Knighthood Difficulty Curve Theory

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To start this theory, a player decided that they would be taking the average damage output of every region's enemies and comparing them on a graph. They only counted the unique enemies for each reigon and used their lowest common level in hunts. Obviously there are no hunts in Karnheim yet so they took the damage stats from the Martur's View conquest since it contains almost every Karnheim enemy at level 47 except for the Karnnonite Sorceres and all of the golems. Fortunately they found the stats for the level 47 Sorceres in the Dark Onslaught but they couldn't find reliable stats for the golems. Sadly this means the robots will not be counted in the average. It should be fine though.

(Side note: The player couldn't get the Frosurk Brawler to spawn at level 20 so they had to exclude him.)

After crunching the numbers and plugging them into the graph we see that...  Karnheim has a HUGE damage spike!  14,086.75 average dammage!!!  The average damage output from the Realm of Fire is only 1,858.5!  Knighthood doesn't have a linear damage curve, it has an exponential damage curve.

On top of this they calculated the damage percent increase for each reigon and found that most of them have a double damage increase.


Astellan-Highgard increases 448.345%

Highgard-Mirefen increases 222.583%

Mirefen-White Peak increases 218.7126%

White Peak-Realm of Fire increases 161.982%

Realm of Fire-Karnhime increases 657.963%!!!

As you can see most of the reigons scale by 200 percent (roughly doubling the damage) except for Highgard and Karnheim. Highgard makes sense since it's the reigon after the tutorial, it need to get harder. But it's not as drastic as the Karnheim spike!

Now some of you might say that this damage spike is necessary since Karnheim is the endgame of Knighthood. It's supposed to challenge knights. That's true... but there's a problem. Karnheim is NOT the last reigon!  After you beat it the game gives you a "to be continued" which means more reigons are to come. But this begs the question, how much harder will it get?  Well they did some theorizing and came up with an estimation.

If Knighthood goes back to the doubling damage like before then the average damage of the next reigon would be 42,260.25! But that's not the worst.

If the next reigon has a 600% increase like Karnheim had then the average damage would be...



That's a lot a damage!, assuming your knight has max mythic armor with no armor charms you would have a total of 171,312 armor points. These theoretical enemies without debuffs would be able to tear though that in TWO HITS.