Wintertide/Past Events

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This page contains content from past Wintertide events.

Event 1 (2019-2020)

Run Time: December 11, 2019 - January 13, 2020

This even featured only Lukin as an event Hero

Special Edition Rewards

  • Weapons
    • Winter's Bite - Rare Sword
  • Cosmetics
    • Winter's Blight - Hair Dye
    • Wintertide Hunter's Pack - Cape

Portal Battle Mode

Event Point boosts for Portal levels 35 and 45 were different.

  • Kramp Frosthorn: 100 points
  • Frosten Warrior: 45 points
  • Frosten Alchemist: 45 points
  • Armored Goblin: 20 points
  • Goblin Archer: 10 points
  • Goblin Warrior: 10 points

Three additional portal attempts were available for 80 Gems.

Side Stories

Welcome to Wintertide! It's Wintertide, a sacred festival of feasting, celebration... and and frequent goblin-fueled violence. You'll be rewarded for defeating the Frosten Goblins.
  • Unlock Portal
  • Earn 10 Event Points
  • 1000 gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 3 Mannaz
The Wintertide Hunt Good Wintertide, Knight! Wintertide has many traditions, but my favorite is the Wintertide Hunt, funnily enough. Let's get started...
  • Defeat 10 Frosten Warriors
  • Defeat 5 Frosten Alchemists
  • Defeat Red Rima
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 3 Improved Scrolls of Heroism
  • 5 Lukin shards
Kramping Our Style For centuries, the Frosten Goblins try to ruin Wintertide. But this year they have a Troll with them. At least that's new.
  • Defeat Kramp Frosthorn
  • Defeat 20 Frosten Warriors
  • Defeat 10 Frosten Alchemists
  • 3000 gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 3 Uruz
The Hunt Continues Beating back the Frosten is a key part of Wintertide, but it's important that we continue to thin the numbers of our regular enemies too.
  • Defeat 10 Golems
  • Defeat 10 Demons
  • Defeat 10 Cultists
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 3 Greater Scrolls of Heroism
  • 10 Lukin shards
The Blade of Winter Oi! Happy Wintertide, I guess. Have you heard about Winter's Bite? It's a famous goblin slaying blade. Go prove that you're not completely useless and get it.
  • Raise Winter's Bite (sword) to level 15
  • Raise Winter's Bite to level 30
  • 10000 gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 3 Dagaz
The Wintertide Challenge The Frosten assault on Wintertide continues. It's strange - their attacks are now a tradition in their own right. As are Knights hunting them down...
  • Defeat Kramp Frosthorn
  • Defeat 20 Frosten Warriors
  • Defeat 50 enemies in the Lv35 portal
  • Defeat Red Rima 10 times
  • 20000 gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 5 Drops of Generosity
Lukin Good Lukin the dwarf is one of the founders of the Hunter's Guild, and he started the tradition of the Wintertide Hunt. His spirit would make a powerful ally.
  • Unlock Lukin
  • Raise Lukin to level 10
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 5 Drops of Diligence
  • 15 Lukin shards
A Wintertide Riddle, part I Go to a place where conquered foes reside

And defeat a monster that lives inside

The place you seek contains, it's said,

Demon, Goblin and Undead

Defeat any monster on normal difficulty in the Highgard Monster Cave.
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 5 Drops of Humility
  • 10 Malachite
A Wintertide Riddle, part II

Down into the deep you must go,

Next to where the river doth flow,

To defeat a man surrounded by Undead,

Bearing a staff, and bucket on head.

Complete Floor 1 in the Onslaught Dungeon.
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 10 Cobalt
  • Valiant Chest
A Wintertide Riddle, part III

By Mynor Mines, an oval lies

Where glory lives, and hope dies

Where victory can be so very narrow

Secure yours with an arrow.

