Hero's Challenge/Herne

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The Herne Hero's Challenge ran from August 7th to August 10th, 2023. The player faced off against Demon, Outlaw, and Undead enemies, as well as a final battle against Despoiler of the Rift. Players could receive Mage Hero Charms in the Reward Track, plus the "The Grenman's Battlemage" Hero Skin for Herne.


The dialogue for Herne's Hero's Challenge follows Herne describing his origins, leaving his peaceful but conflict-averse herd to seek out the Followers of Gren to defend nature against the Froskur. Along the way, he has dialogue with other Heroes from his past.

Resuming Dialogue

One of the following dialogue lines will play when loading into the first battle of the map after the opening dialogue:

Herne: This place is fascinating. The magic that flows through it... a perfect construct of light and darkness.
Herne: We are to relive our memories, but for what purpose?

Daily Dialogue

Day 1
Battle Dialogue

Herne: Where have you brought us to this time, young one? This seems... strangely familiar.
Herne: Aaah, I sense we are on an adventure through my memories, perhaps.
Herne: Memories can be a pleasant place to visit, but it's important not to dwell there.
Herne: Time to seize the moment and see what fate has in store for us!

Herne: It is odd, working so closely with a human. One that is not a follower of Gren, that is.
Herne: My people, the Cervus, generally did not have a happy relationship with our human neighbors.
Herne:I mean no offense, but many humans are generally... fearful of difference. That fear can make them hateful.

Herne: Humans feared many of the beast tribes, claiming that we were demons. Demons!
Herne: How little they knew of how my people suffered against the demons that sought to conquer the lands.
Herne: My kind often attempted to seek peace with the Froskur, but the Demon Lords... they always chose violence.

Herne: My people, by their very nature, are peaceful and seek to avoid conflict.
Herne: As I grew older, I began to question this. Peace is always preferable... but what do you do against those who always reject peace?
Herne: I found myself attempting to rally my people to action, to make a stand... but to no avail. They would always retreat.

Herne: I became dejected when my herd had, once again, been forced from our homes.
Herne: No longer willing to sit idly, I left my home and swore that I would learn to defend them.
Herne: I journeyed far and wide through the vast forests, before finding the Followers of Gren.

Herne: The Followers of Gren were unlike anything I'd ever experienced. Made up of many different races, they all had one goal.
Herne: They were ardent defenders of nature. They would always seek diplomatic and peaceful solutions...
Herne: ...but, when diplomacy failed, they were fierce in their defense of the innocent, and of the lands they protected.

Herne: I was trained with the bow, blade and hammer, but it was apparent early on that my skills didn't lie in physical combat.
Herne: No, it transpired that my talents lay in magic. I feverishly learnt all that I could, specializing in anti-demonic spells.
Soon I joined the Gren's patrols, protecting the lands that we called home.

Herne: The Followers of Gren became my new family, but I never forgot the family I left behind.
Herne: I took particular pride in protecting my herd and their forests, even though they never knew that I watched over them.
Herne: But after many years, I heard troubling rumors of an ancient relic of great power within the River Lif.

Herne: You have to understand - the Froskur you know today are a shadow of what they once were.
Herne: Before they were shackled by more powerful foes, the Demon Lords freely roamed the lands, sending their forces to blight the lands.
Herne: If they were to get their hands on a relic of power, they would have been unstoppable.
Herne: There were rumors that they'd allied themselves with even darker forces, who were pushing them to even greater acts of cruelty in search of the relic.
Herne: Their leader, Prince Baal, was particularly brutal - the scars of his corruption still mar the waters of Lif to this day.

Herne: And, speak of the devil... here he is. Lord Baal himelf.
Herne: The first time I fought him, our battle lasted for days. He has many skills that allow him to survive my attacks.
Herne: His Spiteful Surge not only heals him, but also cures him of anything that may ail him... including poison!
Herne: That was a very nasty surprise for me. I knew it would be a challenging battle, but I was not prepared.
Herne: I eventually banished him in the Battle of Lif by finding and destroying the relic - but it cost me my life as I knew it.
Herne: Hopefully this time, using our combined powers, we can conquer this memory. An ally or weapon that can Stun or Delay would prevent him from healing.

