Customizations
    • Glashtyn's Sunrise - Skin
    • Inquisitor's Mouthguard - Face
    • Mark of Glashtyn - Paint
    • Glashtyn's Eye - Eyes
    • Inquisitor's Cut - Hair
    • Glashtyn's Drops - Ears

Side Stories

A Dark Tor Riddle: Clobberin' Time Clad in a hood, and armed with a bat,

And no boots upon their feet,

"Gagan! Gagan!" they will cry,

Fifteen you must defeat

Defeat 15 Cultist thug

( Sakroch hunt )

2000 Event Points

3 Greater Scrolls of Heroism

5 Samael Shards

A Dark Tor Riddle: Hingston The maiden fair ran away with a bear,

She battled the Militia a lot,

With hair of gold and an aim so cold,

Defeat foes with a Long Shot.

Kill an enemy with Rhiannon's base ability 2000 Event Points

12 Pure Tellurian

2 Berkana

A Dark Tor Riddle: Tool for the Job For pointy-eared foes with green or blue skin,

These weapons they surely do fear,

Win twenty battles against this kind,

With this effective type of gear

Win 20 battles against Goblins with a Strong vs. Goblin weapon 2000 Event Points

1 Improved Potion of Recovery

4 Manganese

A Dark Tor Riddle: Companion It looks like a pig, but acts like a dog,

It's always up for a fight,

Win five battles with it at your side,

To get this riddle right.

Win 5 battles with a boar as your minion 2000 Event Points

8 Crimson Souls

4 Drops of Humility

A Dark Tor Riddle: Dark Child A child of the forest with tears of red,

Out of knife and bow, she chose the latter,

With her at your side ten battles fight,

With her arrows the enemies scatter.

Use Lanasa's base ability in 10 battles 2000 Event Points

10 Samael Shards

4 Greater Potion of Recovery

A Dark Tor Riddle: A Ton Of all the ways to strike,

Is there any quite as fun,

As putting your fist in their face?

Time to do a ton!

Punch 100 times 2500 Event Points

1 Customization Chest

5 Samael Shards

A Dark Tor Riddle: Necromancy! Some may call you a necromancer,

And I guess that could be true,

Enter the ring with the deceased at your side,

Win battles ten and two

Win 12 battles in the Arena 2500 Event Points

2 fehu

3 Greater Scrolls of Heroism

Status Effect An effect loathed by Skull Militia,

And vicious Trollkin too,

Hit victims thirty times with this,

Green vicious, biting goo

Inflict Acid on 30 enemies 2500 Event Points

3 Greater Scroll of Heroism

100 Legendary Shard Dust

A Dark Tor Riddle: Hero A repentant Mage walks the lands,

Face hidden, glowing red eyes,

Take this one into battle,

Five times unleash his flies

Use Cladis' Swarm of Flies rage power 5 times. 2500 Event Points

4 Greater Elixir of Power

100 Unique Shard Dust

Event 3 (2022)

Run Time: February 4 - March 21, 2022

This event had Garron as the featured Legendary Hero

Special Edition Rewards

  • Customizations
    • Shades of Dissent - Dye
    • Baphomet's Glare - Eyes
    • Dissenter's Enchanted Sigil - Ears
    • Baphomet's Crown - Hair
    • Dissenter's Flame - Cape
  • Skins
    • Dissenter's Blade - Sword
    • Dissenter's Warhammer - Hammer
    • Dissenter's Greaves - Legs
    • Dissenter's Vambraces - Arms
    • Dissenter's Helm - Helmet
    • Dissenter's Pauldrons - Shoulders
    • Dissenter's Cuirass - Body