Win a Versus Arena battle with a hunter hero's Base Power as the final hit.
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 100 Legendary Shard Dust
  • 8 Manganese
A Wintertide Riddle, part IV

Slay a score of Trolls

Gain a score of souls

And on the day of Thunder

Tear the Cursed asunder

  • Defeat 20 Trolls
  • Earn 20 Crimson Souls
  • Defeat Necros the Cursed in a Monster Cave
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 100 Unique Shard Dust
  • 5 Orpiment

Event 2 (2020-2021)

Run Time: December 11, 2020 - February 8, 2021

This event introduced Brutus and Urmas as event Heroes

Special Edition Rewards

  • Weapons
    • Glacial Hammer - Rare Hammer
    • Glacial Cleaver - Epic Axe
  • Armor
    • Frostenbane
      • Boots, Gloves, Hood, Wrap, Gambeson
  • Cosmetics
    • Frostbitten - Skin Dye
    • Teeth of the Beast - Ears
    • Sacrifice - Face Paint
    • Monochrome - Hair Dye
    • Crown of Claws - Eyes
    • Snowbeast - Cape

Side Stories

Welcome to Wintertide! It's Wintertide, a sacred festival of feasting, celebration... and and frequent goblin-fueled violence. You'll be rewarded for defeating the Frosten Goblins.
  • Unlock Portal
  • Earn 50 Event Points
  • 1000 Gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 1 Mannaz
Dec 11
A Wintertide Riddle: Ornithophobia Wings of black, a long beak of white,
And two sinister, beady eyes,
Ten of these creatures you must fight,
As their shadow darkens the skies.
Kill 10 Dark Fowl
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 3 Improved Scrolls of Heroism
  • 8 Cobalt
Dec 11
Bampot Dunking The Frosten are plotting to invade Brelmere Isle to interrupt the traditional Wintertide Bampot Dunking ceremony. Let's put a stop to that so the festivities can go ahead. Kill 30 Frosten enemies
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 16 Volcanite Bars
  • 4 Holy Tomes
Dec 11
A Wintertide Riddle: Souls

A sphere of glowing red

And inside, a soul burning with fire,

Enter the cave and harvest these souls,

Fifteen you must acquire.

Earn 15 Crimson Souls
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 3 Greater Scrolls of Heroism
  • 5 Shards of Brutus
Dec 11
The enemy of my enemy... Merry Wintertide! The Frosten invasion has given me an idea - how about you take a goblin pal into the Arena and win a few battles? The crowd will love it! Win 10 Arena League battles with a Goblin minion
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 12 Volcanite Ingots
  • 4 Maverick Tomes
Dec 11
A Wintertide Riddle: Swamp Living in the swamps so dark,

And following a fallen Knight,

Wielding sword, bow and magic,

A score of these you must fight.

Kill 20 Fenfolk (cult) enemies in Kurboon, Froskur Fen or Borwood hunts
  • 5000 Gold
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 2 Laguz
Dec 11
The Grand Tour There are still many homegrown threats to attend to, as well as the Frosten invasion. Let's keep everything under control across the lands.
  • Kill 30 Astellan Outlaws
  • Kill 20 Highgard Militia
  • Kill 10 White Peak Beasts
  • 10000 Gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 4 Drops of Diligence
Dec 11
A Wintertide Riddle: Overpowered In battle, with Heroes by your side,

Victory you'll surely know,

But can you defeat a dozen times,

Multiple foes in one go?

