Dark Tor

The Inquisition

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The Inquisition is a militant Cult faction in Knighthood who emerged from the Sacred Portal in an attempt to convert the land to their religion of following Glashtyn.


Members of The Pure, a peacekeeping force dedicated to fighting cultists, broke off into several sects. One of these was lost to the Sacred Portal, and when they returned years later, they were now followers of a mysterious monster named Glashtyn[1].


Like their previous faction The Pure, The Inquisition has five main ranks in their military:

  • Page: The lowest rank, Pages are given a hood with Glashtyn's mark to hide their vanity, as well as bracelets inscribed with "prayers in a strange language" as well as very minimal clothing to show their dedication.[2]
  • Squire: Having proven themselves more worthy, Squires obtain white and gold clothing pieces to symbolize their increasing purity under Glashtyn.[3]
  • Steward: Stewards obtain parts of the signature white armor of the pure to reward their dedication, as well as more standard robes after they have proven that they can withstand the biting cold of the sea.[4]
  • Marshal:Inquisition Marshals are given a full, more ornate set of plate armor.[5]
  • Inquisitors: The Inquisitors are the leaders of the Inquisition, and as such are seen as the closest to Glashtyn and given the most ornate armor, decorated with high spikes and more ornaments in the image of Glashtyn.[6]

Unlike The Pure, there is no known singular leader of the Inquisition, instead having the Inquisitors delegate their duties amongst themselves using the will of Glashtyn as a god-like guiding force.

Known Members


  1. News from Dark Tor 2020
  2. Codex entry for Inquisition Page's armor
  3. Codex entry for Inquisition Squire's armor
  4. Codex entry for Inquisition Steward's armor
  5. Codex entry for Purist Marshal's armor
  6. Codex entry for Inquisitor's armor