Herne: And so, this memory of Lord Baal is defeated, just as the original. Congratulations, my friend.
Herne: I understand that all the Demon Lords were enslaved after their defeat - yet they do not understand the chains that now bind them.
Herne: Poor fools.
Day 2

Zalam: Herne? HERNE! It is so good to see you, Elder!
Herne: ... Have we met?
Zalam: It's me! Zalam! Don't you remember-
Herne: Zalam? Little Zal! Grenman bless my antlers! You have grown tall, yet strangely hairless!
Herne: Friend, this is Little Zal, a-
Zalam: Just... just 'Zalam' is fine, thank you, Elder.
Herne: Apologies! Little Zalam is a fellow Follower of Gren. We rescued him as a baby, after his village was attacked.

Zalam: After rescuing me, the Followers of Gren raised me. Herne was a particular inspiration.
Zalam: Our comrades would often regale me with tales of his bravery, and I aspired to be just like him.
Herne: Oh yes, I remember you strapping tree branches to your head when you were five years old.
Zalam: I'm still envious of the antlers, to be honest...
Zalam: But no, it was Herne's deeds that spoke to me. His selfless defense of nature, and those that seek to live in harmony with it...
Zalam: I had lost everything before I could barely walk, but the Followers of Gren gave me a new family.
Herne: That was our way. Many of us were strays and outcasts, but we made our own family with a common goal.

Zalam: Inspired by Herne, I tried my hand at magic. The results were... not impressive.
Herne: you are too hard on yourself, Little Zal.
Zalam: I accidentally set fire to the ancient tree! I wasn't even aiming at it!
Herne: Well, you found that your gifts lay elsewhere - and at least you didn't try to eat it! Do you still practice your alchemy?
Zalam: Of course! After you disappeared, we all had to make sure that we honored your memory.
Zalam: The Froskur were weakened, but still powerful - and persistent - enough to cause a lot of trouble.
Zalam: I hope we did your memory justice.
Herne: I'm sure you did, Zalam. Mirefen seems a lot more peaceful than it once was!

Balberith: Oh bloody hell! Erm, alright there! I'm just' a normal, regular 'ooman.
Herne: You are clearly a Froskur! Speak, Demon!
Balberith: I knew I should 'ave brought me bloody disguise out. Look, I don' mean no 'arm...
Balberith: I'm just' your average, bazooka-wieldin' Froskur, who abandoned 'is demonic ways to live as a normal 'ooman.
Herne: ... Excuse me, what?
Balberith: Did a runner, didn't I? Durin' the Battle of Arkan. Didn't much fancy the way things were goin', so I legged it.
Balberith: Went off to live in Mirefen, where I lived to a ripe old age. Much smarter than becomin' a half-soaked acolyte for a Lord that forces you to lose your name, just so he doesn't 'ave to remember it.
Herne: Fascinating! Tell me - Balberith, wasn't it? Are there many other Froskur like you?
Balberith: Nah. Most of me kind are fiercely loyal to - or fiercely scared of - the Lords. Like I said - stupid.

Vordrai: Well met, Herne. I have heard many tales of your prowess in battle.
Herne: A blood Mage! Are you here to battle, to try and slake your hunger for power?
Vordrai: Keep your antlers on, I was just saying hello! They say never meet your Heroes...
Herne: ...Apologies, that was uncalled-for. It's just that I don't approve of the Blood Mage methodology.
Vordrai: Hmmpf. Few do... until they need us, then suddenly all those vaunted ethics mysteriously vanish.

Rokara: Well, well, well, what do we have here? Herne, my deer...
Herne: Rokara! What is one of the Greater Flight Demons doing here?
Rokara: Haven't you heard? I've turned over a new leaf. You Followers are so fond of your leaves, aren't you?
Rokara: But look at you, a veritable angel with antlers! Death becomes you.
Herne: ...
Rokara: You'll have to forgive Herne. My fallow Hero doesn't like people fawning over him-
Herne: Please stop.

Herne: Greetings, Lance. I've heard many tales of your heroism in the Battle of Arkan.
Lance: No heroism, sir. Just doing what needed to be done. I wish I could have saved more...
Lance: I'd never seen so many Demons - Froskur, Infernal, and ones that, to this day, I can't identify. The Dark Ones had a great and terrible army.
Herne: Well, if we combine our powers, I can focus on the ones at the back, you can battle the frontline.
Lance: Together, we will ensure that the Demons are never able to rise in such numbers again!

Herne: Greetings, Alder! It has been many years since we last spoke.
Alder: Herne! You're not going to try and strip my bark again, are you?
Herne: I thought you were a tree! If it's any consolation, you frightened me out of my wits.Herne: I'd never experienced my food talking, much less scolding me! When I realized that it was THE Alder that I'd casually attempted to nibble...
Herne: It taught me a lesson about being mindful of my surroundings... and not staying still for too long.
Herne: Alder is revered amongst the Followers of Gren. A living avatar of the forest. Even in death, the knowledge that I took a chunk of his skin to snack on still haunts me.