Kill 12 enemies from multikills
  • 2000 event points
  • 12 Pure Tellurian
  • 2 Berkana
Dec 11
Frosten Frolics The alchemists and warriors of the Frsoten make up the bulk of the Frosten forces. Let's reduce their numbers.
  • Defeat 25 Frosten Warriors
  • Defeat 25 Frosten Alchemists
  • 1000 Gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 2 Thurisaz
Dec 18
The Glacial Cleaver I remember when the Alfar first presented my clan with this. It's an effective weapon but a bit... frou-frou for my tastes. Still, let's see what it can do! Raise the level of the Glacial Cleaver to 25
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 12 Tellurian Ingots
  • 4 Chaotic Tomes
Dec 18
Wayward Sons The Highgard Militia are making plans to move north to occupy Wickfen. We will remind them to stay within their own city.
  • Defeat 30 Militia Swordsmen
  • Defeat 15 Militia Archers
  • Defeat 10 Militia Alchemists
  • 2500 Gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 4 Valiant Tomes
Dec 18
Wandering Horror We cannot allow Red Rima to wander our lands unchecked. He destroys everything he touches, and causes suffering to our people. Defeating him thwarts his efforts... and sends a message to the Frosten. Defeat Red Rima 15 times
  • 10000 Gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 100 Legendary Shard Dust
Dec 18
A Wintertide Riddle: The Job Upon the board a list of targets,

That roam across the land,

Each job offering its own reward,

Complete ten by your own hand.

Complete 10 bounties
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 8 Crimson Souls
  • 4 Drops of Humility
Dec 25
A Wintertide Riddle: Knuckle Sandwich Clad in metal,

Bearing a stone of red,

With this relic,

Make twenty foes dead.

Defeat 20 enemies with a punch (from any gauntlet)
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 1 Improved Potion of Recovery
  • 4 Manganese
Dec 25
A Wintertide Riddle: Perfectionist This Mage golems do fear,

With her wings of purest ice,

Ten times cast her Cryo Spear,

Make foes pay the price.

Use Zoe's Base Power 10 times
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 4 Lawful Tomes
  • 1 Dagaz
Dec 25
A Wintertide Riddle: Maniacal He looks a bit evil, but actually isn't,

He wields blood and flame,

Use his Wall of Fire fifteen times,

His might all shall acclaim.

Use Vordrai's Base Power 15 times
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 10 Shards of Brutus
  • 4 Greater Potions of Recovery
Dec 25
Kramping Our Style Well, Leppaludi's awake, Kramp Frosthorn is leading his armies at my portal, and Red Rima is roaming about. Merry Wintertide!
  • Battle Leppaludi
  • Defeat Kramp Frosthorn 15 times
  • Defeat Red Rima 15 times
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 8 Manganese
  • 16 Valiant Tomes
Jan 1
I need a Hero! The Beasts, Goblins and Outlaws of our lands need reminding that we are equipped to deal with them.
  • Use Ash's Base Power 5 times
  • Use Rosalin's Base Power 5 times
  • Use Helmar's Base Power 5 times
  • 1000 gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 1 Improved Elixir of Haste
Jan 1
Season's Beatings It's Wintertide! Do you know what folks need? Knights showing their prowess in the Arena! Nice, safe, family-friendly violence.
  • Win 15 Arena League Battles
  • Earn 50 Arena Crests
  • 2500 gold
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 4 Champion Tomes
Jan 1
Teachin' the Chieftain Chieftain Grall in the Onslaught Dungeon is holding parties celebrating the Frosten invasion. Tell him that he's stuck in a dungeon, and won't be joining the Wintertide festivities. Defeat Chieftain Grall (floor 2 of Onslaught Dungeon)
  • 1000 Event Points
  • 4 Maniacal Tomes
  • 5 Shards of Brutus
Jan 1
A Wintertide Riddle: Twin Blades Twin blades and a ragged beard,

Clad in rags of beige,

Avoid their Slasharang and their swift blows,

Against ten, war you must wage.

Kill 10 Outlaw Bandits
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 8 Tellurian Bits
  • 1 Equipment Chest
Jan 8
A Wintertide Riddle: Sing Cuckoo A Cultish menace,

Wielding poison or fire,

Kill twenty floating horrors,

Earn Gagan's ire.

Kill 20 Burning Wickermen and/or Wickermen
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 1 Uruz
  • 1 Improved Elixir of Strength
Jan 8
A Wintertide Riddle: Alchemy! She fought at the Battle of Arkan,
She held Millicent in affection,
Send this alchemist into the fray,
Ten times use her protection.
Use Serra's Rage Power 10 times
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 3 Greater Scrolls of Heroism
  • 8 Valiant Tomes
Jan 8
A Wintertide Riddle: Stone Halls Repelled by Queen Krita's forces,

Forced to stay at arm's length.

