The Skald

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The Skald, sometimes referred to as Skald Outlaws are a group of Outlaw Monsters who roam the mountains of White Peak. Formerly defenders of the local towns, they now turn to pillaging and looting.[1] This may be due to the effects of The Blight, a mysterious infectious force that plagues residents of White Peak, which causes icy growths and eventually leads to their entire body becoming crystallized.[2] This blight also affects the mind, slowly stripping the Skald of their humanity and reducing them to pure survival instinct.[3]

The Skald revere the sky and the storms, channeling them into their magic.[4]. Whether this magic is what caused The Blight is unknown.


Common Members

Named Individuals



  1. Codex entry for Skald Raider
  2. Codex entries for Skald Marauder and Storm Spirit
  3. Codex Entry for Winter's Augur
  4. Codex entry for Skald Cloudcaller