Ursula: Herne! The legendary Herne! Some hero you are.
Herne: I'm sorry, do I-
Ursula: You found the relic! You had the power to wipe out the Froskur once and for all...
Ursula:...and instead, you destroyed it. Oh, you put a temporary stop to the Froskur, but you could have ended them completely!
Herne: The Froskur are under the sway of their Lords. They cannot always be reasoned with, but I'm not sure genocide-
Ursula: Well, it's a shame that the Froskur don't share your lofty principles. It's a shame so many had to die to keep your conscience clean.
Herne: I sense you have lost much - and for that, I am sorry for you. But our magic should be used to defend the innocent, not to destroy all those that may one day be guilty.

Herne: I wonder if I will ever find peace?
Herne: When I felt the call to serve the Order of Rage... it felt right. Correct.
Herne: I had much unfinished business, and the world around us will always need protecting. And Demon Lords, whilst mortal... are very long-lived.
Herne: Lord Baal! Come forth and receive judgment!
Lord Baal: Judgment? From a beast on two legs? You make me laugh.

Lord Baal: I will return, Herne! And when I do, I'll destroy everything you hold dear!
Herne: I do hope that wasn't a 'deer' pun...
Day 3

Herne: As far as the Followers of Gren scholars could ascertain, there are two classes of Demon. They labelled these the Lower Flight and Upper Flight.
Herne: Froskur and Infernals are Lower Flight. As lesser Demons, they are long-lived, but still ultimately mortal. Like all Demons, they can pass between our realm and their own.
Herne: The Upper Flight are the greater Demons. To be honest, I've never seen an Upper Flight Demon other than Rokara.

Herne: Back in my time, there was no such thing as 'The Order of Rage'. Brokkr had yet to craft any Gauntlets.
Herne: Although you are a force for good, I wonder if he ever regrets his actions.Herne: He put power in the hands of Karnon - a man who, by all accounts, was ill-equipped to handle such power.

Herne: Outlaws. They were always one of the worst banes of my people's existence.
Herne: They had no morals, no ideology, beyond greed.
Herne: How can you reason with someone who puts coin above all living things?

Viktor: Well, well, well, looks like there's a bit of an Undead problem here.
Herne: Yes. The Undead and the Demon are often natural - or rather, unnatural allies.
Herne: You are Viktor, are you not? I've heard of you.
Viktor: I'm not surprised. My brilliance is sung of throughout the lands.
Herne: It is? I meant that I'd just heard Master Ulfred talking about you...
Viktor: ... Oh.

Herne: The Froskur were often keen to make alliances, to strengthen their position.
Herne: They didn't just corrupt the land itself, but also the hearts of humans that sought power and riches.
Herne: The Demon Lords would always promise much.

Herne: The Froskur Enchantresses were skilled in their magics.
Herne: I don't know if they raised the Mirefen root Golems, or merely brought them under their sway.

Herne: The Demon Lords were eventually shackled, deep in the Onslaught Dungeons... and the Trials of the Rift.
Herne: Their malign influence over the Froskur is diminished, but they still manage to exercise some small level of control.
Herne: It is... difficult to feel sympathy for the Froskur. But when you realize that they are living under a lie...
Herne: I find that I do pity them somewhat.

Herne: Great Balendu, Lord of Nature! I am honored by your presence.
Balendu: Hello, little faun. How are you faring in this place?
Herne: It is... strange. I am not sure what to think about it.
Herne: ...Also, it makes my antlers itch slightly.
Balendu: Let me help with that.
Balendu: -- Unintelligible spell casting --
Herne: I... why, that's much better! Thank you, Balendu.

Herne:' An Acolyte of Baal! We must tread carefully - often their loyalty is matched by their aggression.
Acolyte of Baal: Foolish warm bloods! You are worms, and will be crushed under the foot of the mighty Lord Baal!

Herne: Lord Baal was always one of the strongest Demon Lords.
Herne: Many Froskur would flock to his leadership, and eagerly give up their names to become one of his acolytes.
Herne: The Demon Lords always treated their own kind as being utterly expendable though. The loyalty of the acolytes was not returned.
Herne: Let us take down Lord Baal once more!

Lord Baal: This is nothing but a setback. I have powerful allies who will help me reach new heights of power!