Demolisher, Flintcaster and Conjurer alike,

Kill fifty with your great strength.

Kill 50 Trollkin (troll enemies)
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 8 Pure Volcanite
  • 1 Naudiz
Jan 8
Goblins must die! We don't want any local goblins getting any funny ideas about joining the Frosten. Kill 30 of them to remind them of the true meaning of Wintertide. Kill 30 Goblins.
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 16 Tellurian Bits
  • 1000 Gold
Jan 15
Wintertide Woes The Sacred Portal and I require your assistance. The Frosten are becoming most troublesome.
  • Kill 15 Frosten Alchemists
  • Kill 30 Frosten Warriors
  • Defeat Kramp Frosthorn 9 times
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 16 Tellurian Bars
  • 4 Logical Tomes
Jan 15
The Gift Us Dwarves can be generous to outsiders, especially at Wintertide. Never underestimate the value of a good pair of boots! Raise the level of the Frostenbane Boots to 25
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 5000 Gold
  • 4 Dark Tomes
Jan 15
Wanderlust Unfortunately our Roaming foes don't take time off to celebrate Wintertide. However, I'm sure we can persuade them to take a short break...
  • Defeat 10 Highgard Roaming Monsters
  • Defeat 10 Mirefen Roaming Monsters
  • Defeat 10 White Peak Roaming Monsters
  • 2000 Event Points
  • 3 Superior Scrolls of Heroism
  • 4 Orpiment
Jan 15
A Wintertide Riddle: Vae Victis From Rookie to Scrapper, Myrmidon to Veteran,

And everything in between,

Defeat your rivals twenty times,

Be the greatest Knight ever seen.

Win 20 Arena League Battles
  • 2500 Event Points
  • 5 Shards of Brutus
  • 1 Customization Chest
Jan 22
A Wintertide Riddle: The Club Fighting goblins and getting drunk with Helmar,

He was possibly the last of the Giants,

Use his strength and his mighty Thud,

Twenty times, for this riddle's compliance.

Use Blaine's Base Power 20 times
  • 2500 Event Points
  • 100 Legendary Shard Dust
  • 3 Greater Scrolls of Heroism
Jan 22
A Wintertide Riddle: Friends So many creatures great and vast,

Mighty foes emerge from the sea,

Battle them in numbers, and battle them fast,

Earn accolades ten, but times three.

Earn 30 Guild Accolades
  • 2500 Event Points
  • 100 Unique Shard Dust
  • 4 Greater Elixirs of Power
Jan 22
A Wintertide Riddle: Knock Out So now you must hit a foe so hard,

That they cannot make a move,

Under this effect foes must suffer ten times,

Now go, and your might you will prove.

Inflict Stun on 10 enemies
  • 2500 Event Points
  • 2 Fehu
  • 3 Greater Scrolls of Heroism
Jan 22
Fear of the Frosthorn Kramp Frosthorn is rallying his troops for a last attempt at ruining the closing days of Wintertide. Defeat Kramp Frosthorn 10 times
  • 1000 Gold
  • 2500 Event Points
  • 1 Hero Chest
Jan 29
Looking the Part A human wearing armor made by dwarves, wielding a weapon crafted by the Alfar. It's like some sort of nauseating example of happy-clappy unity.
  • Raise the Frostenbane Hood to level 15
  • Win 15 battles with the Glacial Cleaver
  • 2500 Event Points
  • 4 Rebel Tomes
  • 1 Lesser Elixir of Heroism
Jan 29
Arena Festivities Show your prowess in the Arena, and give the crowd a good show with some nice, festive fire! Er, and also visit my shop. Cheers!
  • Win 10 Arena League battles
  • Inflict Burn in the Arena 5 times
  • Earn 10 Arena Crests
  • Spend 6 Arena Crests
  • 2500 Event Points
  • 4 Drops of Diligence
  • 20 Gems
Jan 29
Snow Stragglers Most of the Frosten have fled, but a hardcore group are intent on seeing out Wintertide until its end. Let's give them a routing they'll remember... until next Wintertide, that is!
  • Kill 40 Frosten Warriors
  • Kill 20 Frosten Alchemists
  • Defeat Kramp Frosthorn 15 times
  • Defeat Red Rima 7 times
  • 2500 Event Points
  • 2 Drops of Generosity
  • 10000 Gold
Jan 29

