Skald Stormbringer

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"Skald Stormbringers have terrifying elemental powers that pierce armor and render flesh, But many long to be free of the blight and restore their humanity. Maybe if they fight alongside a Knight, they can one day achieve their goals."

The Skald Stormbringer is an Epic Outlaw Minion that the player can capture and bring to the Arena League. It is the minion counterpart of the Storm Spirit.


The Skald Stormbringer can be found in the Sturmbeck and Icehelm Hunts in White Peak. It must be captured with the Lawful Gauntlet. When captured, it starts at level 25. Capturing a duplicate will grant the player 10 Lizard-on-a-Stick.


The Skald Stormbringer has high health and low armor, and does Magical damage. Its Power is Lightning Bolt, which deals damage and has a chance to cause Stun.
