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The following is a table of all Face Customization options in Knighthood

Face Customization
Image Name Rarity Description How to Acquire
Barefaced Cheek
Barefaced Cheek Common The simplest of looks. Starting option
Nose Ring
Nose Ring Common A simple nose ring. Starting option
Lip Ring
Lip Ring Common A single hoop through the middle of the lower lip. Starting option
Battered Green Bandit Mask
Battered Green Bandit Mask Common It's a bit ragged and has a distinct odor, but this mask has many uses. Astellan Icon Small.png Kay's Capes
Mirefen Icon Small.png Sweenie's Barbers
Aureate Rare Before the desolation of Feorrland, the tribes who lived on the lush farmland would wear bright yellow masks to celebrate the coming of the spring. Customization Chest
Twin Rings
Twin Rings Rare Two hoop piercings close together on the lower lip. Customization Chest
WIP Mastery WIP
Omach Union
Omach Union Rare The women of Omach Valley would wear these brown masks at their union ceremonies. Customization Chest
Highgard Icon Small.png Styles of Highgard
WIP Omach Chin Puff WIP
Blood Sister
Blood Sister Rare Masks like this were worn by the girls of the Ogros Plains once they were deemed battle-ready. Full trained girls took on the title of Blood Sister. Customization Chest
WIP Round the Twist WIP
Jade Neophyte
Jade Neophyte Rare The girls of the Ogros Plains wore masks like this one when they started their warrior training. Customization Chest
WIP Cruelty WIP
Amber Neophyte
Amber Neophyte Rare The girls of the Ogros Plains wore masks like this one when they started their warrior training. Customization Chest
Onyx Neophyte
Onyx Neophyte Rare The girls of the Ogros Plains wore masks like this one when they started their warrior training. Customization Chest
WIP Chocks Away! WIP
Chin Scar
Chin Scar Rare A scar across the chin, caused by a thin, sharp blade. Customization Chest
Labret Stud
Labret Stud Rare A minimalist classic. Customization Chest
Burgundy Bandit Mask
Burgundy Bandit Mask Rare A slightly scratchy mask in burgundy. Customization Chest
WIP Lumberjack WIP
The Chain
The Chain Rare A simple chain between a nose ring and the ear. Customization Chest
Astellan Icon Small.png Kay's Capes
Highgard Icon Small.png Styles of Highgard
WIP The Zappa WIP
Order of Fear
Order of Fear Epic The members of the Order of Fear were outcasts from Ogrosian Society. They became amoral assassins for hire. Customization Chest
Quad Epic Hoop or studs? Upper lip or lower lip? Why not all of them? Customization Chest
WIP Surreal WIP
Omach Night
Omach Night Epic The women of Omach Valley would wear these black masks when in mourning. Customization Chest
WIP Omach Curtain WIP
Coucal Epic A mask once worn by a legendary assassin on her days off. Customization Chest
WIP Ducktail WIP
The Crow
The Crow Epic A mask once worn by a legendary assassin when she was on a mission. Customization Chest
WIP Overkill WIP
To Battle!
To Battle! Epic The Blood Sisters of the Ogros Plains would wear these masks when going into their first battle. White Peak Icon Small.png Arvid's Monster Shop
Ruby Epic Look a little bit glam with this red lipstick crafted from the finest crushed fire beetles. Customization Chest
WIP Highridge Tribute WIP
Small Cross Scar
Small Cross Scar Epic A deep scar on the chin, caused by a blunted axe. Customization Chest
Mouth Slash
Mouth Slash Epic A scar across the mouth. That had to hurt! Customization Chest
Mask of the Gren
Mask of the Gren Epic This mask was often worn by the Followers of Gren. Customization Chest
Snakebites Epic Two hoops in the lower lip. Customization Chest
Lip Stripe
Lip Stripe Epic The warrior matriarchs of White Peak's lost clans often wore this. Customization Chest
Navy Bandit Mask
Navy Bandit Mask Epic A mask is so useful. Disguise your identity! Reduce the inhalation of unpleasant smells! Hide spot outbreaks! Customization Chest
Beaded Veil of Tal Afanbar
Beaded Veil of Tal Afanbar Legendary Worn by the elite assassin of Tal Afanbar, the brightly colored jewels often contained handy tools of the trade, such as potent poisons and even more potent explosives... Lost Sands Flag.png Lost Sands 2022
Jaw of Tal Afanbar
Jaw of Tal Afanbar A relic of a lost deity.