Event 3 (2021-2022)

Run Time: December 10, 2021 - January 24, 2022

This event featured shards of Brutus and Urmas

Special Edition Rewards

  • Customization
    • Bloodfrost - Skin
    • Winter's Kiss - Lower Face
    • Mountain Goggles - Eyes
    • Winter Lily - Hair
    • Wings of Victory - Cape
  • Skins
    • Frost Iron Blade - Sword
    • Frost Iron Cleaver - Axe
    • Winter Hussar's Greaves - Legs
    • Winter Hussar's Vambraces - Arms
    • Winter Hussar's Helm - Helmet
    • Winter Hussar's Pauldrons - Shoulders
    • Winter Hussar's Breastplate - Body

In-Game Teasers


The Ape and the Angry Spirit

Although the goblins and trolls of the Frosten threaten our lands, we are not without allies.

Brutus lived in the snowy mountains with his troop. His people were often the victim of goblin raids and, when his mentor was killed, Brutus swore that his people would suffer no more. He honed his alchemical skills to become known as a great protector, wiping out any goblin - Frosten or otherwise - that was unwise enough to cross his path. A fan favorite, Brutus won the election battle against Wintertide's founder. Lukin.

Urmas and his brothers served in King Eskar's armies. They usually guarded against Troll attacks, but on one fateful day, they were assigned to Lance's unit to investigate reports of a portal. The portal was the work of the Dark Ones, and Lance was the only survivor. Urmas and his brothers ended up captured by the Dark Ones and, after horrific experiments, the three brother's spirits were permanently bound into one body.

Brutus will be available on the Event Reward Track, and Urmas can be found in the Wintertide Event Chest.


Wintertide Rewards

It's the festival of Wintertide, and with the merriment and celebration (frequent Goblin attacks included) also come great rewards!

The Winter Hussar Armor Skins lets you go into battle looking like one of the legendary warriors of old.

The Frost Iron Blade and the Frost Iron Cleaver Weapon Skins are hardened by the coldest winters.

As usual, there's also a great range of event-exclusive Customizations. Which rewards will you be looking forward to?


Unwanted Guests

The Frosten Goblin clan live far beyond our realm. Somewhat brighter than most goblins, their Mages learnt long ago how to activate the ancient portals that connect worlds - a feat rendered easier by Karnon's recent meddling.

The bulk of Frosten forces are their Warriors and Alchemists. These goblins are dedicated to ruining Wintertide - but being smarter than your average goblin, they know when to flee.

Red Rima is a powerful Frosten that is more than happy to come through the Portal, seeking out Wintertide revellers to kidnap and feed to Leppaludi.

Kramp Frosthorn is a troll who was 'adopted' by the Frosten. They celebrate Kramp's viciousness and strength, and eagerly follow him into battle.

Leppaludi is a sea troll who generally spends most of the year slumbering. He is awoken each year by the Wintertide festivities, and will lash out at anyone who comes near - including his loyal Frosten subjects (unless they bring snacks). He can be summoned by brave Guilds, reducing the risk that he will attack elsewhere.

How many Frosten will you defeat this Wintertide?