New Side Stories

A Dark Tor Riddle: Faithful Faithful soldier of Glashtyn,
Clad in gold, purple, and white.
Beware his Crushing Blow you must
Three times win this fight.
Defeat Inquisitor Caligo 3 times
Cult Conversion Do you know what the best Cult is? The Cult of the Arena! Ho ho! Use Cult Minions to enrage the Inquisition, and to put on a good show. Win 3 battles with a Cult Minion
A Dark Tor Riddle: Trotters With red eyes and four dainty trotters,
And the scent of porcine musk,
Kill 10 of these beastly foes,
These enemies of brown fur and tusk.
Kill 10 Boars
A Dark Tor Riddle: Where? From Stabberback to Wickbay,
From Cowpen to Alnmouth,
In this region win Hunts ten,
And show that you are tough.
Play or Raid 10 Hunts in Mirefen
Stop the Spread Let's defeat Cultists wherever they show their faces - whether it's roaming the lands, or deep in the Onslaught Dungeon.
A Dark Tor Riddle: Sanity It feasts on weak one's sanity,
Their devotion makes it strong.
Is High Tide the ultimate power?
Fight on the shore, prove it wrong.
Fight at least 1 round against Glashtyn
Astellan Enemies Astellan is relatively peaceful, but if we focus too much on the Inquisition, there's a risk that will no longer be the case. Deal with the Outlaws and Goblins that plague the area!
Insult the Cult Do you know what would strike fear into the heart of the Inquisition? Knowing how powerful your anti-cult stuff is by winning battles! I'm sure they keep up to date on all the Arena news.
  • Win in the Arena with a Strong vs Cult weapon
  • Win with a Strong vs Cult Hero's Base Power in the Arena
Toss a Coin to Your Merchant You know, the Inquisition might not be all bad. What if they're decent spenders, eh? Did you lot ever think of the trading opportunities before punching them in the face? Spend 1000 Gold
A Dark Tor Riddle: Swing It For this Riddle you will need.
A tool to build, a weapon to bash,
In order for you to succeed,
Thirteen battles you must smash.
Win 13 battles with a Hammer
A Dark Tor Riddle: Primal With a beard of yellow and covered in roots,
This cultist is one with the swamp.
Brandishing a cudgel and vine-covered shield,
Ten of these foes you must stomp.
Kill 10 Defender of the Fenfolk
A Dark Tor Riddle: Locals Where locals request Heroes' help,
Those buildings of five towers,
Send allies out on tasks ten,
Show all your benevolent powers.
Complete 10 favors at the Shrine of Heroes
I See Dead People Often Cults call on necromancy to summon the assistance of the Undead. By defeating both, we send a strong message.
Rooty Roamers I'm not fond of Mirefen. It's perpetually damp and moldy smelling, and it takes forever to get the bog stench out of your hunting gear. Still, there are Roaming foes to vanquish... Defeat 5 Mirefen Roaming Monsters
One Last Push The remaining Inquisition are the most loyal, and therefore the most deadly. We must continue to push them back.
  • Kill 30 Inquisition Enforcers
  • Kill 15 Inquisition Archers
A Dark Tor Riddle: Flexible From Little Mawgan she hailed,
A Soul Thief who would often Ransack,
Her moral code flexible, her knives sharp,
In victory, let her attack.
Use Fahari's Base or Rage power in battle
A Dark Tor Riddle: Hildur Your Hero is strong, their stars are maxed,
Their Shards now turn to dust,
Trade with Hildur dust for chests,
Purchase one there, you must.
Purchase 1 Heroic Chest at Hildur's Heroes
A Dark Tor Riddle: Expelled From the Dwonach Tower he was expelled.
With his sister he did run amok.
Wearing a wooden mask, and flashes of gold.
Defeat this alchemist, give him a shock.
Defeat Zviad the Idolator
The People's Princess Princess Titania of the Alfar was beloved by all people, even the Mountain Dwarves. We are honored that her spirit still seeks to protect us, even after her sacrifice. Win 3 battles with Titania
Which Hunt? Just because there's an army of insane Cultists knocking at the door doesn't mean we should ignore our more local threats.
Foe Turned Friend Cladis has a... questionable past, but he seeks to right the wrongs he committed in his service to the Dark Ones. Or, he seeks revenge - he's not exactly talkative on the matter. Either way, his presence is welcome. Win 3 battles with Cladis
Cult Condemnation With the invasion of the Inquisition, various Cultists have started to increase their activities. I don't know if this is because they wish to join Vitiosus' forces, or because they object to having rivals. Either way, we need to deal with them all.

Event 4 (2023)

Run Time: February 3 - March 20, 2023

Special Edition Rewards

  • Customizations
    • Hot Moss - Skin
    • Jaws of the Treeborn - Lower Face
    • Gaze of the Treeborn - Eyes
    • Treeborn's Growth - Ears
    • The Cape of Wild Reclamation - Cape
  • Skins
    • Axe of Wild Reclamation - Axe
    • Hammer of Wild Reclamation - Hammer
    • Greaves of the Wild Reclamation - Legs
    • Vambraces of the Wild Reclamation - Arms
    • Helm of the the Wild Reclamation - Helmet
    • Pauldrons of the Wild Reclamation - Shoulders
    • Breastplate of the Wild Reclamation - Body

New Side Stories

A Dark Tor Riddle: Meatbag These meatbags of the Militia,
Bearing sword and shield,
Will seek to damage your armor,
Force three of them to yield
Defeat 3 Militia Officers
Tools for the Job Meh, the Pure may have been a bunch of fanatics that spawned an even worse bunch of idiots, but you know what? They were actually pretty decent when it comes to making gear. What about you? Create a Strong vs Cult weapon in the Forge
A Dark Tor Riddle: Lurking Lurking at the back,
Cursed with fennish blight,
Defeat six of them you must,
Avoid their arrow's flight.
Defeat 6 Bowman of the Fenfolk
A Dark Tor Riddle: Death Rattle Ugly little blue-skinned terrors
Wearing loincloths going into battle.
Defeat ten of these vial bearers
Hear their ghastly death rattle.
Defeat 10 Goblin Alchemists
A Dark Tor Riddle: Parachute His name surrendered in tribute
He arrives gliding from the sky.
Seek out this loyal alchemist.
This demon from on high.
Defeat Belphy, Lord of War
Common People The good people of Astellan love to hear tales of Heroes in battle. Take out some of their local favorites, and it'll raise their spirits.
  • Win a battle with Rosalin
  • Win a battle with Ash
  • Win a battle with Sola
A Dark Tor Riddle: Cleric Carrying the staff bearing the sigil of madness,
A golden mask hiding his face,
Behold this cleric clad in purple and white,
Three times defeat this nutcase.
Defeat Inquisitor Vitiosus 3 times
A Dark Tor Riddle: Floppy Floppy hair and miserable face.
But with his bow he is an ace,
Terrible plots you must sabotage.
Kill ten foes with his Acid Barrage.
Kill 10 Enemies with Aeron's Rage Power.
A Dark Tor Riddle: Reverence They revere the skies for their power.
They draw on the power of the storm,
Under horned mask and furs they glower.
Make five regret being born.
Defeat 5 Skald Cloudcallers
A Dark Tor Riddle: Chicken A fierce archer clad in studs.
He fills travelers with woe,
Stealing their gold and their chicken.
Seek out and defeat this foe.
Defeat Uldin the Ferocious