Jaws of the Crimson Defender
Jaws of the Crimson Defender Legendary One half of the fearsome mask of the Crimson Defenders. They wore teeth of the Oni cladded in gold to warn off any threat to the Crimson Order. Demongate Flag.png Demongate 2022
WIP Moonsteel Mask Legendary What it lacks in comfort it makes up for in style. Blood Moon Flag.png Blood Moon 2022
WIP Mutton Dressed as a Wolf When facial hair gets wild.
Steam Commander's Respirator
Steam Commander's Respirator Legendary You can never have too many masks. Troll Hunt Flag.png Troll Hunt 2022
Winter's Kiss
Winter's Kiss Legendary Let it go! Wintertide Flag.png Wintertide 2021
Impaler's Silence
Impaler's Silence Legendary The Impaler liked to be dark, brooding, and covered in pointy stuff. Blood Moon Flag.png Blood Moon 2021
Ancient Derkar Mouthguard
Ancient Derkar Mouthguard Legendary The Ancient Derkar masks called upon the spirits of the forest. Troll Hunt Flag.png Troll Hunt 2021
Inquisitor's Mouthguards
Inquisitor's Mouthguards Legendary Silence before Glashtyn Dark Tor Flag.png Dark Tor 2021
Something Borrowed
Something Borrowed Legendary When a snowbeast fell in battle, its lower jaw would be harvested to create this mouthguard. Wintertide Flag.png Wintertide 2021
Night Hunter's Collar
Night Hunter's Collar Legendary A high collar that protects the face and neck from both the elements and bites from creatures of the night. Blood Moon Flag.png Blood Moon 2020
Eagle Mouthguard
Eagle Mouthguard Legendary It's always wise to protect one's face in the Arena. Lots of hammers swinging about, you know. Reach Warlord League in the Arena League
The Guardian's Veil
The Guardian's Veil Legendary It was the fashion amongst female Guardians to wear veils such as this. Lost Sands Flag.png Lost Sands 2020
Fancy Crow
Fancy Crow Legendary A mask once worn by a legendary assassin when attending fancy parties. Customization Chest
WIP Immense WIP
First Kill
First Kill Legendary Masks like this were worn by the Blood Sisters of the Ogros Plains once they had made their first kill. Gaining the right to wear this mask was an honor all Ogros women aspired to. Customization Chest
WIP Strongman WIP
Shadow Legendary Feel the call of the moon in winter with this black lipstick. Customization Chest
WIP Brother WIP
Shadowchild Legendary The Bithalach Road was long protected by a shadowy group who would see off bandits and invaders. Customization Chest
Tusks Legendary Sometimes dental magic goes wrong. Or right, depending on your point of view. Customization Chest
Realm of Fire Icon Small.png Corrin's Caravan
Voice of Gagan
Voice of Gagan Legendary The Speakers of the Cult of Gagan wear this masks when speaking hidden truths. Customization Chest
Twin Chains
Twin Chains Legendary Two chains between the nose and ear. Customization Chest
WIP Swashbuckler WIP
Riftirator Unique The creator of this insists that it's excellent for "getting the full effects of the beneficial fumes of the Rift." Rift Boss Reward
Maw of Intimidation
Maw of Intimidation Unique The Derkar would wear this to mock their troll quarry. Lost Sands Flag.png Troll Hunt 2020
Purist's Bevor
Purist's Bevor Unique The Order of the Pure would wear these faceplates to protect themselves, as well as hide their identity from vengeful Cultists. Dark Tor Flag.png Dark Tor 2020
WIP Abyssal Explorer's Gas Mask Legendary This mask will prevent you from breathing in too much of the Abyssal Mists, but doesn't prevent full exposure. Still, what's life without a little risk? Abyssal Mist Flag.png Abyssal Mist 2023
Mask of the Crimson Beast
Mask of the Crimson Beast Unique For when you want to look a little bit terrifying. Customization Chest
Free Chest
Metal Veil
Metal Veil Unique You're not going to be able to sneak up on anyone wearing this, but stealth is overrated anyway. Customization Chest
WIP Wizard WIP
WIP Blood Mother Unique Once a Blood Sister of the Ogros Plains had defeated five hundred enemies in single combat, she gained the right to the Blood Mother rank and mask. Customization Chest
Fork A distinctive style, splitting the beard into two sections.
WIP Jaws Unique Bored of having only one jaw? Why not add a second, preferably looted from the corpse of something unspeakable? Customization Chest


  • The description of "Winter's Kiss" is a reference to the song "Let It Go" from the 2013 Disney movie Frozen.