New Event Side-Stories

A Wintertide Riddle: Bells Three bells upon their shields,
And adorned with twine of red,
These foes are, I quote, "kind of jerks",
Defeat ten of them, make them dead.
Kill 10 Frosten Warriors
A Whimsical Request Ah, Wintertide - the favorite festival of my people. One of our traditions is to challenge our friends to craft a Charm of our choice, so I challenge you to transmute... a Minion Charm!
Everybody loves Minion Charms!
Transmute a Minion Charm
Icy Foes With the dropping temperatures, Wintertide season often sees an increase of foes in White Peak. Let's thin their numbers.
A Wintertide Riddle: Death Arrow This fanatic prowls the snowy lands.
The rule of the Dark Ones he does yearn,
Clad in black robes, with a bone of bow.
Defeat him, but he will always return.
Defeat Zelfahed the Unliving
Cease and Desist It's always a concern that Wintertide will give our Goblins funny ideas about joining forces with their Frosten cousins. Hunt down Goblins of all types to show that we won't tolerate their festival wrecking nonsense.
  • Kill 25 Frosten Goblins
  • Kill 25 local Goblins
Grimm Up North As he has personal reasons for disliking violent Goblins, the Hero Grimm is an ideal ally during Wintertide. Take him into battle and allow him some revenge. Win a battle with Grimm
A Wintertide Riddle: Atrelar Strait Flying flags of blue and red,
Marks a place knights boldly tread,
Upon the hill by Atrelar Strait,
You must win battles eight.
Win 8 battles in the Arena League
A Wintertide Riddle: Arcane Two giant horns and the face of a skull,
Clad in purple and black,
Bearing a staff and powers arcane,
This monster you must attack.
Defeat Necros the Cursed
A Wintertide Riddle: The Wizard This wizard looks like one of the Undead,
But you'll find he's actually an Outlaw instead,
Assisted by golems on the seventh floor.
Defeat him in the Ruins of Heiferlaw
Defeat Nero the Heretic
Number of the Beast Even with the Frosten causing havoc, we must make sure that the local Beast population doesn't run amok. A pack of wolves can ruin Wintertide as easily as the Frosten if they get out of control...
Protect Highgard! With Lord Highgard's dubious rule and Necros' machinations, Highgard is a mess. Spread some Wintertide cheer there this year by clearing out some of their more troublesome residents.
Power of Teamwork The monsters of the deep that can be summoned in the Guild Coliseum are mighty foes indeed. Show me that you and your Guild can take one on in battle! Defeat a Guild Boss
Trinity of Fire During Wintertide season, the nights grow cold and dark. Let's warm things up a little by setting our foes on fire.
Yes, everything's fine at home - why do you ask?
  • Inflict Burn on an enemy
  • Kill a Burning enemy
  • Let an enemy die of Burn
A Wintertide Riddle: Ewww Too many legs! And too many eyes!
These Beasts so many do fear,
Defeat ten of these horrendous foes,
Slay them, and all will then cheer.
Kill 10 Spiders
A Wintertide Riddle: Protectors Once the protectors of White Peak,
They live beyond Skardreg Pass,
Twenty of these frozen Outlaws seek.
And their icy attacks surpass.
Defeat 20 members of The Skald
A Wintertide Riddle: Unwanted A chance to discard your unwanted goods.
And turn them into something great,
Enter the Temple in Greywater deep.
And five hundred of this currency create.
Use The Still to distill 500 Mythic Essence
Toss a Coin to Your Merchant Wintertide is expensive and I've got three children to provide for!
Spend! Spend!
Spend 1000 Gold
One Last Push! The Frosten are retreating, and Wintertide is saved! Let's drive the festive message home a little more, shall we?
  • Defeat Kramp Frosthorn 5 times
  • Defeat Red Rima 5 times

Event 4 (2022-2023)

