Guild Bosses

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Guild Coliseum Go To.png

Guild Bosses are special Boss Monsters that are defeated collectively by a Guild by going to the Guild Coliseum. Each player in the guild may engage in a battle with a Guild Boss by spending one Meat.

Battles with a Guild Boss last until the player is defeated, 13 turns pass, or the player defeats 7 rounds. Each round increases the Guild Boss's damage and maximum health and armor.

All Guild Bosses (aside from Dagon and Special Event bosses) have a minimum Guild Level requirement before being able to summon them.

Life Force

A Guild Boss is defeated when a specific number of rounds have been completed, represented by a circular Life Force bar on the info page of the Guild Coliseum, as well as after the battle on the Results screen. This means that each round is weighted equally, and total damage dealt does not contribute to a Guild Boss' Life Force. This also means that a player must complete at least one round of a Guild boss to contribute to lowering its Life Force.

Note: Due to a bug, fully completing 7 rounds ("killing" the Guild Boss) still displays 6 rounds completed on the Victory screen. This is purely a visual error. All 7 rounds are still counted.

Expert Mode

Once a Guild has reached Guild Level 30 and has defeated Avatar of Oshian with a 3-star ranking, they can summon Guild Bosses on Expert difficulty. This increases the Boss' health, armor, damage, and Life Force, but also increases the amount of Guild XP and Guild Accolades earned. Expert Guild Bosses require different minimum Guild levels to summon.


When a Guild Boss is defeated, each player is awarded a random allotment of Guild Accolades based on the Boss defeated. The players who placed first, second, and third in damage will receive 30%, 20%, and 10% extra Accolades respectively.

Damage Totals

Damage dealt to a Guild Boss for purposes of the leaderboard takes into account overkill damage - that is, any extra damage dealt in a round is still counted regardless of the Boss' remaining health. To maximize total damage dealt, a player should focus on lowering the boss's health to as low as possible in each round before using a strong attack such as a Power or Finisher attack.

NAME Damage Type(s) Enemy Type(s) Group Life Force*
Points Guild Level
Dagon Ranged Troll Cyclops 96 200 1/30
The Morgawr Heavy Demon Crawler 96 300 10/35
Aegaeon Heavy Militia Titan 88 400 15/40
Rahab Light Undead Octopus 143 600 20/40
The Bakunawa Magical Beast Eel 186 700 25/50
Avatar of Oshian Heavy (Form 1)
Ranged (Form 2)
Golem Statue 222 800 30/55
Atlantican Hydra Light Cult Hydra 400 900 50/65
Khimaira Magical (Goat)
Light (Serpent)
Heavy (Lion)
Undead (Goat)
Demon (Serpent)
Beast (Lion)
Chimera 840 1000 60/75
Leppaludi Wintertide Flag.png Ranged Troll n/a WIP 450 1/25
Glashtyn Dark Tor Flag.png Magical Cult n/a WIP 450 1/25
Dunker Mossfist Troll Hunt Flag.png Ranged Troll n/a WIP 450 1/25
Meret Lost Sands Flag.png Light Outlaw n/a WIP 450 1/25
Sycorax Blood Moon Flag.png Magical Undead n/a WIP 450 1/25
The Shade of V'eggarh Abyssal Mist Flag.png Heavy Undead n/a WIP 450 1/25

*Life Force values are based on community-sourced estimates and may not be completely accurate
