Lady Ardella Rhonwen

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"I alone hold back the darkness. The Knighthood is finished!"
― Lady Rhonwen

Lady Ardella Rhonwen (also referred to as simply Rhonwen) is the fourth Rage Knight the player encounters, and serves as the Knight Trial for White Peak. She utilizes Blaine and Lance in combat.


Rhonwen is a member of The Order of Rage, a formerly world-spread Order of Knights who used their battle prowess and the power of their Gauntlets to keep the peace in the land of Knighthood. For years before Lord Karnon's betrayal, Rhonwen single-handedly guarded the wall between White Peak and the Realm of Fire.

When Karnon's invasion began, Rhonwen held out against his dark forces, though she became more paranoid both of her former peers and of The Blight, a new, icy, corrupting force that had taken over White Peak, holding herself up at her post and fighting all who try to pass through from the Realm of Fire.


Rhonwen initially dismisses the Knight's journey as futile, citing the downfall of Lord Highgard and Sir Farquar. However, as the battle progresses, she is reminded of Drakeson in his younger years, and decides to test the Knight's mettle.

Upon defeat, she recognizes the Knight's skill and allows them to pass, warning them that the land ahead is fully under Karnon's control, and that she must stay at her post to keep any of the forces out of the rest of the lands.

Rhonwen and the other rescued Rage Knights meet up with Drakeson and the player Knight to battle Karnon in the Realm of Fire. Karnon lures them up to the top of Mount Nexus and defeats them easily, and the player Knight encounters Karnon about to finish his portal to the Dark Ones' lands.

In a final act, Drakeson uses the power of his Gauntlet to destabilize the portal, stopping it from fully activating and vanishing from view. Furious, Karnon battles the Knight himself, but loses.

After Karnon retreats, the Portal Master helps the remaining Rage Knights by reactivating the portal enough to allow them to pass through and chase after Karnon. Together with the player Knight, they cross into Karnheim to take on the Dark Ones' forces directly.