Run Time: November 25, 2022 - January 24, 2023

This event featured shards of Lukin and Urmas

Special Edition Rewards

  • Customization
    • Canopy - Hair Dye
    • Mask of the Cursed One - Lower Face
    • Gaze of the Cursed One - Eyes
    • Mountain Warrior's Hair - Hair
    • The Cursed Barrier - Cape
  • Skins
    • The Forgotten Hunter - Lukin Hero Skin
    • Cursed Mallet of the Mountain - Hammer
    • Cursed Blade of the Mountain - Sword
    • Legs of the Cursed One - Legs
    • Arms of the Cursed One - Arms
    • Visage of the Cursed One - Helmet
    • Shawl of the Cursed One - Shoulders
    • Form of the Cursed One - Body

New Event Side Stories

A Wintertide Riddle: Foul Black feathers cling to bone,
On ragged wings they soar,
Claws and beak will Sharpen,
Of these creatures, kill a score.
Kill 20 Undead Fowl
A Wintertide Riddle: Awakened At Wintertide do some people,
Festive gifts brightly wrap,
Instead you'll fight a Troll God,
And survive his Fish Slap.
Win 1 round against Leppaludi
The Mountain Challenge Sindri's not a fan, but my favorite Wintertide tradition is the 'Mountain Challenge'. The gist is that you have to make a big ol' pile of goblins - hunter with the biggest pile wins! You're kind of an idiot, but it'd be fun to see you try.
  • Defeat 20 Frosten Goblins
  • Defeat 20 Local Goblins
Kramping Our Style Well, Leppaludi's awake, Kramp Frosthorn is leading his armies to my Portal, and Red Rima is roaming about. Merry Wintertide!
  • Survive a round against Leppaludi
  • Defeat Kramp Frosthorn 5 times
  • Defeat Red Rima 5 times
Feed the Foundry Time to show the world that you're not completely incompetent! Show me that you can make a weapon that's good for taking down the Frosten! Craft a Strong Vs Goblin weapon in the Foundry.
A Wintertide Riddle: The Scream A power so potent, collected by Gauntlet,
To use Hero abilities great,
Enter the battle, get ready to scream,
With this power, defeat enemies eight.
Defeat 8 enemies with any Rage Power
A Wintertide Riddle: Kill 'Em All Roaming across the land you'll find,
Monsters and foes of every kind,
To solve this riddle you must kill,
One of each that fits the bill.
Kill 1 of every Type of Monster
A Wintertide Riddle: Hope A land of snow and ice,
Frosted forests on mountain slope,
Hunt the foes that plague these lands,
Give the villagers hope.
Complete 5 Hunts in White Peak
Local Requests With the Frosten threat possibly coming to an end, we should see if there are any foes specifically troubling local settlements. Complete 2 Bounties
Heroes of Feorrland We can intimidate the Frosten with our allies. Let's see... Byrne is formidable against Goblins. Grax is a Goblin, but one that is not find of his own kind. And Dvalin... well, he's very protective of Wintertide...
Rival Festivities The Cultists in Highgard have their own traditions surrounding the winter months. Unfortunately, these often involve blood rituals, sacrifices, and general unpleasantness - so let's put a stop to that, shall we?
Gotta Catch 'Em All You know, it's always a good idea to have plenty of backup when you're battling your rival Knights! Capture some Minions - even if you've already got a bunch, you can get snacks for your team, which is nice - it is Wintertide, after all! Capture 5 Minions
A Wintertide Riddle: Flexible From Little Magwan she hailed,
A Soul Thief who would often Ransack,
Her moral code flexible, her knives sharp,
In victory, let her attack.
Use one of Fahari's Powers in battle.
A Wintertide Riddle: Hildur Your Hero is strong, their stars are maxed,
Their Shards now turn to dust,
Trade with Hildur dust for chests,
Purchase one there, you must.
Buy a Heroic Chest from the Hero Shop
A Wintertide Riddle: Expelled From the Dwonach Tower he was expelled,
With his sister he did run amok,
Wearing a wooden mask, and flashes of gold,
Defeat this alchemist, give him a shock.
Defeat Zviad the Idolator
A Wintertide Riddle: Precious Found all over our precious lands,
Boxes containing treasures true,
In the Vaults find these caskets,
Open ten is what you must do.
Open 10 Chests